readme.txt 8.9 KB

  1. === Category Order and Taxonomy Terms Order ===
  2. Contributors: nsp-code
  3. Donate link:
  4. Tags: category order,terms order, taxonomy order, categories sort
  5. Requires at least: 2.8
  6. Tested up to: 6.5.4
  7. Stable tag: 1.8.2
  8. Order Categories and all custom taxonomies terms (hierarchically) using a Drag and Drop Sortable JavaScript capability.
  9. == Description ==
  10. Order Categories and all custom taxonomies terms (hierarchically) using a Drag and Drop Sortable javascript capability. <strong>No Theme/plugins update is required</strong> the code apply the customised sorting to the front queries on the fly.
  11. If multiple taxonomies are created for a custom post type, a menu will allow to chose the one need to be sorted. If child categories (terms) are defined, those can be ordered too using the same interface.
  12. <br />Also you can have the admin terms interface sorted per your new sort.
  13. <br />This plugin is developed by <a target="_blank" href="">Nsp-Code</a>
  14. <br />See the <a target="_blank" href="">Advanced Taxonomy Terms Order</a> for advanced features.
  15. == Installation ==
  16. 1. Upload `taxonomy-terms-order` folder to your `/wp-content/plugins/` directory.
  17. 2. Activate the plugin from Admin > Plugins menu.
  18. 3. Once activated you should check with Settings > Taxonomy Terms Order
  19. 4. Use Taxonomy Order link which appears into each post type section to make your sort.
  20. == Screenshots ==
  21. 1. Category Order Interface.
  22. 2. Multiple Taxonomies Interface.
  23. == Frequently Asked Questions ==
  24. Feel free to contact me at
  25. = Since I have no PHP knowledge at all, is this plugin for me? =
  26. Absolutely, you can!
  27. Unlike many other plugins, you don't have to do any code changes to make your post order to apply, accordingly to custom-defined order. There is an option to auto-update the WordPress queries so the posts will be returned in customised order. This can be turned off (Autosort) to allow customized code usage.
  28. = I prefer to apply the sort through code, how can be done? =
  29. Include a 'orderby' => 'term_order' within your get_terms() arguments.
  30. = What taxonomies will allow me to sort? =
  31. You can sort ALL taxonomies ( hierarhically active ), including the default Categories.
  32. = Is there any way i can get my admin interface to use the custom terms order? =
  33. Absolutely, the plugin can do that. In fact you can configure so only the admin will update and the front side template will display the terms as before.
  34. = There is a feature that i want it implemented, can you do something about it? =
  35. All ideas are welcome and i put them on my list to be implemented into the new versions. Anyway this may take time, but if you are in a rush, please consider a small donation and we can arrange something.
  36. = I still need more features =
  37. Consider upgrading to our advanced version of this plugin at a very resonable price <a target="_blank" href="">Advanced Taxonomy Terms Order Order</a>
  38. == Change Log ==
  39. = 1.8.2 =
  40. - Polylang fix - Ignore the 'language' to avoid unnecessarily sorting.
  41. - Set-up the Live Preview for the plugin.
  42. - WordPress 6.5.4 compatibility check and tag update
  43. = 1.8.1 =
  44. - WordPress 6.5 compatibility check and tag update
  45. = 1.8 =
  46. - Check if the terms table still includ the custom column, to avoid errors ( mainly when upgrading WordPress )
  47. - Code improvements
  48. - WordPress 6.4.2 compatibility check and tag update
  49. = 1.7.9 =
  50. - Trigger wp_cache_flush when saving the order to clear the internal caches
  51. - WordPress 6.3 compatibility tag
  52. = 1.7.7 =
  53. - Use term name for admin queries, when the admin sort is active, to avoid "random" returns on certain servers, when term order are empty.
  54. - WordPress 6.2.2 compatibility tag
  55. = 1.7.5 =
  56. - New filter tto/admin/plugin_options/capability to add custom roles and capabilities.
  57. - Compatibility tag update for WordPress 6.2
  58. = 1.7.4 =
  59. - Compatibility tag update for WordPress 6.1.1
  60. = 1.7.3 =
  61. - Use esc_html to escape the ajax response message, to avoid single quotes which will break the code.
  62. = 1.7.1 =
  63. - Add the required column when create a new site, when running under MultiSite environment.
  64. = 1.7 =
  65. - Create the required columns for all sites, when running under MultiSite environment.
  66. - Compatibility tag update for WordPress 6.0.1
  67. = 1.6.1 =
  68. - Compatibility tag update for WordPress 6.0
  69. = 1.6 =
  70. - Readme file updates, typos fixes.
  71. - Compatibility tag update for WordPress 5.9.1
  72. = 1.5.9 =
  73. - Remove Twitter button
  74. - Compatibility tag update for WordPress 5.8.2
  75. = =
  76. - Minor code updates
  77. - Code cleanup
  78. - Compatibility tag update for WordPress 5.8.1
  79. = =
  80. - Clear the term cache to ensure the updated order reflect for certain caches
  81. = =
  82. - Apply the order within admin if ignore_term_order argument is set and not true
  83. - Compatibility tag update for WordPress 5.7
  84. = =
  85. - Fix: Call to undefined function wc_get_attribute_taxonomies()
  86. - Compatibility tag update for WordPress 5.6
  87. = =
  88. - Compatibility tag update for WordPress 5.5
  89. = =
  90. - Compatibility tag update for WordPress 5.4
  91. = =
  92. - Compatibility tag update for WordPress 5.3
  93. = 1.5.7 =
  94. - Ignore WooCOmmerce Attributes order as being changed through default interface
  95. = 1.5.6 =
  96. - Rely on 'terms_clauses' filter than 'get_terms_orderby' as producing issues with the $maybe_orderby_meta backward compatibility.
  97. - Fix WooCommerce category order apply
  98. = 1.5.5 =
  99. - Ignore admin sort when using columns order within Taxonomy interface
  100. = 1.5.4 =
  101. - Replaced serialize with JSON when saving terms order
  102. - New filter to/get_terms_orderby/ignore to allow sort ignore when Autosort is turned On
  103. - Addon code to ignore term_order sorting when Co-Authors plugin term query
  104. = =
  105. - Add nonce field for AJAX sort update
  106. = =
  107. - Removed Google Plus share button which triggered some JavaScript errors
  108. = 1.5.3 =
  109. - Use JSON instead serialize method when sending order through AJAX
  110. - Updated PO language file
  111. = =
  112. - Default admin capability changed from install_plugins to manage_options to prevent DISALLOW_FILE_MODS issue.
  113. - Prepare plugin for Composer package
  114. - Interface table th elements titles left align
  115. - Interface Taxonomy terms count fix
  116. = 1.5 =
  117. - Included 'ignore_term_order' to force menu_order ignore when autosort active.
  118. - Translations issues update
  119. = 1.4.9 =
  120. - Remove translations from the package
  121. - Removed donate banner
  122. - PHP 7 fix
  123. - Unused action remove
  124. = 1.4.8 =
  125. - textdomain folder fix
  126. - Translation fix for user roles
  127. - the_title filter replaced with terms_walker
  128. - Add Nonce for admin settings
  129. = 1.4.7 =
  130. - Texdomain change to taxonomy-terms-order to allow translations through
  131. - WordPress 4.4 compatibility update
  132. - Css updates
  133. = =
  134. - Security bug fix
  135. = 1.4.5 =
  136. - Translation textdomain fix - thanks to Pedro Mendonça
  137. - Portuguese localization update - Pedro Mendonça
  138. = 1.4.4 =
  139. - User role switch from deprecated user_level to capabilities
  140. - Taxonomy sort for media
  141. - Admin Options update
  142. = 1.4.2 =
  143. - Iranian Language (
  144. - Admin css updates.
  145. = 1.4.1 =
  146. - Polish Language(Pozdrawiam - ; Mateusz - )
  147. = 1.4.0 =
  148. - Hungarian Language(Adam Laki -
  149. - Ukrainian translation (Michael Yunat -
  150. - Czech translation
  151. = 1.3.7 =
  152. - Brazilian Portuguese Language (Rafael Forcadell -
  153. = 1.3.6 =
  154. - Traditional Chinese Language (Danny -
  155. - Minor admin styling
  156. = 1.3.4 =
  157. - Menu walker update
  158. - Translations load fix
  159. - Japanese language
  160. = 1.3.0 =
  161. - Headers already sent bug fix
  162. - Slovak Language (Branco Slovak
  163. = 1.2.9 =
  164. - Small updates
  165. - German and French languages.
  166. = 1.2.7 =
  167. - Localization implement, Dutch and Romanian.
  168. - Many thanks to Anja Fokker
  169. == Upgrade Notice ==
  170. Make sure you get the latest version
  171. == Localization ==
  172. Available in English, Dutch, French, Deutch, Slovak, Japanese, Traditional Chinese, Brazilian Portuguese, Hungarian, Ukrainian, Czech and Romanian
  173. Whant to contribute with a translation to your language? Please check at
  174. There isn't any Editors for your native language on plugin Contributors? You can help to moderate!