/** * File fronend.js * * Handles toggling the navigation menu for small screens and enables tab * support for dropdown menus. * * @package Astra */ /** * Get all of an element's parent elements up the DOM tree * * @param {Node} elem The element. * @param {String} selector Selector to match against [optional]. * @return {Array} The parent elements. */ var astraGetParents = function ( elem, selector ) { // Element.matches() polyfill. if ( ! Element.prototype.matches) { Element.prototype.matches = Element.prototype.matchesSelector || Element.prototype.mozMatchesSelector || Element.prototype.msMatchesSelector || Element.prototype.oMatchesSelector || Element.prototype.webkitMatchesSelector || function(s) { var matches = (this.document || this.ownerDocument).querySelectorAll( s ), i = matches.length; while (--i >= 0 && matches.item( i ) !== this) {} return i > -1; }; } // Setup parents array. var parents = []; // Get matching parent elements. for ( ; elem && elem !== document; elem = elem.parentNode ) { // Add matching parents to array. if ( selector ) { if ( elem.matches( selector ) ) { parents.push( elem ); } } else { parents.push( elem ); } } return parents; }; /** * Deprecated: Get all of an element's parent elements up the DOM tree * * @param {Node} elem The element. * @param {String} selector Selector to match against [optional]. * @return {Array} The parent elements. */ var getParents = function ( elem, selector ) { console.warn( 'getParents() function has been deprecated since version 2.5.0 or above of Astra Theme and will be removed in the future. Use astraGetParents() instead.' ); astraGetParents( elem, selector ); } /** * Toggle Class funtion * * @param {Node} elem The element. * @param {String} selector Selector to match against [optional]. * @return {Array} The parent elements. */ var astraToggleClass = function ( el, className ) { if ( el.classList.contains( className ) ) { el.classList.remove( className ); } else { el.classList.add( className ); } }; /** * Deprecated: Toggle Class funtion * * @param {Node} elem The element. * @param {String} selector Selector to match against [optional]. * @return {Array} The parent elements. */ var toggleClass = function ( el, className ) { console.warn( 'toggleClass() function has been deprecated since version 2.5.0 or above of Astra Theme and will be removed in the future. Use astraToggleClass() instead.' ); astraToggleClass( el, className ); }; // CustomEvent() constructor functionality in Internet Explorer 9 and higher. (function () { if (typeof window.CustomEvent === "function") return false; function CustomEvent(event, params) { params = params || { bubbles: false, cancelable: false, detail: undefined }; var evt = document.createEvent('CustomEvent'); evt.initCustomEvent(event, params.bubbles, params.cancelable, params.detail); return evt; } CustomEvent.prototype = window.Event.prototype; window.CustomEvent = CustomEvent; })(); /** * Trigget custom JS Event. * * @since 1.4.6 * * @link https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/CustomEvent * @param {Node} el Dom Node element on which the event is to be triggered. * @param {Node} typeArg A DOMString representing the name of the event. * @param {String} A CustomEventInit dictionary, having the following fields: * "detail", optional and defaulting to null, of type any, that is an event-dependent value associated with the event. */ var astraTriggerEvent = function astraTriggerEvent( el, typeArg ) { var customEventInit = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : {}; var event = new CustomEvent(typeArg, customEventInit); el.dispatchEvent(event); }; ( function() { var menu_toggle_all = document.querySelectorAll( '#masthead .main-header-menu-toggle' ), main_header_masthead = document.getElementById('masthead'), menu_click_listeners = {}, mobileHeaderType = '', body = document.body, mobileHeader = ''; if ( undefined !== main_header_masthead && null !== main_header_masthead ) { mobileHeader = main_header_masthead.querySelector("#ast-mobile-header"); } if ( '' !== mobileHeader && null !== mobileHeader ) { mobileHeaderType = mobileHeader.dataset.type; } document.addEventListener( 'astMobileHeaderTypeChange', updateHeaderType, false ); /** * Updates the header type. */ function updateHeaderType( e ) { mobileHeaderType = e.detail.type; var popupTrigger = document.querySelectorAll( '.menu-toggle' ); if( 'dropdown' === mobileHeaderType ) { document.getElementById( 'ast-mobile-popup' ).classList.remove( 'active', 'show' ); updateTrigger('updateHeader'); } if ( 'off-canvas' === mobileHeaderType ) { for ( var item = 0; item < popupTrigger.length; item++ ) { if ( undefined !== popupTrigger[item] && popupTrigger[item].classList.contains( 'toggled') ) { popupTrigger[item].click(); } } } init( mobileHeaderType ); } /** * Opens the Popup when trigger is clicked. */ popupTriggerClick = function ( event ) { var triggerType = event.currentTarget.trigger_type; var popupWrap = document.getElementById( 'ast-mobile-popup' ); if ( ! body.classList.contains( 'ast-popup-nav-open' ) ) { body.classList.add( 'ast-popup-nav-open' ); } if ( ! body.classList.contains( 'ast-main-header-nav-open' ) && 'mobile' !== triggerType ) { body.classList.add( 'ast-main-header-nav-open' ); } if ( ! document.documentElement.classList.contains( 'ast-off-canvas-active' ) ) { document.documentElement.classList.add( 'ast-off-canvas-active' ); } if ( 'desktop' === triggerType ) { popupWrap.querySelector( '.ast-mobile-popup-content' ).style.display = 'none'; popupWrap.querySelector( '.ast-desktop-popup-content' ).style.display = 'block'; } if ( 'mobile' === triggerType ) { popupWrap.querySelector( '.ast-desktop-popup-content' ).style.display = 'none'; popupWrap.querySelector( '.ast-mobile-popup-content' ).style.display = 'block'; } this.style.display = 'none'; popupWrap.classList.add( 'active', 'show' ); } /** * Closes the Trigger when Popup is Closed. */ function updateTrigger(currentElement) { mobileHeader = main_header_masthead.querySelector( "#ast-mobile-header" ); var parent_li_sibling = ''; if( undefined !== mobileHeader && null !== mobileHeader && 'dropdown' === mobileHeader.dataset.type && 'updateHeader' !== currentElement ) { return; } if ( undefined !== currentElement && 'updateHeader' !== currentElement ) { parent_li_sibling = currentElement.closest( '.ast-mobile-popup-inner' ).querySelectorAll('.menu-item-has-children'); } else { var popup = document.querySelector( '#ast-mobile-popup' ); parent_li_sibling = popup.querySelectorAll('.menu-item-has-children'); } for ( var j = 0; j < parent_li_sibling.length; j++ ) { parent_li_sibling[j].classList.remove('ast-submenu-expanded'); var all_sub_menu = parent_li_sibling[j].querySelectorAll('.sub-menu'); for ( var k = 0; k < all_sub_menu.length; k++ ) { all_sub_menu[k].style.display = 'none'; } } var popupTrigger = document.querySelectorAll( '.menu-toggle' ); document.body.classList.remove( 'ast-main-header-nav-open', 'ast-popup-nav-open' ); document.documentElement.classList.remove( 'ast-off-canvas-active' ); for ( var item = 0; item < popupTrigger.length; item++ ) { popupTrigger[item].classList.remove( 'toggled' ); popupTrigger[item].style.display = 'flex'; } } /** * Main Init Function. */ function init( mobileHeaderType ) { var popupTriggerMobile = document.querySelectorAll( '#ast-mobile-header .menu-toggle' ); var popupTriggerDesktop = document.querySelectorAll( '#ast-desktop-header .menu-toggle' ); if ( undefined === mobileHeaderType && null !== main_header_masthead ) { mobileHeader = main_header_masthead.querySelector("#ast-mobile-header"); if( mobileHeader ) { mobileHeaderType = mobileHeader.dataset.type; } else { var desktopHeader = main_header_masthead.querySelector("#ast-desktop-header"); if ( desktopHeader ) { mobileHeaderType = desktopHeader.dataset.toggleType; } else { return; } } } if ( 'off-canvas' === mobileHeaderType ) { var popupClose = document.getElementById( 'menu-toggle-close' ), popupInner = document.querySelector( '.ast-mobile-popup-inner' ); if ( undefined === popupInner || null === popupInner ){ return; // if toggel button component is not loaded. } popupLinks = popupInner.getElementsByTagName('a'); for ( var item = 0; item < popupTriggerMobile.length; item++ ) { popupTriggerMobile[item].removeEventListener("click", astraNavMenuToggle, false); // Open the Popup when click on trigger popupTriggerMobile[item].addEventListener("click", popupTriggerClick, false); popupTriggerMobile[item].trigger_type = 'mobile'; } for ( var item = 0; item < popupTriggerDesktop.length; item++ ) { popupTriggerDesktop[item].removeEventListener("click", astraNavMenuToggle, false); // Open the Popup when click on trigger popupTriggerDesktop[item].addEventListener("click", popupTriggerClick, false); popupTriggerDesktop[item].trigger_type = 'desktop'; } //Close Popup on CLose Button Click. popupClose.addEventListener("click", function( e ) { document.getElementById( 'ast-mobile-popup' ).classList.remove( 'active', 'show' ); updateTrigger(this); }); // Close Popup if esc is pressed. document.addEventListener( 'keyup', function (event) { // 27 is keymap for esc key. if ( event.keyCode === 27 ) { event.preventDefault(); document.getElementById( 'ast-mobile-popup' ).classList.remove( 'active', 'show' ); updateTrigger(); } }); // Close Popup on outside click. document.addEventListener('click', function (event) { var target = event.target; var modal = document.querySelector( '.ast-mobile-popup-drawer.active .ast-mobile-popup-overlay' ); if ( target === modal ) { document.getElementById( 'ast-mobile-popup' ).classList.remove( 'active', 'show' ); updateTrigger(); } }); // Close Popup on # link click inside Popup. for ( let link = 0, len = popupLinks.length; link < len; link++ ) { if( null !== popupLinks[link].getAttribute("href") && ( popupLinks[link].getAttribute("href").startsWith('#') || -1 !== popupLinks[link].getAttribute("href").search("#") ) && ( ! popupLinks[link].parentElement.classList.contains('menu-item-has-children') || ( popupLinks[link].parentElement.classList.contains('menu-item-has-children') && document.querySelector('header.site-header').classList.contains('ast-builder-menu-toggle-icon') ) ) ){ popupLinks[link].addEventListener( 'click', triggerToggleClose, true ); popupLinks[link].headerType = 'off-canvas'; } } AstraToggleSetup(); } else if ( 'dropdown' === mobileHeaderType ) { var mobileDropdownContent = document.querySelectorAll( '.ast-mobile-header-content' ) || false, desktopDropdownContent = document.querySelector( '.ast-desktop-header-content' ) || false; // Close Popup on # link click inside Popup. if ( mobileDropdownContent.length > 0 ) { for ( let index = 0; index < mobileDropdownContent.length; index++ ) { var mobileLinks = mobileDropdownContent[index].getElementsByTagName('a'); for ( link = 0, len = mobileLinks.length; link < len; link++ ) { if ( null !== mobileLinks[link].getAttribute("href") && ( mobileLinks[link].getAttribute("href").startsWith('#') || -1 !== mobileLinks[link].getAttribute("href").search("#") ) && ( !mobileLinks[link].parentElement.classList.contains('menu-item-has-children') || ( mobileLinks[link].parentElement.classList.contains('menu-item-has-children') && document.querySelector('header.site-header').classList.contains('ast-builder-menu-toggle-icon') ) ) ) { mobileLinks[link].addEventListener( 'click', triggerToggleClose, true ); mobileLinks[link].headerType = 'dropdown'; } } } } // Close Popup on # link click inside Popup. if( desktopDropdownContent ) { var desktopLinks = desktopDropdownContent.getElementsByTagName('a'); for ( link = 0, len = desktopLinks.length; link < len; link++ ) { desktopLinks[link].addEventListener( 'click', triggerToggleClose, true ); desktopLinks[link].headerType = 'dropdown'; } } for ( var item = 0; item < popupTriggerMobile.length; item++ ) { popupTriggerMobile[item].removeEventListener("click", popupTriggerClick, false); popupTriggerMobile[item].addEventListener('click', astraNavMenuToggle, false); popupTriggerMobile[item].trigger_type = 'mobile'; } for ( var item = 0; item < popupTriggerDesktop.length; item++ ) { popupTriggerDesktop[item].removeEventListener("click", popupTriggerClick, false); popupTriggerDesktop[item].addEventListener('click', astraNavMenuToggle, false); popupTriggerDesktop[item].trigger_type = 'desktop'; } AstraToggleSetup(); } accountPopupTrigger(); } function triggerToggleClose( event ) { var headerType = event.currentTarget.headerType; switch( headerType ) { case 'dropdown': var popupTrigger = document.querySelectorAll( '.menu-toggle.toggled' ); for ( var item = 0; item < popupTrigger.length; item++ ) { popupTrigger[item].click(); } break; case 'off-canvas': var popupClose = document.getElementById( 'menu-toggle-close' ); popupClose.click(); break; default: break; } } window.addEventListener( 'load', function() { init(); } ); document.addEventListener( 'astLayoutWidthChanged', function() { init(); } ); document.addEventListener( 'astPartialContentRendered', function() { menu_toggle_all = document.querySelectorAll( '.main-header-menu-toggle' ); body.classList.remove("ast-main-header-nav-open"); document.addEventListener( 'astMobileHeaderTypeChange', updateHeaderType, false ); init(); accountPopupTrigger(); } ); var mobile_width = ( 'Android' === navigator.userAgent.match(/Android/i) ) ? window.visualViewport.width : window.innerWidth; function AstraHandleResizeEvent() { var menu_offcanvas_close = document.getElementById('menu-toggle-close'); var menu_dropdown_close = document.querySelector('.menu-toggle.toggled'); var desktop_header_content = document.querySelector('#masthead > #ast-desktop-header .ast-desktop-header-content'); var elementor_editor = document.querySelector('.elementor-editor-active'); if ( desktop_header_content ) { desktop_header_content.style.display = 'none'; } var mobileResizeWidth = ( 'Android' === navigator.userAgent.match(/Android/i) ) ? window.visualViewport.width : window.innerWidth; if ( mobileResizeWidth !== mobile_width ) { if ( menu_dropdown_close && null === elementor_editor ) { menu_dropdown_close.click(); } document.body.classList.remove( 'ast-main-header-nav-open', 'ast-popup-nav-open' ); if( menu_offcanvas_close && null == elementor_editor ) { menu_offcanvas_close.click(); } } updateHeaderBreakPoint(); AstraToggleSetup(); } window.addEventListener('resize', function(){ // Skip resize event when keyboard display event triggers on devices. if( 'INPUT' !== document.activeElement.tagName ) { AstraHandleResizeEvent(); } } ); document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function () { AstraToggleSetup(); /** * Navigation Keyboard Navigation. */ var containerButton; if ( body.classList.contains('ast-header-break-point') ) { containerButton = document.getElementById( 'ast-mobile-header' ); } else { containerButton = document.getElementById( 'ast-desktop-header' ); } if( null !== containerButton ) { var containerMenu = containerButton.querySelector( '.navigation-accessibility' ); navigation_accessibility( containerMenu, containerButton ); } }); var get_window_width = function () { return document.documentElement.clientWidth; } /* Add break point Class and related trigger */ var updateHeaderBreakPoint = function () { // Content overrflowing out of screen can give incorrect window.innerWidth. // Adding overflow hidden and then calculating the window.innerWidth fixes the problem. var originalOverflow = body.style.overflow; body.style.overflow = 'hidden'; var ww = get_window_width(); body.style.overflow = originalOverflow; var break_point = astra.break_point; /** * This case is when one hits a URL one after the other via `Open in New Tab` option * Chrome returns the value of outer width as 0 in this case. * This mis-calculates the width of the window and header seems invisible. * This could be fixed by using `0 === ww` condition below. */ if (ww > break_point || 0 === ww) { //remove menu toggled class. if ( menu_toggle_all.length > 0 ) { for (var i = 0; i < menu_toggle_all.length; i++) { if( null !== menu_toggle_all[i] ) { menu_toggle_all[i].classList.remove('toggled'); } } } body.classList.remove("ast-header-break-point"); body.classList.add("ast-desktop"); astraTriggerEvent(body, "astra-header-responsive-enabled"); } else { body.classList.add("ast-header-break-point"); body.classList.remove("ast-desktop"); astraTriggerEvent(body, "astra-header-responsive-disabled") } } var accountPopupTrigger = function () { // Account login form popup. var header_account_trigger = document.querySelectorAll( '.ast-account-action-login' ); if ( undefined !== header_account_trigger ) { var header_account__close_trigger = document.querySelectorAll( '#ast-hb-login-close' ); var login_popup = document.querySelectorAll('#ast-hb-account-login-wrap'); if ( 0 < header_account__close_trigger.length ) { for ( let index = 0; index < header_account_trigger.length; index++ ) { header_account_trigger[ index ].onclick = function (event) { event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); if ( ! login_popup[ index ].classList.contains('show')) { login_popup[ index ].classList.add('show'); } }; header_account__close_trigger[ index ].onclick = function (event) { event.preventDefault(); login_popup[ index ].classList.remove('show'); }; } } } } updateHeaderBreakPoint(); AstraToggleSubMenu = function( event ) { event.preventDefault(); var parent_li = this.parentNode; if ( parent_li.classList.contains('ast-submenu-expanded') && document.querySelector('header.site-header').classList.contains('ast-builder-menu-toggle-link') ) { if (!this.classList.contains('ast-menu-toggle')) { var link = parent_li.querySelector('a').getAttribute('href'); if ( '' !== link && '#' !== link) { window.location = link; } } } var parent_li_child = parent_li.querySelectorAll('.menu-item-has-children'); for (var j = 0; j < parent_li_child.length; j++) { parent_li_child[j].classList.remove('ast-submenu-expanded'); var parent_li_child_sub_menu = parent_li_child[j].querySelector('.sub-menu, .children'); if( null !== parent_li_child_sub_menu ) { parent_li_child_sub_menu.style.display = 'none'; } } var parent_li_sibling = parent_li.parentNode.querySelectorAll('.menu-item-has-children'); for (var j = 0; j < parent_li_sibling.length; j++) { if (parent_li_sibling[j] != parent_li) { parent_li_sibling[j].classList.remove('ast-submenu-expanded'); var all_sub_menu = parent_li_sibling[j].querySelectorAll('.sub-menu'); for (var k = 0; k < all_sub_menu.length; k++) { all_sub_menu[k].style.display = 'none'; } } } if (parent_li.classList.contains('menu-item-has-children') ) { astraToggleClass(parent_li, 'ast-submenu-expanded'); if (parent_li.classList.contains('ast-submenu-expanded')) { parent_li.querySelector('.sub-menu').style.display = 'block'; } else { parent_li.querySelector('.sub-menu').style.display = 'none'; } } }; AstraToggleSetup = function () { if( typeof astraAddon != 'undefined' ) { astraToggleSetupPro( mobileHeaderType, body, menu_click_listeners ); } else { var flag = false; var menuToggleAllLength; if ( 'off-canvas' === mobileHeaderType || 'full-width' === mobileHeaderType ) { // comma separated selector added, if menu is outside of Off-Canvas then submenu is not clickable, it work only for Off-Canvas area with dropdown style. var __main_header_all = document.querySelectorAll( '#ast-mobile-popup, #ast-mobile-header' ); var menu_toggle_all = document.querySelectorAll('#ast-mobile-header .main-header-menu-toggle'); menuToggleAllLength = menu_toggle_all.length; } else { var __main_header_all = document.querySelectorAll( '#ast-mobile-header' ), menu_toggle_all = document.querySelectorAll('#ast-mobile-header .main-header-menu-toggle'); menuToggleAllLength = menu_toggle_all.length; flag = menuToggleAllLength > 0 ? false : true; menuToggleAllLength = flag ? 1 : menuToggleAllLength; } if ( menuToggleAllLength > 0 || flag ) { for (var i = 0; i < menuToggleAllLength; i++) { if ( ! flag ) { menu_toggle_all[i].setAttribute('data-index', i); if ( ! menu_click_listeners[i] ) { menu_click_listeners[i] = menu_toggle_all[i]; menu_toggle_all[i].addEventListener('click', astraNavMenuToggle, false); } } if ('undefined' !== typeof __main_header_all[i]) { // To handle the comma seprated selector added above we need this loop. for( var mainHeaderCount =0; mainHeaderCount < __main_header_all.length; mainHeaderCount++ ){ if (document.querySelector('header.site-header').classList.contains('ast-builder-menu-toggle-link')) { var astra_menu_toggle = __main_header_all[mainHeaderCount].querySelectorAll('ul.main-header-menu .menu-item-has-children > .menu-link, ul.main-header-menu .ast-menu-toggle'); } else { var astra_menu_toggle = __main_header_all[mainHeaderCount].querySelectorAll('ul.main-header-menu .ast-menu-toggle'); } // Add Eventlisteners for Submenu. if (astra_menu_toggle.length > 0) { for (var j = 0; j < astra_menu_toggle.length; j++) { astra_menu_toggle[j].addEventListener('click', AstraToggleSubMenu, false); } } } } } } } }; astraNavMenuToggle = function ( event ) { if( typeof astraAddon != 'undefined' ) { astraNavMenuTogglePro( event, body, mobileHeaderType, this ); } else { event.preventDefault(); var __main_header_all = document.querySelectorAll('#masthead > #ast-mobile-header .main-header-bar-navigation'); menu_toggle_all = document.querySelectorAll( '#masthead > #ast-mobile-header .main-header-menu-toggle' ) var event_index = '0'; if ( null !== this.closest( '#ast-fixed-header' ) ) { __main_header_all = document.querySelectorAll('#ast-fixed-header > #ast-mobile-header .main-header-bar-navigation'); menu_toggle_all = document.querySelectorAll( '#ast-fixed-header .main-header-menu-toggle' ) event_index = '0'; } if ('undefined' === typeof __main_header_all[event_index]) { return false; } var menuHasChildren = __main_header_all[event_index].querySelectorAll('.menu-item-has-children'); for (var i = 0; i < menuHasChildren.length; i++) { menuHasChildren[i].classList.remove('ast-submenu-expanded'); var menuHasChildrenSubMenu = menuHasChildren[i].querySelectorAll('.sub-menu'); for (var j = 0; j < menuHasChildrenSubMenu.length; j++) { menuHasChildrenSubMenu[j].style.display = 'none'; } } var menu_class = this.getAttribute('class') || ''; if ( menu_class.indexOf('main-header-menu-toggle') !== -1 ) { astraToggleClass(__main_header_all[event_index], 'toggle-on'); astraToggleClass(menu_toggle_all[event_index], 'toggled'); if (__main_header_all[event_index].classList.contains('toggle-on')) { __main_header_all[event_index].style.display = 'block'; body.classList.add("ast-main-header-nav-open"); } else { __main_header_all[event_index].style.display = ''; body.classList.remove("ast-main-header-nav-open"); } } } }; body.addEventListener("astra-header-responsive-enabled", function () { var __main_header_all = document.querySelectorAll('.main-header-bar-navigation'); if (__main_header_all.length > 0) { for (var i = 0; i < __main_header_all.length; i++) { if (null != __main_header_all[i]) { __main_header_all[i].classList.remove('toggle-on'); __main_header_all[i].style.display = ''; } var sub_menu = __main_header_all[i].getElementsByClassName('sub-menu'); for (var j = 0; j < sub_menu.length; j++) { sub_menu[j].style.display = ''; } var child_menu = __main_header_all[i].getElementsByClassName('children'); for (var k = 0; k < child_menu.length; k++) { child_menu[k].style.display = ''; } var searchIcons = __main_header_all[i].getElementsByClassName('ast-search-menu-icon'); for (var l = 0; l < searchIcons.length; l++) { searchIcons[l].classList.remove('ast-dropdown-active'); searchIcons[l].style.display = ''; } } } }, false); var get_browser = function () { var ua = navigator.userAgent,tem,M = ua.match(/(opera|chrome|safari|firefox|msie|trident(?=\/))\/?\s*(\d+)/i) || []; if(/trident/i.test(M[1])) { tem = /\brv[ :]+(\d+)/g.exec(ua) || []; return; } if( 'Chrome' === M[1] ) { tem = ua.match(/\bOPR|Edge\/(\d+)/) if(tem != null) { return; } } M = M[2]? [M[1], M[2]]: [navigator.appName, navigator.appVersion, '-?']; if((tem = ua.match(/version\/(\d+)/i)) != null) { M.splice(1,1,tem[1]); } if( 'Safari' === M[0] && M[1] < 11 ) { document.body.classList.add( "ast-safari-browser-less-than-11" ); } } get_browser(); /* Search Script */ var SearchIcons = document.getElementsByClassName( 'astra-search-icon' ); for (var i = 0; i < SearchIcons.length; i++) { SearchIcons[i].onclick = function(event) { if ( this.classList.contains( 'slide-search' ) ) { event.preventDefault(); var sibling = this.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.querySelector( '.ast-search-menu-icon' ); if ( ! sibling.classList.contains( 'ast-dropdown-active' ) ) { sibling.classList.add( 'ast-dropdown-active' ); sibling.querySelector( '.search-field' ).setAttribute('autocomplete','off'); setTimeout(function() { sibling.querySelector( '.search-field' ).focus(); },200); } else { var searchTerm = sibling.querySelector( '.search-field' ).value || ''; if( '' !== searchTerm ) { sibling.querySelector( '.search-form' ).submit(); } sibling.classList.remove( 'ast-dropdown-active' ); } } } } /* Hide Dropdown on body click*/ body.onclick = function( event ) { if ( typeof event.target.classList !== 'undefined' ) { if ( ! event.target.classList.contains( 'ast-search-menu-icon' ) && astraGetParents( event.target, '.ast-search-menu-icon' ).length === 0 && astraGetParents( event.target, '.ast-search-icon' ).length === 0 ) { var dropdownSearchWrap = document.getElementsByClassName( 'ast-search-menu-icon' ); for (var i = 0; i < dropdownSearchWrap.length; i++) { dropdownSearchWrap[i].classList.remove( 'ast-dropdown-active' ); } } } } /** * Navigation Keyboard Navigation. */ function navigation_accessibility( containerMenu, containerButton ) { if ( ! containerMenu || ! containerButton ) { return; } var button = containerButton.getElementsByTagName( 'button' )[0]; if ( 'undefined' === typeof button ) { button = containerButton.getElementsByTagName( 'a' )[0]; if ( 'undefined' === typeof button ) { return; } } var menu = containerMenu.getElementsByTagName( 'ul' )[0]; // Hide menu toggle button if menu is empty and return early. if ( 'undefined' === typeof menu ) { button.style.display = 'none'; return; } menu.setAttribute( 'aria-expanded', 'false' ); if ( -1 === menu.className.indexOf( 'nav-menu' ) ) { menu.className += ' nav-menu'; } if ( 'off-canvas' === mobileHeaderType ) { var popupClose = document.getElementById( 'menu-toggle-close' ); popupClose.onclick = function() { if ( -1 !== containerMenu.className.indexOf( 'toggled' ) ) { containerMenu.className = containerMenu.className.replace( ' toggled', '' ); button.setAttribute( 'aria-expanded', 'false' ); menu.setAttribute( 'aria-expanded', 'false' ); } else { containerMenu.className += ' toggled'; button.setAttribute( 'aria-expanded', 'true' ); menu.setAttribute( 'aria-expanded', 'true' ); } }; } button.onclick = function() { if ( -1 !== containerMenu.className.indexOf( 'toggled' ) ) { containerMenu.className = containerMenu.className.replace( ' toggled', '' ); button.setAttribute( 'aria-expanded', 'false' ); menu.setAttribute( 'aria-expanded', 'false' ); } else { containerMenu.className += ' toggled'; button.setAttribute( 'aria-expanded', 'true' ); menu.setAttribute( 'aria-expanded', 'true' ); } }; // Get all the link elements within the menu. var links = menu.getElementsByTagName( 'a' ); var subMenus = menu.getElementsByTagName( 'ul' ); // Set menu items with submenus to aria-haspopup="true". for ( var i = 0, len = subMenus.length; i < len; i++ ) { subMenus[i].parentNode.setAttribute( 'aria-haspopup', 'true' ); } // Each time a menu link is focused or blurred, toggle focus. for ( i = 0, len = links.length; i < len; i++ ) { links[i].addEventListener( 'focus', toggleFocus, true ); links[i].addEventListener( 'blur', toggleFocus, true ); links[i].addEventListener( 'click', toggleClose, true ); } } /** * Close the Toggle Menu on Click on hash (#) link. * * @since 1.3.2 * @return void */ function toggleClose( ) { var self = this || '', hash = '#'; if( self && ! self.classList.contains('astra-search-icon') && null === self.closest('.ast-builder-menu') ) { var link = new String( self ); if( link.indexOf( hash ) !== -1 ) { var link_parent = self.parentNode; if ( body.classList.contains('ast-header-break-point') ) { if( ! 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