changelog.txt 160 KB

  1. == 2.36.2 ==
  2. Release date: April 5, 2024
  3. * Fix: Content Grid - Scroll pagination was repeating posts when using FacetWP filters
  4. * Fix: Album - Cover height was getting applied on the button trigger
  5. * Fix: Social Icons - New Twitter icon displays incorrectly on Windows
  6. * Fix: Hover Cards - Opacity issue when using global color for the overlay
  7. * Fix: Hover Cards - Do not set transparent background when the overlay color is not provided
  8. == 2.36.1 ==
  9. Release date: March 24, 2024
  10. * Fix: Advanced Accordion - PHP error when module is overridden in the theme but not synced with the latest changes
  11. * Fix: Info List - List items were getting overwritten when editing any item's text in the module in builder due to inline editing
  12. == 2.36.0 ==
  13. Release date: March 21, 2024
  14. * Enhancement: Row extensions - Added global colors support and refactored fields
  15. * Enhancement: Smart Heading - Enabled media button for the description WYSIWYG field
  16. * Enhancement: Advanced Menu - Added background color and border options for the mobile toggle button
  17. * Enhancement: Advanced Accordion - Added saved column to the content dropdown in the module settings
  18. * Enhancement: Advanced Accordion - Added border option for the whole item
  19. * Enhancement: Advanced Tabs - Added saved column to the content dropdown in the module settings
  20. * Enhancement: Off-canvas Content - Added saved column to the content dropdown in the module settings
  21. * Enhancement: Category Grid - Moved "Show Empty" field to the bottom of the first Content tab
  22. * Fix: Pricing Table - Text added in the Matrix layout was getting added in the Card layout in responsive view
  23. * Fix: Modal Box - Template edit button does not work sometimes in the module settings
  24. * Fix: Album - Images do not show when custom height is provided and trigger type is set to cover
  25. * Fix: Video Gallery - Changed CSS target for the nav arrow color
  26. * Fix: Content Grid - Global button colors introduced in BB 2.8 were overriding carousel navigation button colors
  27. * Fix: Content Grid - Beaver Builder's layout shortcode does not output necessary assets in AJAX response
  28. * Fix: Advanced Accordion - Removed text default colors
  29. * Fix: Advanced Accordion - Item collapses in builder when responsive iframe UI is enabled
  30. * Fix: FAQ - Item collapses in builder when responsive iframe UI is enabled
  31. * Fix: Image Carousel - Image aspect-ratio issue in the recent version of iOS Safari
  32. * Fix: Filterable Gallery - Removed extra spacing after the "All" filter
  33. * Fix: Photo Gallery - Removed border on hover from lightbox navigation button that is caused by BB's Global Styles
  34. * Fix: Video Gallery - Removed border on hover from lightbox navigation button that is caused by BB's Global Styles
  35. * Fix: Sliding Menu - Hide dropdown icons injected by Astra theme
  36. * Fix: PHP 8.x deprecation fixes
  37. * Development: Advanced Accordion - Added logic to enable FAQ schema from accordion items by using the filter hook pp_accordion_enable_faq_schema
  38. == 2.35.1 ==
  39. Release date: March 3, 2024
  40. * Fix: Content Grid - Set WooCommerce products ordering dropdown to hide by default
  41. * Fix: Modal Box - CSS class anchor-click-no-event was not working
  42. == 2.35.0 ==
  43. Release date: February 29, 2024
  44. * Enhancement: Added new row separator - Twin Curves
  45. * Enhancement: Contact Form - Added Beaver Themer field connection for the email field
  46. * Enhancement: Content Grid - Added support for WooCommerce catalog ordering dropdown on shop page
  47. * Enhancement: Social Icons - Hide the corresponding icon when the link is not provided
  48. * Enhancement: Modal Box - Prevent closing Modal Box when clicking on page anchors in the modal by using this CSS class anchor-click-no-event
  49. * Enhancement: Modal Box - Converted modal box border, shadow, and margin multiple fields to single compound field
  50. * Enhancement: Logos Grid - Added an option to upload bulk images including support for Beaver Themer's field connections
  51. * Enhancement: Animated Headline - Added experimental CSS class "no-loop" to prevent animation loop for rotating text
  52. * Enhancement: Advanced Menu - Added an option to provide custom toggle icon from font icons library
  53. * Fix: Table - Scroll swipe feature was not working when there are multiple instances on the same page
  54. * Fix: Hover Cards 2 - Image scaling issue in Safari browser in some cases
  55. * Fix: FAQ - Radius was not working on hover in some cases
  56. * Fix: WPForms Styler - Some styles were not working due to CSS class change in WPForms
  57. * Fix: Video - JavaScript error when rendering video from Facebook
  58. * Fix: Gravity Forms Styler - Removed default tabindex value from the module settings
  59. * Fix: Infolist - Issues with items spacing
  60. * Fix: Album - Cover width and height options are not working for large breakpoint
  61. * Fix: Advanced Menu - PHP notice in some cases when background opacity field is empty
  62. * Fix: Pullquote - Background and text color were not getting applied in some cases
  63. * Fix: Hover Cards 2 - Do not set background none if color field is empty
  64. * Fix: Content Grid - JS error in some cases
  65. * Fix: Modal Box - Overlay was showing despite the option was set to hide
  66. * Fix: Pricing Table - Icon center alignment issue when there is no item text
  67. * Development: Social Icons - Added filter hook pp_social_icons_empty_link_hide_icon
  68. * Development: Business Hours - Added filter hook pp_business_hours_enable_schema to disable schema markup
  69. == 2.34.6 ==
  70. Release date: December 27, 2023
  71. * Fix: Image Carousel - PHP notice
  72. * Fix: Content Grid - Post item width issue with Astra theme
  73. == 2.34.5 ==
  74. Release date: December 21, 2023
  75. * Enhancement: Image Carousel - Added srcset attribute on <img> tags
  76. * Enhancement: Image Carousel - Added centeredSlides parameter when the module has CSS class centered-slides in the Advanced settings
  77. * Fix: WPForms Styler - Form styles were not getting applied in some cases
  78. * Fix: Advanced Menu - Alignment issue
  79. * Fix: Advanced Menu - Horizontal spacing was not getting applied when it is set to 0
  80. * Fix: Modal Box - Added missing HTML alt attribute for <img> tag
  81. * Fix: Table - WPML error in some cases
  82. * Fix: Smart Button - Default Custom width unit was getting applied for large, medium, and small breakpoints
  83. * Fix: Video Gallery - Carousel items were not equally aligned in some cases
  84. * Fix: Video - Video was not loading on iOS when it is set to autoplay but not muted
  85. * Development: Video - Added filter hook pp_video_hosted_params
  86. == 2.34.4 ==
  87. Release date: November 30, 2023
  88. * Fix: Formidable Form Styler - Input box shadow was getting applied even if the shadow color is not provided
  89. == 2.34.3 ==
  90. Release date: November 26, 2023
  91. * Fix: Advanced Menu - Responsive layout of the menu
  92. * Fix: Content Grid - Shortcode in the Custom Field Filter - meta value was not working in AJAX response
  93. == 2.34.2 ==
  94. Release date: November 26, 2023
  95. * Fix: Advanced Menu - Menu disappear in full-screen overlay
  96. * Fix: Search Form - Added missing <label> tag for the search input
  97. == 2.34.1 ==
  98. Release date: November 25, 2023
  99. * Fix: Advanced Menu - Horizontal layout issue in responsive view
  100. == 2.34.0 ==
  101. Release date: November 22, 2023
  102. * Enhancement: Fluent Form - Added Beaver Themer field connection support for the form selection dropdown
  103. * Enhancement: Content Grid - Moved Exclude Current Post option from Layout tab to Content > Custom Query
  104. * Enhancement: Advanced Menu - Added vw as off-canvas additional width unit
  105. * Enhancement: Advanced Menu - Added aria-haspopup attribute to the parent menu item for accessibility
  106. * Enhancement: Table - Added new source - ACF Relationship
  107. * Enhancement: Countdown Timer - Added div and p as additional tags for the title
  108. * Enhancement: Modal Box - Added logic to auto-close the modal when page anchor is clicked in the modal content
  109. * Enhancement: Info Box - Added hover color option for the prefix text
  110. * Fix: Image Carousel - Allow two slides to display in coverflow effect
  111. * Fix: Image Carousel - Minor PHP warning
  112. * Fix: Filterable Gallery - PHP notice due to empty spacing field
  113. * Fix: Breadcrumbs - Bootstrap default CSS was getting applied to Yoast breadcrumbs from BB theme
  114. * Fix: Social Icons - Twitter X icon size issue
  115. * Fix: Info List - List spacing was not working properly for small screen
  116. * Fix: Info List - Padding was not working in some cases
  117. * Fix: Instagram Feed - Square shape issue in some cases
  118. * Fix: Testimonial Slider - Removed role attribute from the button element to prevent accessibility error
  119. * Fix: Content Grid - Post height issue on small breakpoint when cg-button-equal-align class is used
  120. * Fix: Content Grid Carousel - Removed role attribute from the button element to prevent accessibility error
  121. * Fix: Content Grid Carousel - Modal Box was unable to load content because of missing attribute
  122. * Fix: Advanced Accordion - Title color was not working when choosing heading tag for the accordion title/label
  123. * Fix: Advanced Menu - Alignment issue in some cases
  124. * Fix: Off-Canvas Content - Size issue when revealing from bottom
  125. * Fix: Animated Headlines - Removed default font size to respect font size from Customizer
  126. * Fix: Table - Content translation issue with WPML
  127. * Fix: Photo Gallery - Extra space on right edge of the window when no spacing is provided due to 0.1 pixel rounding
  128. * Fix: Smart Button - Sub Text field value was not translatable with WPML
  129. * Fix: $.cookie not defined error
  130. * Fix: Enabled SSL verification in plugin updater to prevent SSL related message in the backend
  131. * Development: Advanced Menu - Added filter hook pp_advanced_menu_nav_render_schema_attrs
  132. == 2.33.2 ==
  133. Release date: October 5, 2023
  134. * Enhancement: Content Grid - Added screen reader text for the post read-more button to improve accessibility
  135. * Enhancement: Breadcrumbs - Added <nav> wrapper element for Yoast breadcrumbs to improve accessibility
  136. * Enhancement: FAQ - Added keyboard navigation support
  137. * Fix: Gravity Forms - Radio/Checkbox label font-weight was not working when font-family is set to default
  138. * Fix: Content Grid - Carousel responsive column issue
  139. * Fix: Content Grid - Post title was overlapping other content in Style 4
  140. * Fix: Dot/One Page Nav - Dot was showing when the row is hidden
  141. * Fix: Team - PHP error with PHP version 8.1.x
  142. * Development: Off-Canvas Content - Added hook pp_offcanvas_body_inner_wrap to disable wrapping body HTML when needed
  143. == 2.33.1 ==
  144. Release date: September 13, 2023
  145. * Enhancement: Social Icons & Social Share - Updated Twitter icon to X
  146. * Fix: Advanced Accordion - Item label text alignment was not working after the recent update
  147. * Fix: Info Box - Text hover colors were not working on hovering over the box when link type is set to None
  148. * Fix: Registration Form - Disable administrator role selection in the module settings for security reasons
  149. * Fix: Registration Form - Disable all other role selection in the module settings for contributor user for security reasons
  150. == 2.33.0 ==
  151. Release date: August 31, 2023
  152. * Enhancement: Advanced Tabs - Added shortcode support for Default Active Tab Index field
  153. * Enhancement: Info Box - Added an option to stack icon and text on the given breakpoint
  154. * Enhancement: Testimonials - Added support for large breakpoint for columns
  155. * Enhancement: Testimonials - Enabled responsive controls for navigation Arrow Size and Arrow Spacing options
  156. * Enhancement: Modal Box - Added an option to reset the cookie for Auto Load and Exit Intent when module setting is changed
  157. * Enhancement: Off-Canvas Content - Added default CSS based close icon
  158. * Enhancement: Content Grid - Added large breakpoint option for post columns
  159. * Enhancement: Advanced Accordion - Added options to display item title and content from post custom field through Beaver Themer's field connections
  160. * Enhancement: FAQ - Added options to display item title and content from post custom field through Beaver Themer's field connections
  161. * Enhancement: Restaurant Menu - Converted item description field to multiline textarea
  162. * Enhancement: Restaurant Menu - Added typography options for item price unit
  163. * Enhancement: Added support for global colors connection introduced in BB 2.8-beta
  164. * Fix: Card Slider - Pagination was not showing in some cases
  165. * Fix: Content Grid - Filtering was throwing JS error with infinite scroll pagination
  166. * Fix: Content Grid - Minor PHP warning
  167. * Fix: Category Grid - Description margin was not working
  168. * Fix: Restaurant Menu - Lightbox was not working in some cases
  169. * Fix: Devices - JS error in some cases
  170. * Fix: Photo Gallery - When there is a single row of photos, enabling last row hide option was hiding the gallery in justified layout
  171. * Fix: Video - Removed extra opening <g> tag for SVG play button
  172. * Fix: Video - Aspect ratio issue with too wide inline self hosted video
  173. * Fix: Testimonials - Removed field connections for testimonial items since they do not work as expected in repeater
  174. * Fix: Animated Headline - Plus (+) character was not getting rendered
  175. * Fix: Advanced Accordion - When choosing Post as source and using classic editor, the first item content doesn't render <p> tags
  176. * Fix: Modal Box - When closing the modal through keyboard tab navigation, the focus shifts to the first anchor tag in the body instead of previously focused element
  177. * Fix: Info Box - Inherit column equal height option was overriding module's visibility rules CSS
  178. * Fix: Column separator - Minor PHP warning
  179. * Fix: Rendering issue on mobile in multiple slider modules after enabling responsive reverse for BB column
  180. * Development: Category Grid - Added filter hook pp_category_term_link
  181. * Development: Testimonials - Added filter hook pp_testimonial_items
  182. * Development: Testimonials - Added filter hook pp_testimonial_layout_path
  183. * Development: Social Share - Added filter hook pp_social_share_current_url
  184. == 2.32.3 ==
  185. Release date: July 26, 2023
  186. * Enhancement: Added logic to auto purge Beaver Builder cache after updating the plugin
  187. * Fix: Content Grid - Posts were getting appended on changing filters in some cases
  188. * Fix: Content Grid - Post spacing issue when values are not provided for other breakpoints
  189. * Fix: Render CSS inline for saved template used in various Advanced Tabs, Accordion, Modal Box, Off-Canvas modules
  190. * Development: Registration Form - Added hook pp_rf_before_user_register to perform additional validation
  191. == 2.32.2 ==
  192. Release date: July 21, 2023
  193. * Fix: Content Grid - Load More and Scroll pagination replacing existing posts in the wrapper instead of appending
  194. * Fix: Content Grid - Convert "%" spacing unit to "px" for CSS grid layout
  195. == 2.32.1 ==
  196. Release date: July 13, 2023
  197. * Fix: Content Grid - Layout issue after the recent update in some cases
  198. * Fix: Hover Cards 2 - Content alignment issue in Style 0
  199. == 2.32.0 ==
  200. Release date: July 13, 2023
  201. * Enhancement: Content Grid - Use CSS grid property for the layout when equal height is enabled and filter type is dynamic
  202. * Enhancement: Dual Buttons - Enabled responsive options for Width field
  203. * Enhancement: Card Slider - Added lightbox feature for images
  204. * Enhancement: Card Slider - Added preview text for card items in the module settings
  205. * Enhancement: Facebook Comments - Added % as an additional width unit
  206. * Enhancement: Filterable Gallery - Moved caption HTML to the relative parent container
  207. * Enhancement: Hover Cards 2 - Added an option to set equal height that matches to the tallest item in a row
  208. * Enhancement: Video Gallery Carousel - Added centered slides option
  209. * Fix: Category Grid - Number of columns and spacing were not working for the large breakpoint
  210. * Fix: Restaurant Menu - Avoid rendering anchor tag if there is no link or lightbox enabled
  211. * Fix: Dual Buttons - WPML translation was not working for Link and Attribute text fields
  212. * Fix: Logo Slider - Arrow border style was not working in some cases
  213. * Fix: Modal Box - Button icon was not getting rendered
  214. * Fix: Announcement Bar - Trigger JavaScript only for visible module
  215. * Fix: Image Carousel - Rendering issue on mobile after enabling equal height for BB column
  216. * Fix: Testimonial Slider - Rendering issue on mobile after enabling equal height for BB column
  217. * Fix: Video Gallery Carousel - Rendering issue on mobile after enabling equal height for BB column
  218. * Fix: Content Grid Carousel - Rendering issue on mobile after enabling equal height for BB column
  219. * Fix: Line Separator - Overlapping issue due to high z-index
  220. * Fix: Card Slider - Single pagination was changing slides in all card slider instances on the page
  221. * Fix: Hover Cards 2 - Minor CSS fixes
  222. * Fix: Removed "lessc" PHP library Beaver Themer dependency
  223. * Development: Added filter hook pp_wpml_translation_config
  224. == 2.31.2 ==
  225. Release date: June 1, 2023
  226. * Enhancement: Image Carousel - Background image will render as <img> tag with object-fit property for accessibility and SEO
  227. * Fix: Instagram Feed - Feed was not loading as Instagram removed likes and comments count parameters from its API
  228. * Fix: Devices - JavaScript error when Type is set to Image instead of Video
  229. * Fix: Info Box - Inherit column equal height feature was not working in some cases
  230. * Fix: Video Gallery - Responsive columns spacing issue
  231. * Fix: Pullquote - Icon rendering issue on frontend
  232. * Fix: Advanced Tabs - Description field was not WPML translatable
  233. * Fix: Hover Cards 2 - Content vertical alignment issue in Safari browser
  234. * Fix: Hover Cards 2 - Image fit issues
  235. * Fix: Content Grid - pp_cg_post_permalink filter was not getting applied to the post image
  236. == 2.31.1 ==
  237. Release date: May 11, 2023
  238. * Enhancement: Logos Grid - Added support for the large breakpoint
  239. * Fix: Info Box - Text alignement issue in some cases
  240. * Fix: Info List - Responsive stack was not working in some cases
  241. * Fix: Info List - Minor accessibility issue
  242. * Fix: Video - Minor PHP error in Dailymotion video type
  243. * Fix: PHP fatal error due to "lessc" class name change in Beaver Themer 1.4.6
  244. == 2.31.0 ==
  245. Relase date: April 27, 2023
  246. * Enhancement: Testimonials - Added options to provide hover colors for nav arrows of slider
  247. * Enhancement: Testimonials - Added option to set arrows either bottom or side
  248. * Enhancement: Testimonials - Added option to provide arrow spacing
  249. * Enhancement: Modal Box - Added role attribute to the anchor tag and added support for spacebar keypress to trigger popup
  250. * Enhancement: Modal Box - Added more units for modal width
  251. * Enhancement: Modal Box - Added link to edit the saved template in the builder
  252. * Enhancement: Advanced Accordion - Added link to edit the saved template in the builder
  253. * Enhancement: Advanced Tabs - Added link to edit the saved template in the builder
  254. * Enhancement: Off-Canvas Content - Added link to edit the saved template in the builder
  255. * Fix: Category Grid - SVG arrow rendering issue in the slider
  256. * Fix: Content Grid - Module setting crashes the page when there are too many product attributes
  257. * Fix: Pullquote - Added max-width so the content doesn't overflow the column when user sets custom width
  258. * Fix: Testimonials - Issue with slider showing other slides on tab switch on page load
  259. * Fix: Testimonials - Autoplay was working in mobile on swipe even it was not enabled
  260. * Fix: Logos Carousel - After the recent update, navigation arrows were displaying even if the setting is disabled
  261. * Fix: Advanced Menu - Responsive link color options were showing only for off-canvas menu type
  262. * Fix: WPForms - Button style was getting overridden by WPForms default style
  263. * Fix: Google Map - Map not loading in some cases
  264. * Fix: Devices - Autoplay issue for self-hosted video
  265. * Development: Advanced Accordion - Added filter hook pp_accordion_icon_image_size
  266. == 2.30.0 ==
  267. Release date: March 16, 2023
  268. * Enhancement: Smart Banner - Enabled alpha channel for overlay color field and removed separate opacity field
  269. * Enhancement: Twitter Embedded Grid - Updated module to support Twitter List (collection is no longer supported by Twitter)
  270. * Enhancement: Video Gallery - Added logic to stop other videos in the carousel/grid when one is being played
  271. * Enhancement: Photo Gallery - Added support for large breakpoint for number of columns
  272. * Enhancement: Reviews - Replaced fontawesome arrow icons with SVG
  273. * Enhancement: Logo Carousel - Changed nav arrow anchor tag to button tag to improve accessibility
  274. * Enhancement: Advanced Menu - Close submenu on Esc keypress and return focus to the submenu toggle
  275. * Enhancement: Advanced Menu - Added option to provide submenu link separator hover color
  276. * Fix: Advanced Menu - Responsive link background color was not working for the default menu type
  277. * Fix: WPForms - Input margin was not working in some cases
  278. * Fix: Content Grid - Clicking on Previous pagination button was reverting to page 1
  279. * Fix: Content Grid - Button background hover color was not working in carousel mode
  280. * Fix: Content Grid - Added missing hook pp_cg_post_permalink for AJAX filter
  281. * Fix: Subscribe Form - Not working when "Fixed at Bottom" is set and the module is placed in Beaver Themer's part layout
  282. * Fix: Dual Button - Transparent background color was getting set when there is no background color provided
  283. * Fix: Login Form - Send password reset email in plain text to avoid any possible error due to server misconfiguration
  284. * Fix: Testimonials - Grid item width issue on small devices
  285. * Fix: Hover Cards - Columns were not working for large breakpoint
  286. * Development: Hotspot - Added filter hook pp_hotspot_markers_data
  287. * Development: Devices - Added filter hook pp_devices_skin_path
  288. == 2.29.0 ==
  289. Release date: February 22, 2023
  290. * Enhancement: Search Form - Added post type and taxonomies filters for search result
  291. * Enhancement: Expandable Row - Added shortcode support for title
  292. * Enhancement: Pullquote - Updated module fields to inherit UI of BB 2.x
  293. * Enhancement: Pullquote - Added HTML tag selection for the name/title
  294. * Enhancement: Advanced Menu - Added support for submenu keyboard navigation through submenu toggle
  295. * Enhancement: Advanced Menu - Lock focus on off-canvas or fullscreen menu when triggered
  296. * Fix: Advanced Menu - Menu displays on page load and hides in a second when using hamburger on large breakpoint
  297. * Fix: Advanced Menu - Hamburger button keyboard navigation issue
  298. * Fix: Advanced Menu - Parent menu item link was unable to open in accordion menu type
  299. * Fix: Subscribe Form - Minor PHP notice
  300. * Fix: Info List - Minor icon alignment CSS issue
  301. * Fix: Photo Gallery - Minor PHP deprecated message
  302. * Fix: Video Gallery - Responsive columns spacing issue
  303. * Development: Search Form - Added hook pp_search_form_before_close
  304. == 2.28.0 ==
  305. Release date: February 2, 2023
  306. * Enhancement: Smart Headings - Added color control for the prefix text
  307. * Enhancement: Smart Headings - Added inline separator option for prefix text
  308. * Enhancement: Info List - Added common color controls for icons
  309. * Enhancement: Info List - Added background color, border, and padding controls for list items
  310. * Enhancement: Business Hours - Added secondary text color options when stripped effect is enabled
  311. * Enhancement: Video & Video Gallery - Now supports opening lightbox via URL hash
  312. * Enhancement: File Download - Added an option to provide additional content
  313. * Fix: Table of Contents - Minor JS error
  314. * Fix: Twitter modules - Issue with the API script
  315. * Fix: Google Map - JS error for callback function
  316. * Fix: Advanced Menu - Added "role" attribute for the mobile toggle
  317. * Development: Video Gallery - Added filter hooks pp_video_gallery_nav_prev and pp_video_gallery_nav_next
  318. == 2.27.3 ==
  319. Release date: January 12, 2023
  320. * Fix: Image Carousel - Caption was not showing in lightbox if it has double quotes
  321. * Fix: Video - Vimeo video autoplay was not working in some cases
  322. * Fix: Video - Added missing play button when remote thumbnail is used
  323. * Fix: Video - YouTube default thumbnail issue when embedding videoseries instead of a regular video
  324. * Fix: Content Grid - When Posts Per Page is set to -1 the navigation arrows do not show in carousel
  325. * Fix: Content Grid - Filters typography was not working for filters dropdown selected item
  326. * Fix: Table of Contents - Cut-off issue when the ToC is larger than the viewport height
  327. * Fix: Ninja Forms Styler - Required field general message was not getting hidden when enabling the option
  328. * Fix: Logos Grid & Carousel - PHP error with PHP 8+
  329. * Fix: PHP error when MainWP plugin is active
  330. == 2.27.2 ==
  331. Relase date: January 2, 2023
  332. * Fix: Video & Video Gallery - Vimeo video was not loading when thumbnail is not available
  333. * Fix: Instagram Feed - Minor PHP warning
  334. == 2.27.1 ==
  335. Release date: December 30, 2022
  336. * Fix: Social Icons - Schema URL was not loading with HTTPS protocol
  337. * Fix: Video - Correct thumbnail was not being fetched from YouTube in some cases
  338. * Fix: Video - PHP warning for Vimeo if video is not available or private
  339. * Fix: Search Form - Full screen search was not working after the recent update
  340. * Fix: Ninja Forms Styler - PHP error with PHP 8+
  341. * Fix: Formidable Forms Styler - PHP error with PHP 8+
  342. * Fix: Caldera Forms Styler - PHP error with PHP 8+
  343. == 2.27.0 ==
  344. Release date: December 28, 2022
  345. * Enhancement: Smart Headings - Added an option to provide a prefix text
  346. * Enhancement: Table - Added options to set cell tag (th or td), cell icon, and colspan in manual source
  347. * Enhancement: Video - Added YouTube API to autoplay video on the phone
  348. * Enhancement: Video & Video Gallery - Added logic to fetch default thumbnail from remote for YouTube, Vimeo, Dailymotion, and Wistia videos
  349. * Enhancement: Table of Contents - Added support for the large device breakpoint for Collapse, Sticky, and Scroll options
  350. * Enhancement: Image Carousel - Added support for the large device breakpoint
  351. * Enhancement: Reviews - Added support for the large device breakpoint
  352. * Enhancement: Animated Headlines - Added an option to link the text
  353. * Enhancement: Google Map - Added Beaver Themer's URL field connection support to the info window content
  354. * Enhancement: Content Grid - Added keyboard navigation support for carousel
  355. * Enhancement: Advanced Accordion - Added an option to choose HTML tag for accordion item title
  356. * Enhancement: Row Infinite and Animated Background - Enabled responsive option for the background image field
  357. * Fix: Pricing Table - Featured title was not getting shown
  358. * Fix: Pricing Table - Minor PHP warning
  359. * Fix: Content Grid - Categories were not showing in style-9 after introducing multiple post types feature
  360. * Fix: Content Grid - Post matching rules were not working for multiple post type in AJAX based pagination
  361. * Fix: Content Grid - Custom height and margin options were not working for the large device breakpoint
  362. * Fix: Modal Box - Added missing field connection for the video Embed Code field
  363. * Fix: Modal Box - Prevent Exit intent popup when hovering over browser's autofill menu
  364. * Fix: Smart Headings - Text cut off issue for some fonts
  365. * Fix: Fluent Form Styler - PHP fatal error in some cases
  366. * Fix: Advanced Menu - Full Screen overlay menu height issue on small devices
  367. * Fix: Advanced Menu - Alignment was not working for large device breakpoint
  368. * Fix: Category Grid - Product category thumbnails were not being fetched due to recent change in WooCommerce
  369. * Fix: Table of Contents - JS error when ToC used in global Beaver Themer layout and the module does not exist on the page
  370. * Fix: Subscribe Form - Error when using global template
  371. * Fix: Photo Gallery - Image overflow issue in Safari browser
  372. * Fix: Video Gallery - Responsive column spacing issue
  373. * Fix: WPForms Styler - Minor PHP 8 issue
  374. * Fix: Updated jQuery deprecated functions
  375. * Development: Content Grid - Added filter hook pp_post_grid_ajax_query_posts_by_term
  376. * Development: Modal Box - Added filter hook pp_modal_box_loader_image_url
  377. * Development: Pricing Table - Added filter hook pp_pricing_table_button_html_attrs
  378. == 2.26.4 ==
  379. Release date: November 10, 2022
  380. * Fix: Photo Gallery - PHP 8.1 compatiblity fixes
  381. * Fix: Content Grid - PHP 8.1 minor fixes
  382. * Fix: Contact Form - JS error when using it in the admin dashboard
  383. * Fix: Image - Added missing URL title field
  384. * Fix: Sitemap - Taxonomy dropdown was not showing any taxonomies
  385. * Fix: Pricing Table - Columns were not stacking on responsive breakpoint when equal height is enabled
  386. * Fix: BB 2.7 compatibility fixes
  387. == 2.26.3 ==
  388. Release date: October 26, 2022
  389. * Fix: Advanced Accordion - ACF Repeater content rendering issue after the recent update
  390. * Fix: Content Grid - Multiple post types issue with Style 5 and 6
  391. == 2.26.2 ==
  392. Release date: October 26, 2022
  393. * Fix: Advanced Tabs - Saved templates were not rendering after the recent update
  394. == 2.26.1 ==
  395. Release date: October 25, 2022
  396. * Fix: Content Grid - Link Type Box was not working for product or download post type
  397. * Fix: Content Grid - Price and rating were not showing for product or download post type
  398. * Fix: Social Icons - Vertical alignment was not working in some cases
  399. * Fix: Social Icons - Removed Responsive alignment extra option
  400. * Fix: Advanced Accordion - Saved templates rendering causes error 500 on shared hosting in some cases
  401. == 2.26.0 ==
  402. Release date: October 20, 2022
  403. * Enhancement: Category Grid - Added custom layout option based on Beaver Themer
  404. * Enhancement: Pricing Table - Added equal heights option
  405. * Enhancement: Pricing Table - Added ribbon option under Style > Featured Title
  406. * Enhancement: Pricing Table - Added tooltip icon position option
  407. * Enhancement: Content Grid - Added support for multiple post types
  408. * Enhancement: Content Grid - Added custom fields filter options
  409. * Enhancement: Video Gallery - Added integration for Wistia videos
  410. * Enhancement: Testimonial Slider - Added focus on pressing tab key and keyboard navigation support
  411. * Enhancement: Admin settings - Keyboard navigation and minor UI improvements
  412. * Fix: Pricing Table - Minor CSS fixes
  413. * Fix: Advanced Tabs - 1px left margin issue for the first tab in style 3 vertical layout
  414. * Fix: Advanced Tabs - PHP warning when choosing Photo as content type in some cases
  415. * Fix: Subscribe Form - Removed background opacity additional fields from the Button tab
  416. * Fix: Subscribe Form - Input label color was not working
  417. * Fix: Gravity Forms - Section title styling issue with the latest version of Gravity Forms
  418. * Fix: Gravity Forms - PHP warnings when input margin field is empty
  419. * Fix: Logo Carousel - Images were not displaying on Arabic sites
  420. * Fix: Category Grid - Adding 0 in the Spacing field was not working
  421. * Fix: Content Tiles - Taxonomy meta setting was not working with multiple post types
  422. * Fix: Google Map - JavaScript error when using ACF repeater field
  423. * Fix: Modal Box - Removed Default CSS class option to avoid confusion with custom Class/ID field
  424. * Fix: Modal Box - Renamed Trigger type "Other" to "Custom Element Click" to make it more clear to understand
  425. * Development: Timeline - Added filter hook pp_timeline_items
  426. == 2.25.2 ==
  427. Release date: September 20, 2022
  428. * Fix: Advanced Accordion - ACF Repeater source was not working after the recent update
  429. * Fix: Advanced Tabs - Tabs appearance issue on the breakpoint 768px
  430. * Fix: Modal Box - Saved templates layout issue due to BB's inline assets rendering
  431. * Fix: Off-Canvas Content - Saved templates layout issue due to BB's inline assets rendering
  432. * Fix: Pricing Table - Tooltip position issue when tooltip content is very less
  433. * Fix: Pricing Table - Raw HTML was not working in tooltip
  434. * Fix: Testimonials - PHP 8 error
  435. == 2.25.1 ==
  436. Release date: September 15, 2022
  437. * Fix: Modal Box - Top position was not getting adjusted in when height is not given after the recent update
  438. == 2.25.0 ==
  439. Release date: September 14, 2022
  440. * Enhancement: Table - Populate dynamic data by choosing Post as source (requires Beaver Themer plugin)
  441. * Enhancement: Advanced Accordion - Added orderby and offset options for post source
  442. * Enhancement: Advanced Accordion - Added Pods Relationship support (requires plugin - Pods Beaver Builder Themer Add-on)
  443. * Enhancement: Advanced Accordion - Added an option to provide spacing between icon and label
  444. * Enhancement: FAQ - Added orderby and offset options for post source
  445. * Enhancement: FAQ - Added Pods Relationship support (requires plugin - Pods Beaver Builder Themer Add-on)
  446. * Enhancement: Login From - Added an option to provide input placeholder text color
  447. * Enhancement: Content Grid - Added an option to enable URL hash for slide navigation in carousel
  448. * Enhancement: Hover Cards 2 - Added support for keyboard navigation
  449. * Enhancement: Testimonials - Added CSS class to the image element
  450. * Enhancement: Advanced Menu - Enabled alpha channel for link colors
  451. * Enhancement: Video - Added an option to provide custom selector to trigger the lightbox
  452. * Enhancement: Gravity Forms - Enabled responsive options for the button custom width field
  453. * Enhancement: Column Extension - Enabled responsive option for column separator position
  454. * Fix: Custom Grid - PHP 8 error when leaving the Post Width field empty
  455. * Fix: Photo Gallery - PHP 8 error when leaving the Spacing field empty
  456. * Fix: Photo Gallery - Caption line-height issue
  457. * Fix: Hotspot - Overlay color was not getting applied in some cases
  458. * Fix: Pricing Table - Matrix items were not displaying on the phone after in some cases
  459. * Fix: Advanced Accordion - Saved templates layout issue due to BB's inline assets rendering
  460. * Fix: Advanced Tabs - Saved templates layout issue due to BB's inline assets rendering
  461. * Fix: Advanced Tabs - Added missing alt tag on the image element when the content type is Photo
  462. * Fix: Advanced Tabs - Minor styling issues
  463. * Fix: Smart Banner - Added missing alt tag on the image element
  464. * Fix: Smart Banner - Image alignment issue
  465. * Fix: Smart Banner - Removed empty markup of title and description
  466. * Fix: Table - Themer singular layout break in some cases
  467. * Fix: Table - Table headers were not getting rendered when using ACF Repeater as source
  468. * Fix: Modal Box - Position issue in some cases
  469. * Fix: Content Grid - Search term getting cached in JS
  470. * Fix: Info Box - CSS hover target fixes
  471. * Fix: Background Effects - Content overlap issue
  472. * Fix: Background Animation - Background image size and repeat issue in the Infinite Background
  473. * Fix: Column Extension - Column separator was not letting Beaver Builder save changes in some cases
  474. * Development: Advanced Tabs - Added filter hook pp_tabs_items
  475. * Development: Advanced Accordion - Removed filter pp_accordion_cpt_query_args, now uses fl_builder_loop_query_args
  476. * Development: Info Box - Added filter hook pp_infobox_button_force_render
  477. * Development: Added filter hook pp_down_arrow_html
  478. == 2.24.3 ==
  479. Release date: July 21, 2022
  480. * Hotfix: Info Box - Box padding issue where default value for padding-right and padding-bottom was getting applied
  481. == 2.24.2 ==
  482. Release date: July 20, 2022
  483. * Enhancement: Author Box - Added social profile fields in the backend user settings to render their icons in the module
  484. * Fix: Info Box - Icon for button was not rendering in some cases
  485. * Fix: Info Box - PHP warning in some cases
  486. * Fix: Content Grid - Theme's CSS was overriding visited linked button's style
  487. * Fix: Advanced Menu - Menu was not visible on mobile in some cases when menu type is full-screen or off-canvas and mobile toggle breakpoint is none
  488. * Fix: Image - WP image editor error in some cases
  489. * Fix: Advanced Accordion - Row slideshow was getting paused when an accordion item is set to expanded by default
  490. * Fix: Advanced Accordion - Prevent scroll to expanded item when editing the page in builder
  491. * Fix: Table of Contents - JS error in some cases
  492. * Fix: Instagram Feed - Removed the option "Feed by Hashtag" as Instagram Basic Display API does not support it
  493. * Fix: Modal Box - Iframe aspect ratio issue when a video source is provided in the "URL" type and height is set to auto
  494. * Fix: Column Separator - Not using breakpoints from the global settings
  495. == 2.24.1 ==
  496. Release date: June 23, 2022
  497. * Fix: Smart Headings - Empty links were appearing after the recent update
  498. * Fix: Info Box - Responsive layout issue when global responsive breakpoint is above 767px
  499. * Fix: Info Box - Button styles were not working when Link Type is set to Button + Title
  500. * Fix: Image - Responsive width was getting overridden when used in shrinkable header
  501. == 2.24.0 ==
  502. Release date: June 22, 2022
  503. * Enhancement: Image - Added rollover image option
  504. * Enhancement: Image Carousel - Added Lazy Load option
  505. * Enhancement: Info Box - Enabled responsive controls for various fields
  506. * Enhancement: Info Box - Changed box padding from single control to dimension control
  507. * Enhancement: Info Box - Added div as HTML tag option for Title Prefix and Title
  508. * Enhancement: Google Map - Added an option to provide a link for the marker when Info Window is disabled
  509. * Enhancement: Table - Added an option to provide an icon for the table header in the manual source
  510. * Enhancement: Table - Converted URL from ACF repeater field to anchor link
  511. * Enhancement: Table - Moved text color fields from the Typography tab to the Style tab
  512. * Enhancement: Smart Headings - Added two new separator positions; Left of Heading and Right of Heading
  513. * Enhancement: Smart Headings - Added an option to hide separator on medium or responsive devices
  514. * Enhancement: Video - Added an option to change the aspect ratio of the video in lightbox
  515. * Enhancement: Video Gallery - Added an option to change the aspect ratio of the video in lightbox
  516. * Enhancement: Restaurant/Services Menu - Refactor column fields, equal height will be applied automatically
  517. * Enhancement: Restaurant/Services Menu - Added an option to enable lightbox for menu items image
  518. * Enhancement: Restaurant/Services Menu - Added HTML tag options for the menu heading and item titles
  519. * Enhancement: Gravity Forms - Updated typography options for label and input
  520. * Enhancement: Gravity Forms - Updated input border options
  521. * Enhancement: Gravity Forms - Moved label text color fields from the Typography tab to the Inputs tab
  522. * Enhancement: Gravity Forms - Removed default input and label colors, default input padding and margin values
  523. * Enhancement: Smart Button - Enabled responsive controls for Icon Spacing field
  524. * Enhancement: Advanced Tab - Enabled responsive controls for Content Padding field
  525. * Enhancement: Modal Box - Removed the field "Label in Builder" and used the Label field from the Advanced tab
  526. * Enhancement: Login/Register - Redirect default WP's password reset link to PowerPack's password reset form when a custom login page is set
  527. * Fix: Image Carousel - Image link with # causing the page to scroll to top
  528. * Fix: Smart Button - Hover transition set to None was not working
  529. * Fix: Gravity Forms - Textarea field height set in the Gravity Form backend was not working
  530. * Fix: Info Box - Link and some fields were not appearing in the module settings when choosing Link Type as Button + Title
  531. * Fix: Info Box - Icon alignment for the left and right layout was not working properly
  532. * Fix: Filterable Gallery - PHP error when Horizontal Spacing field is left empty
  533. * Fix: Animated Headlines - JS error when module is set to display Never in the Advanced tab
  534. * Fix: Hover Cards - PHP warning in some cases
  535. * Fix: Restaurant/Services Menu - Minor CSS issues
  536. * Development: Sliding Menus - Added filter hooks pp_sliding_menus_arrow_left and pp_sliding_menus_arrow_right
  537. == 2.23.3 ==
  538. Release date: May 31, 2022
  539. * Enhancement: Modal Box - Added a field under the trigger settings to provide label to identify the Modal Box in the builder
  540. * Enhancement: Table - Updated border fields
  541. * Enhancement: Reviews - Allow shortcode in Google Place ID and Yelp Business ID fields
  542. * Enhancement: Content Grid - Enabled responsive options for the column spacing field
  543. * Fix: Image - Show Custom Caption field only when URL is selected as Photo Source
  544. * Fix: Smart Headings - Long primary heading causes secondary heading to appear in new line
  545. * Fix: Image Carousel - Progress bar pagination was not working properly
  546. * Development: Reviews - Added filter hook pp_reviews_data
  547. * Development: Sliding Menus - Added filter hook pp_sliding_menus_nav_args
  548. == 2.23.2 ==
  549. Release date: May 11, 2022
  550. * Enhancement: Image - Added field connection for the Photo URL and Caption fields
  551. * Fix: Hover Cards 2 - Content was not retaining paragraph break
  552. * Fix: Content Grid - Post taxonomy terms were not showing in Style 3 after recent update
  553. * Fix: Image - PHP warning in some cases where WordPress unable to get the image size
  554. * Fix: Sliding Menus - Multiple instances of the same saved module on the page causes the links to disappear
  555. * Fix: Icon/Number List - PHP error in WPML translation editor
  556. * Fix: Animated Background - Slow loading of background image
  557. * Fix: Header/Footer - Header was getting disappeared when editing the header page in builder
  558. * Fix: Login/Register - Password protected pages redirecting to custom login page set in PowerPack settings
  559. == 2.23.1 ==
  560. Release date: May 4, 2022
  561. * Hotfix: Off-Canvas Content - Missing content element after recent update
  562. == 2.23.0 ==
  563. Relase date: May 4, 2022
  564. * Enhancement: Reviews - Added an option to link the review to original profile
  565. * Enhancement: Reviews - Added an option to trim the review text for Google and Yelp
  566. * Enhancement: How-To - Added an option to enable lightbox for images in steps
  567. * Enhancement: Pricing Table - Button fields refactor, added border group field
  568. * Enhancement: Pricing Table - Improved feature items field, added icon and tooltip options
  569. * Enhancement: Video - Added support for Facebook video
  570. * Enhancement: Image Hotspot - Added an option to hide tour on desktop
  571. * Enhancement: Smart Headings - Added hover color option
  572. * Enhancement: Modal Box - Enabled responsive options for custom height option
  573. * Enhancement: Modal Box - Improved embedded video dimensions
  574. * Enhancement: Modal Box - Added support for accessibility and keyboard navigation
  575. * Enhancement: Off-Canvas Content - Added support for accessibility and keyboard navigation
  576. * Enhancement: Gravity Forms - Added an option to set custom color for "Required" text
  577. * Enhancement: Hover Cards 2 - Added an option to set the image as background
  578. * Enhancement: Hover Cards 2 - Gutter/Spacing field now supports px unit and enabled responsive controls
  579. * Enhancement: Image/Photo Gallery - Enabled all registered image sizes for lightbox
  580. * Fix: Contact Form - Removed empty HTML of custom title and description
  581. * Fix: Advanced Accordion - BB's Slideshow module was not working properly when used in the accordion
  582. * Fix: Advanced Tabs - BB's Slideshow module was not working properly when used in a tab
  583. * Fix: Gravity Forms - Button alignment issue with recent version of Gravity Forms
  584. * Fix: Modal Box - Beaver Themer's shortcode in HTML attributes was not working when called through post template
  585. * Fix: Image Carousel - Lightbox was not working on some duplicate images in loop
  586. * Fix: Instagram Feed - Square layout issue in Chrome browser in some cases
  587. * Fix: Sliding Menu - Submenu height issue when the module is used in the Advanced Accordion
  588. * Fix: Content Tiles - Fallback Image option was getting reversed to "Placeholder" after save
  589. * Development: Login Form - Added filter hook pp_login_form_from_email
  590. * Development: Login Form - Added filter hook pp_login_form_reply_to_email
  591. == 2.22.2 ==
  592. Release date: April 5, 2022
  593. * Enhancement: Category Grid - Added loop option for the slider and re-arranged slider controls in the module settings
  594. * Enhancement: Image - Added srcset attribute to <img> HTML tag when crop is disabled in the module
  595. * Enhancement: Video - Added support for YouTube Shorts
  596. * Enhancement: Album - Added css class pp-album-img to <img> HTML tag
  597. * Fix: Video - Lightbox was not getting triggered when pressing the "Enter" key
  598. * Fix: Filterable Gallery - Caption in lightbox was not visible when window height is less than the image height
  599. * Fix: Announcement Bar - Single cookie was getting set for multiple instances of the module
  600. * Fix: Content Grid - Columns issue in Firefox due to the browser's pixel-rounding difference
  601. * Fix: Header/Footer - CSS loading sequence issue in some cases
  602. * Fix: Header/Footer - Hide sticky overlay header when editing other pages in builder
  603. * Fix: Removed default navigation arrow colors from Image Carousel, Content Grid, Logos Grid, and Testimonial modules
  604. * Development: Registration Form - Added filter hook pp_rf_field_html
  605. == 2.22.1 ==
  606. Release date: March 22, 2022
  607. * Fix: Modal Box - Text align under button typography fields was not working
  608. * Fix: Content Ticker - PHP warning in WPML translation editor screen
  609. * Fix: Info List - Responsive alignment issue for layout 3
  610. * Fix: Info Box - Missing title prefix after the recent update
  611. * Fix: Content Grid - Filter issue in some cases after the recent update
  612. * Fix: Gravity Forms - Submit button styles were not working when the button location is set to end of the last row (inline) in GF 2.6.x
  613. * Development: Sitemap - Added filter hook pp_sitemap_post_query_args
  614. * Development: Sitemap - Added filter hook pp_sitemap_taxonomy_query_args
  615. * Development: Added filter hook pp_prev_icon_svg
  616. * Development: Added filter hook pp_next_icon_svg
  617. == 2.22.0 ==
  618. Release date: March 16, 2022
  619. * Enhancement: Added support for plugin auto-update
  620. * Enhancement: Login Form - Render error message returning in response with 503 status
  621. * Enhancement: Content Grid - Added CSS class pp-post-img to the featured image <img> tag (not applicable for the custom layout)
  622. * Enhancement: Content Grid - Added Content Width option to control the width of the post content when featured image is enabled in Style 8
  623. * Enhancement: Dual Button - Enabled responsive control for the spacing field and minor CSS improvements
  624. * Enhancement: Subscribe Form - Added label to the close button for ADA compliance
  625. * Enhancement: Subscribe Form - Added integration for reCAPTCHA and hCaptcha
  626. * Enhancement: Sliding Menu - Reveal the submenu when the current page is inside the submenu
  627. * Enhancement: Photo Gallery - Added an option to show/hide image description in the lightbox
  628. * Enhancement: One Page Navigation - Hide the nav item when there the row does not exist on the page of the given ID
  629. * Enhancement: Modal Box - Added an option to choose title HTML tag
  630. * Enhancement: Info Box - Added an option to enable the link for both the button and title
  631. * Enhancement: Content Ticker - Added WPML support for module fields
  632. * Enhancement: Card Slider - Added WPML support for module fields
  633. * Enhancement: Table of Contents - Added WPML support for the title field
  634. * Enhancement: Video - Added keyboard navigation and play support
  635. * Enhancement: Video Gallery - Added keyboard navigation and play support
  636. * Fix: Modal Box - Popup was not displaying the content for the custom post type
  637. * Fix: Modal Box - Fullscreen overlay modal width issue in some cases
  638. * Fix: Modal Box - Video continues to play that is embedded using the <video> tag after the popup is closed
  639. * Fix: Subscribe Form - Duplicate HTML ID issue
  640. * Fix: Advanced Accordion - PHP warning in some cases in ACF Relationship field query
  641. * Fix: Advanced Menu - Menu fade out issue in Off-Canvas panel in some cases
  642. * Fix: Advanced Menu - Alignment settings under the "Responsive" tab was not working in some cases
  643. * Fix: Content Grid - Layout issue on window resize when using in the Advanced Tabs module
  644. * Fix: Content Grid - The Events Calendar section was not getting shown on event tags archive
  645. * Fix: Content Grid - Columns spacing px unit breaks the columns if the given value is more than 10
  646. * Fix: FAQ - PHP warning in some cases in ACF Relationship field query
  647. * Fix: Info List - Responsive alignment issue
  648. * Fix: Filterable Gallery - Applying both border and border radius was adding some spacing around the corners of images
  649. * Fix: Image Carousel - Applying both border and border radius was adding some spacing around the corners of images
  650. * Fix: Animated Headline - Using apostrophe in the text adding backslash while rendering
  651. * Fix: Off-Canvas Content - Custom font icon was not getting loaded
  652. * Fix: Image Carousel - Image repetition issue in lightbox
  653. * Fix: Image Carousel - Image overlap in slideshow when images are in different size
  654. * Fix: Team - Link field was not getting shown in WPML translation editor
  655. * Fix: Instagram Feed - Limit field was not working in some cases
  656. * Fix: Google Map - Zooming the map was not retaining the position of custom marker image in some cases
  657. * Fix: Header/Footer - Header was not getting sticky on responsive devices landscape mode
  658. * Fix: Header/Footer - Assets were not getting loaded properly in some cases
  659. * Fix: Row Templates - Incorrect thumbnail image was showing for Pricing Table 4 and 5
  660. * Development: Video - Added filter hook pp_video_play_button_html
  661. * Development: Info Box - Added filter hook pp_infobox_icon_link_enabled
  662. == 2.21.2 ==
  663. Release date: February 2, 2022
  664. * Enhancement: Advanced Accordion - Added ACF Relationship field as a source (requires Beaver Themer plugin)
  665. * Enhancement: FAQ - Added ACF Relationship field as a source (requires Beaver Themer plugin)
  666. * Enhancement: Content Grid - Added an option to open the link in new window
  667. * Fix: Content Grid - Taxonomy filters were not reappearing when resizing the window from responsive to large in some cases
  668. * Fix: Countdown - PHP warning in frontend.js.php due to empty "fixed date - month" field
  669. * Fix: Advanced Accordion - Leaving icon size field empty breaks the page on the sites running PHP 8
  670. * Development: FAQ - Added filter hook pp_faq_items
  671. * Development: Video Gallery - Added filter hook pp_video_gallery_items
  672. == 2.21.1 ==
  673. Release date: January 27, 2022
  674. * Hotfix: Photo Gallery - Images disappeared in justified layout
  675. == 2.21.0 ==
  676. Release date: January 26, 2022
  677. * Enhancement: Modules - Allow loading of icons stylesheet like FontAwesome only when the respective setting is enabled and icon is provided
  678. * Enhancement: Announcement Bar - Added an option to provide a custom icon for the close button from the icons library
  679. * Enhancement: Table - Allow render table without header
  680. * Enhancement: Modal Box - Added logic to link the Modal Box in any posts modules with custom layout feature to display the post content in popup
  681. * Enhancement: Content Grid - Added "Default" option for TEC order by field to respect the loop query order setting
  682. * Enhancement: Content Grid - Added "Featured Events" option under TEC Show Events dropdown
  683. * Enhancement: Content Grid - Introducing "cg-center-align" CSS class to center align posts whey they are less than the number of columns
  684. * Enhancement: Content Grid - Added px unit for column spacing
  685. * Enhancement: Search Form - Added an option to choose a custom icon for the input field in Minimal style
  686. * Enhancement: Image Scroll - Added an option to provide screen reader text for an empty anchor tag for accessibility
  687. * Enhancement: Row Separator - Enabled alpha channel for separator color field
  688. * Enhancement: 3D Slider - Allow loading of Magnific Popup scripts only when the lightbox is enabled
  689. * Enhancement: Image Carousel - Allow loading of Magnific Popup scripts only when the lightbox is enabled
  690. * Enhancement: Instagram Feed - Allow loading of carousel scripts only when the carousel layout is chosen
  691. * Enhancement: Logos Grid & Carousel - Allow loading of carousel scripts when the layout is set to carousel
  692. * Enhancement: Logos Grid & Carousel - Removed FontAwesome stylesheet instead used svg for navigation arrows
  693. * Enhancement: Modal Box - Allow loading of FontAwesome stylesheet when button type is icon and icon is provided
  694. * Enhancement: Post Timeline - Allow loading of slider scripts only when the layout is set to horizontal
  695. * Enhancement: Business Hours - Removed loading of unused FontAwesome stylesheet
  696. * Enhancement: Star Rating - Removed loading of unused FontAwesome stylesheet
  697. * Enhancement: Video Gallery - Removed loading of unused FontAwesome stylesheet
  698. * Enhancement: Columns Separator - Removed loading of FontAwesome stylesheet
  699. * Fix: Admin settings - Templates were not loading in some cases due to missing wp.template
  700. * Fix: Dual Button - Alignment issue on medium and responsive breakpoint
  701. * Fix: Advanced Menu - Missing Woo Cart icon after publishing the page
  702. * Fix: Advanced Menu - Responsive menu flash issue on page load
  703. * Fix: Advanced Menu - Extra spacing issue on the desktop when Off-canvas menu is chosen to be displayed on medium and small breakpoints
  704. * Fix: Advanced Menu - Added discernible text to Off-canvas menu close button
  705. * Fix: Image Scroll - Added missing alt attribute to <img> tag
  706. * Fix: Advanced Accordion - Added missing alt text to <img> tag when the content type is image
  707. * Fix: Author Box - Current author archive link target
  708. * Fix: Testimonial - Typography settings were not working for the HTML tag other than h3 for client name and profile
  709. * Fix: Hover Cards 2 - Empty spacing field breaks the page in some cases
  710. * Fix: Category Grid - Responsive Box Height was not working in some cases
  711. * Fix: Category Grid - Minor CSS fixes
  712. * Fix: Social Share - PHP warning for Pinterest share in some cases
  713. * Fix: Animated Headlines - Using TranslatePress plugin shortcode in the content was not reflecting the translated text
  714. * Fix: Logos Carousel - Hide the initial loading effect due to JS
  715. * Fix: Down Arrow (Row settings) - JS error when there is no fl-row element next to the current row in DOM
  716. * Fix: Content Grid - AJAX pagination was not working when taxonomy filters are disabled or equal height is set
  717. * Fix: Video - Background click to close was not working in lightbox
  718. * Fix: Off-Canvas Content - Button z-index issue
  719. * Fix: Restaurant Menu - PHP warning for undefined variable $menu_item
  720. * Fix: Reviews - Icon vertical alignement option was not working in some cases
  721. * Fix: Reviews - Pagination bullet color was not getting applied in some cases
  722. * Development: Announcement Bar - Added filter hook pp_announcement_bar_close_icon_html
  723. * Development: Login Form - Added hook lostpassword_form in lost password form
  724. * Development: Content Grid - Added filter hook pp_cg_carousel_nav_arrows
  725. * Development: Content Grid - Added filter hook pp_cg_custom_layout_enqueue_fa_stylesheet
  726. == 2.20.0 ==
  727. Release date: December 20, 2021
  728. * Enhancement: Advanced Menu - Added an option to enable Search in the menu
  729. * Enhancement: Advanced Menu - Added an option to enable Woo Cart in the menu
  730. * Enhancement: Advanced Menu - Added an option to use Submenu Width as min-width
  731. * Enhancement: Advanced Menu - Wrapped menu in <nav> HTML tag
  732. * Enhancement: Modal Box - Added an option to trigger popup on page scroll by certain percentage
  733. * Enhancement: Smart Button - Added an option to provide sub text with its own styling colors and typography
  734. * Enhancement: Login Form - Added hCaptcha integration
  735. * Enhancement: Login Form - Added reCAPTCHA and hCaptcha for lost password form as well
  736. * Enhancement: Category Grid - Added an option to make the content appear overlay or stacked
  737. * Enhancement: Content Grid - Added logic to not render empty category in filters
  738. * Enhancement: Content Grid - Added discernible text to slider previous/next navigation buttons for ADA compliance
  739. * Enhancement: Content Grid - Added discernible text to slider pagination dots for ADA compliance
  740. * Enhancement: Advanced Accordion - Added Order By and Offset options for Posts
  741. * Enhancement: Hover Cards 2 - Use image alt text from media library as primary and card title as secondary (fallback)
  742. * Enhancement: Photo Gallery - Added typography and width options for the Load More button
  743. * Enhancement: Photo Gallery - Enabled responsive option for the Load More button alignment
  744. * Enhancement: Testimonials - Removed unused FontAwesome stylesheet
  745. * Enhancement: Row Effects - Added Line Color option for Particles effect
  746. * Fix: Content Grid - Filters were not working properly in main query
  747. * Fix: Content Grid - PHP warning when Column Spacing field is empty
  748. * Fix: Announcement Bar - admin bar menus overlap issue
  749. * Fix: Announcement Bar - Close button ARIA attribute validation issue
  750. * Fix: Hover Cards - Missing image alt tag
  751. * Fix: Testimonials - Fixed height option was not working for Layout 4
  752. * Fix: Off-Canvas Content - Close icon was not getting displayed in some cases
  753. * Fix: Video Gallery - Non-English letters in filter tags were breaking the functionality
  754. * Fix: Advanced Tabs - ajaxurl undefined error in some cases
  755. * Fix: Advanced Accordion - ajaxurl undefined error in some cases
  756. * Fix: Header/Footer - Issue with Theme My Login password reset screen
  757. * Development: Content Grid - Added filter hook pp_cg_filters_show_available_posts_terms
  758. * Development: Content Grid - Added filter hook pp_cg_post_author_html
  759. * Development: Author Box - Added filter hook pp_author_box_image_url
  760. * Development: Author Box - Added filter hook pp_author_box_image_size
  761. == 2.19.1 ==
  762. Release date: December 2, 2021
  763. * Fix: Content Grid - Pagination was not working properly when using custom query on category archives
  764. * Fix: Content Grid - PHP warning after recent update
  765. * Fix: Animated Headlines - Shortcodes were not working in the text field
  766. * Fix: Table - File field value in ACF repeater was not getting outputted
  767. * Fix: Filterable Gallery - Filter by URL was not working sometimes in Firefox
  768. == 2.19.0 ==
  769. Release date: November 29, 2021
  770. * Enhancement: Maintenance Mode - Added scheduling feature
  771. * Enhancement: Content Grid - Slide can be swiped using the URL hash in carousel
  772. * Enhancement: Coupon - Added more position options for discount code and offer info
  773. * Enhancement: Subscribe Form - Added form width and alignement options
  774. * Enhancement: Logos Grid & Carousel - Added background color option for individual logo item
  775. * Enhancement: Pricing Table - Added package title padding option for individual package item
  776. * Fix: Logos Carousel - Update number of slides on window resize
  777. * Fix: Contact Form - Empty message body getting sent in the email content when the message field is hidden
  778. * Fix: Content Grid - Filters were not working when taxonomy terms slugs are in non-English letters
  779. * Fix: Content Grid - FontAwesome CSS was not loading when using font awesome icon in the custom layout
  780. * Fix: Hotspot - Trouble getting tooltip in touch devices when tooltip display setting is set to hover
  781. * Fix: Social Share - Wrong sharing URL on user profile page by Ultimate Member plugin
  782. * Fix: Breadcrumbs - Alignment setting was not working for responsive devices
  783. * Fix: Info List - Removed empty CSS output for title margin
  784. * Fix: Social Share - Facebook Messenger sharing was no longer working on mobile
  785. * Fix: Timeline - Timeline items not loading in Off-Canvas panel
  786. * Fix: Info List - Icon alignment issue when the whole box is linked
  787. * Development: Registration Form - Added filter hook pp_rf_email_fields
  788. == 2.18.4 ==
  789. Release date: November 10, 2021
  790. * Enhancement: Content Grid - Added an option to provide custom separator for taxonomy terms
  791. * Fix: Row Animated Background - Fix background size issue when using an image as background
  792. * Fix: Added missing strings in French translations (props: Emmanuel SOYER)
  793. * Fix: WPForms - Removed empty custom title and description HTML tags
  794. * Fix: Countdown Timer - Expiry message for the fixed timer shows Unfefined in some cases
  795. * Fix: Video - Added missing reset option for play icon border hover color
  796. * Fix: Video Gallery - Added missing reset option for play icon border hover color
  797. * Fix: Hotspot - PHP warning in some cases
  798. * Fix: Custom Link field in media modal was not showing when Envira Gallery plugin is active
  799. == 2.18.3 ==
  800. Release date: October 29, 2021
  801. * Enhancement: Image - Introducing CSS class "shrink-header-fix" to override custom width when module is used inside shrinkable header
  802. * Fix: Gravity Forms - Padding wasn't getting applied on input fields in some cases
  803. * Fix: Advanced Menu - Responsive submenu background color was not working in some cases
  804. * Fix: Contact Form 7 - Column classes were not working in some cases
  805. * Fix: Highlight Box - Font size was not working for dashicons
  806. * Fix: Post Timeline - Icon size was not working for dashicons
  807. * Development: Added filter hook pp_expandable_row_icon_html
  808. == 2.18.2 ==
  809. Release date: October 20, 2021
  810. * Fix: Gravity Forms - Added missing responsive controls for label font size, description font size
  811. * Fix: Gravity Forms - Input field padding responsive issue
  812. * Fix: Gravity Forms - More override fixes due to text color set in row / column
  813. * Fix: Countdown - Apostrophe in expire message field was breaking the layout
  814. * Fix: Advanced Accordion - Added missing role="tablist" HTML attribute
  815. * Fix: Info Box - Custom image width was not working when the module is used in site header
  816. * Fix: Updated French translation and added missing MO file
  817. * Fix: Updated Portuguese (Brazil) translations
  818. * Development: Video - Added hook pp_video_lightbox_after_load
  819. == 2.18.1 ==
  820. Release date: October 13, 2021
  821. * Enhancement: Table of Contents - Added a CSS class field under Sticky ToC settings to hide the ToC when it reaches to the row with specified CSS class
  822. * Fix: Info Box - Added an option in the module to inherit the columns equal heights behavior (kept enabled by default for existing users)
  823. * Fix: Photo Gallery - Added a workaround for the images which were not getting rendered in custom registered size
  824. * Fix: Filterable Gallery - Added a workaround for the images which were not getting rendered in custom registered size
  825. * Fix: Image Carousel - Added a workaround for the images which were not getting rendered in custom registered size
  826. * Fix: Registration Form - Validation error message was not showing for custom added fields
  827. * Fix: Gravity Forms - Text color set in the row or column setting overriding the custom title and description colors
  828. * Development: Photo Gallery - Added filter hook pp_gallery_image_html_attrs
  829. * Development: Filterable Gallery - Added filter hook pp_filterable_gallery_image_html_attrs
  830. * Development: Logos Grid & Carousel - Added filter hook pp_logo_image_html_attrs
  831. * Development: Advanced Accordion - Added filter hook pp_advanced_accordion_scroll_offset_top
  832. * Development: Post related modules - Added filter hook pp_post_image_settings_data
  833. == 2.18.0 ==
  834. Release date: October 5, 2021
  835. * Enhancement: Content Tiles - Added an option to enable date & author to be displayed on all tiles
  836. * Enhancement: Advanced Tabs - Added an option to set an image as an icon
  837. * Fix: Content Grid - None option in Fallback image field was not working in some cases
  838. * Fix: Content Grid - Post Filter Type option will always be visible to switch pagination from AJAX to static
  839. * Fix: Content Grid - Current category's child categories were not showing up in the taxonomy filters
  840. * Fix: Advanced Accordion - Total Number of Posts value was getting restored to default one after saving the module settings
  841. * Fix: Advanced Accordion - URL trigger was only working for the first instance when there are multiple instances on the page
  842. * Fix: Advanced Menu - Sub-menu alignement issue when using Expanded layout
  843. * Fix: Reviews - Google font awesome icon was not loading
  844. * Fix: Info Box - Column equal heights causes Info Box to use all available space
  845. * Fix: Login Form - Password reset was not working with BuddyBoss theme
  846. * Fix: Filterable Gallery - Images were not getting rendered in the given size in some cases
  847. * Fix: Animated Headlines - Animated text was not displaying in the builder when it renders the JS layout on changing module settings
  848. * Fix: Maintenance Mode - Header/Footer set in PowerPack settings were getting displayed while maintenance mode is enabled
  849. * Fix: Login/Register - Pages were not getting saved in the network admin
  850. * Development: Table of Contents - Added JS hooks pp_toc_before_init and pp_toc_after_init
  851. * Development: Table of Contents - Added is-empty and pp-toc-initialized CSS classes
  852. * Development: Category Grid - Added filter hook pp_category_grid_exclude_current_category
  853. * Development: Video - Added filter hook pp_video_iframe_attrs
  854. == 2.17.2 ==
  855. Release date: August 26, 2021
  856. * Enhancement: Login Form - Password reset success message now will show above the login form
  857. * Enhancement: Login Form - Added compatibility for "Strong Passwords" setting in the iThemes Security plugin
  858. * Enhancement: Modal Box - Added an option to provide your own CSS class or ID as trigger element
  859. * Enhancement: Modal Box - Added support for responsive alignment to modal button
  860. * Enhancement: Modal Box - Added button Icon Color and Icon Hover Color options
  861. * Enhancement: Testimonials - Added options to select HTML tag for Client name and profile
  862. * Enhancement: Photo Gallery - Added width and height attributes to <img> tag
  863. * Enhancement: Filterable Gallery - Added width and height attributes to <img> tag
  864. * Fix: Advanced Menu - Mobile toggle menu keeps getting closed when clicking on input field if a search form is placed inside
  865. * Fix: Pricing Table - Button rgba background color was not working properly
  866. * Fix: Gravity Forms - Radio & Checkbox styles were not working for Gravity Forms 2.5.x
  867. * Fix: Social Share - Border radius issue
  868. * Fix: Instagram Feed - PHP warning
  869. == 2.17.1 ==
  870. Release date: July 20, 2021
  871. * Enhancement: Image Hotspot - Added an option to close tooltip by clicking anywhere
  872. * Fix: Instagram Feed - Width of the swiper container was getting overridden by JetPack's CSS
  873. * Fix: Image Carousel - Width of the swiper container was getting overridden by JetPack's CSS
  874. * Fix: Video Gallery - Width of the swiper container was getting overridden by JetPack's CSS
  875. * Fix: Login Form - Full name was getting registered in the first name field for Google login
  876. * Fix: File Download - File field required issue when using multiple type
  877. == 2.17.0 ==
  878. Release date: July 14, 2021
  879. * Enhancement: Contact Form - Added hCaptcha integration
  880. * Enhancement: File Download - Added an option to choose a single source of the file or a dropdown with multiple files
  881. * Enhancement: Animated Headline - Added data-index attribute to rotating text for custom style
  882. * Enhancement: Off-Canvas Content - Added a logic to adjust the height automatically for top and bottom direction when the size is not given
  883. * Enhancement: Modal Box - Added an option to disable animations on overlay
  884. * Enhancement: Advanced Accordion - Added accessibility and keyboard navigation support
  885. * Enhancement: Advanced Accordion - Added an option to select an image as an icon
  886. * Enhancement: Announcement Bar - Added accessibility and keyboard navigation support
  887. * Enhancement: Announcement Bar - Replaced textarea field with WYSIWYG editor for content
  888. * Enhancement: Social Icons - Added support for TikTok icon
  889. * Enhancement: Info List - Added an option to align the icon to left or right with heading or content
  890. * Enhancement: Content Grid - Added logic to stop carousel autoplay when hovering over navigation arrows
  891. * Enhancement: Testimonials - Added an option to choose HTML tag for heading
  892. * Enhancement: How-To - Added an option to choose HTML tag for steps title
  893. * Fix: Advanced Accordion - Saved templates were not getting rendered for logged out users in some cases
  894. * Fix: Instagram Feed - Square layout issue
  895. * Fix: Content Grid - Incorrect post width issue
  896. * Fix: Content Grid - Added fallback method when AJAX pagination fails to load the posts on the front page in some cases
  897. * Fix: Content Grid - Carousel - Number of items were appearing based on min-width on tablet and mobile
  898. * Fix: Content Grid - Price and ratings were not showing when using AJAX filters for WooCommerce product post type
  899. * Fix: Flip Box - Removed default width and height for the image
  900. * Fix: Off-Canvas Content - Minor CSS issue regarding top and bottom layout
  901. * Fix: WPForms - Padding issue with phone field
  902. * Fix: Fluent Forms - PHP warning in some cases
  903. * Fix: Testimonials - Removed Carousel option in respect to the number of slides field
  904. * Fix: Table - Unable to save the module when CSV import field contains invalid characters in some cases
  905. * Fix: Photo Gallery - PHP warning when a user leaves the number of columns field empty
  906. * Fix: Restaurant Menu - Currency symbol position right was not getting applied when using inline layout
  907. * Fix: Image - Set max-width to Caption container to match the width of the image
  908. * Development: Advanced Menu - Added filter hook pp_advanced_menu_html_toggle to modify the hamburger toggle markup
  909. == 2.16.4 ==
  910. Release date: June 17, 2021
  911. * Fix: Advanced Menu - Accordion toggle issue on responsive breakpoint
  912. == 2.16.3 ==
  913. Release date: June 16, 2021
  914. * Enhancement: Content Grid - Added "Slug" as order by option
  915. * Enhancement: Testimonials - Added an option to disable the mouse drag for slider
  916. * Fix: Advanced Menu - Toggle arrows getting mixed up with text in horizontal layout with center alignment
  917. * Fix: Advanced Menu - Keyboard navigation issue
  918. * Fix: Gravity Forms Styler - Couple of error related styling fields were not working for GF 2.5 and above
  919. * Fix: Modal Box - iframe loading issue on page load in some cases
  920. * Fix: Logos Grid - Spacing issue on medium breakpoint
  921. * Fix: Image Carousel - Autplay Speed field left emptied causes JS error
  922. * Fix: Header/Footer - Header background color getting transparent in builder due to overlay setting
  923. == 2.16.2 ==
  924. Release date: June 2, 2021
  925. * Enhancement: Video - Added an option to provide a value for HTML title attribute for iframe and video tag
  926. * Enhancement: Image Carousel - Added options to add custom screen reader text for previous and next nav arrows
  927. * Enhancement: Advanced Accordion - ACF Repeater - Added logic to convert URL to clickable link returned from ACF file field used for accordion item content
  928. * Fix: Modal Box - Popup was getting closed automatically in some cases
  929. * Fix: Testimonials - Spacing was not working in grid layout when the column is set to 1
  930. * Fix: Content Grid - Layout issue when used in Advanced Accordion module
  931. * Fix: Advanced Accordion - Automatic page scroll issue
  932. == 2.16.1 ==
  933. Release date: May 26, 2021
  934. * Fix: Advanced Menu - Submenu padding, search icon alignment, and toggle arrows in full-screen overlay issue
  935. * Fix: Row Animated Background - Colors were not getting applied after the last update
  936. == 2.16.0 ==
  937. Release date: May 25, 2021
  938. * Enhancement: Maintenance Mode - Added an option to access the site via a user-defined secret access key
  939. * Enhancement: Maintenance Mode - Added support for Beaver Builder's saved layout and row templates
  940. * Enhancement: Video - Added a new source for Wistia videos embed
  941. * Enhancement: Business Hours - Added an option for 24-hour format
  942. * Enhancement: Business Hours - Added options to change or translate day names
  943. * Enhancement: Testimonials - Added options to control styling for the entire box
  944. * Enhancement: Content Grid - Enabled responsive option for filters padding
  945. * Enhancement: Category Grid - Added Meta Value, Meta Value Number, and None option in Order By field
  946. * Enhancement: Image Carousel - Added accessibility support
  947. * Enhancement: Modal Box - Added a field to enter screen reader text for the modal button type image and icon
  948. * Enhancement: WPForms - Added options to control typography for checkbox and radio labels
  949. * Enhancement: Content Ticker - Added link field for header
  950. * Fix: Filterable Gallery - ACF Gallery field connection was not working
  951. * Fix: Sitemap - Some taxonomies were not appearing in the dropdown
  952. * Fix: Author Box - anchor tag was appearing when the link is set to none
  953. * Fix: Advanced Menu - Toggle arrows direction issue in vertical layout
  954. * Fix: Advanced Menu - Submenu toggle was not working in Off-Canvas due to vertical layout
  955. * Fix: Subscribe Form and Contact Form - Updated AJAX URLs
  956. * Fix: Testimonials - ADA compliance issue with slider pagination dots
  957. * Fix: Info List - Responsive alignment issue for icon position top
  958. * Fix: Album - Border radius was not working for the overlay
  959. * Fix: Dot Navigation - Scroll effect was still working on devices of the breakpoint set in the module
  960. * Fix: Dot Navigation - JS error while scrolling the page
  961. * Fix: Divider - Horizontal padding was not working if vertical padding remains 0 or empty
  962. * Fix: Pricing Table - PHP warning in frontend.css.php due to empty field
  963. * Fix: Restaurant Menu - PHP warning in frontend.css.php due to empty field
  964. * Fix: Content Grid - PHP warning in frontend.css.php and frontend.js.php due to empty post spacing and column fields
  965. * Fix: Hotspot - PHP warning
  966. * Fix: Row Separators - ADA compliance issue
  967. * Fix: Row Effects - Line Particles - ADA compliance issue
  968. * Fix: Row Effects - JS error
  969. * Fix: Maintenance Mode - "part" layout built with themer was not getting excluded
  970. * Development: Content Grid - Added filter hooks - pp_cg_filtered_terms and pp_cg_filtered_term
  971. == 2.15.4 ==
  972. Release date: April 20, 2021
  973. * Enhancement: Video & Video Gallery - Added logic to close lightbox on esc key press
  974. * Fix: Photo Gallery - Close the lightbox when tapping outside the image in small devices
  975. * Fix: Smart Button & File Download - Clicking on reset background hover color was adding transparent background
  976. * Fix: Logos Grid - Spacing issue in small devices
  977. * Fix: Subscribe Form - Inline layout was not responsive on small devices
  978. * Fix: Content Grid - Image effects were not working for Style 9
  979. * Fix: Content Grid - The Events Calendar options were not showing on events archive in builder
  980. * Fix: Image - SVG image was stopped showing when used in sticky header
  981. * Fix: Flip Box - ADA compliance issue when headings are left empty
  982. == 2.15.3 ==
  983. Release date: April 8, 2021
  984. * Fix: Off-Canvas Content - Saved layouts were not getting added in dropdown due to cached AJAX URL
  985. * Fix: Modal Box - Saved layouts were not getting added in dropdown due to cached AJAX URL
  986. * Fix: Testimonials Slider - ADA compliance issue with slider arrow buttons
  987. * Fix: Contact Form - ADA compliance issue with button icon
  988. * Fix: Image - Image size issue when used in sticky header set through Beaver Themer
  989. * Fix: Instagram Feed - Added an option to maintain width for the square layout
  990. * Fix: Dual Button - Spacing was not working vertically when buttons get stacked at a given breakpoint
  991. * Fix: Image Carousel - Disable thumbnail loop respecting to the Loop option to prevent image centering issues
  992. * Fix: Content Ticker - Added missing alpha channel for Content Hover Background Color
  993. * Fix: Info List - Icon alignement issue
  994. * Core: Added MainWP compatibility for plugin update
  995. * Development: Advanced Accordion - Added filter hook pp_accordion_cpt_query_args
  996. == 2.15.2 ==
  997. Release date: March 26, 2021
  998. * Enhancement: Category Grid - Added logic to exclude the current category from taxonomy archive
  999. * Fix: Content Grid - Taxonomy filters order setting was not working when displaying only child terms
  1000. * Fix: Advanced Menu - hide-heading class was not working in mobile devices with horizontal menu
  1001. * Fix: Smart Button - Link nofollow setting was not getting saved
  1002. * Fix: Image Carousel - Keyboard navigation was not working
  1003. * Fix: Header/Footer - WPML issue
  1004. * Fix: jQuery compatibility issue since WP 5.7
  1005. == 2.15.1 ==
  1006. Release date: March 18, 2021
  1007. * Hotfix: In some cases we found PHP warning in Header/Footer devices logic added in the last update
  1008. == 2.15.0 ==
  1009. Release date: March 18, 2021
  1010. * Enhancement: Header/Footer - Added an option to enable fixed header for tablet and mobile
  1011. * Enhancement: Devices - Added an option to provide a text for image alt HTML attribute
  1012. * Enhancement: Video - Added support for YouTube playlist
  1013. * Enhancement: Content Grid - Added an option to order taxonomy filters
  1014. * Enhancement: Animated Headlines - Added options to control animation and transition duration
  1015. * Enhancement: Field Connection - Added a new field connection to get value from PowerPack Custom Link (media uploader)
  1016. * Fix: Content Grid - isotope JS error in some cases
  1017. * Fix: Content Grid - Read More link was getting replaced by home page link when The Events Calendar plugin is active
  1018. * Fix: Content Grid - Option to change No Results Found message was not visible for carousel in the module setting
  1019. * Fix: Content Grid - Carousel showing navigation arrows even if there is only 1 post
  1020. * Fix: Content Grid - Non-numeric value PHP warning
  1021. * Fix: Gravity Forms - Non-numeric value PHP warning
  1022. * Fix: Pricing Table - Layout issue when used inside expandable row
  1023. * Fix: Announcement Bar - Sticky header built with themer was getting overlapped by the announcement bar
  1024. * Fix: Instagram Feed - PHP warnings due to missing properties
  1025. * Fix: Instagram Feed - Multiple images output in carousel
  1026. * Fix: Instagram Feed - Lightbox was not working in some cases
  1027. * Fix: Instagram Feed - Empty space issue in carousel when Custom Size is set along with Visible Items and the row content is set to full width
  1028. * Fix: Contact Form - Redirection after submission was not working in some cases
  1029. * Fix: Category Grid - Column width calculation error
  1030. * Fix: Post Timeline - Incorrect taxonomy terms were showing
  1031. * Fix: Animated Headline - Text cut-off issue in some effects
  1032. * Fix: Advanced Menu - PHP 8 deprecation warnings
  1033. * Fix: Maintenance Mode - Only the last IP address added in the whitelist was getting excluded
  1034. * Fix: Expandable Row - Default expanded state was showing wrong title on page load
  1035. * Fix: Row Separators - Added missing color reset option to color fields
  1036. * Fix: Core - PHP error when FAQ module is disabled from settings
  1037. == 2.14.1 ==
  1038. Release date: February 16, 2021
  1039. * Hotfix: PHP notice in 2.14.0
  1040. == 2.14.0 ==
  1041. Release date: February 15, 2021
  1042. * Enhancement: Instagram Feed - Updated the module with new API logic
  1043. * Enhancement: Content Grid - Added an option Auto Height for carousel
  1044. * Enhancement: Content Grid - Added field connection to custom image fallback
  1045. * Enhancement: Advanced Menu - Added keyboard navigation support for hamburger icon
  1046. * Enhancement: Content Ticker - Added an option to change No Items Found message
  1047. * Enhancement: Card Slider - Added an option to change No Items Found message
  1048. * Enhancement: Photo Gallery - Added options for lightbox - Toolbar Buttons, Thumbnail Position
  1049. * Enhancement: Smart Headings - Added div, p, and span as heading HTML tags
  1050. * Enhancement: Subscribe Form - Added options for input labels
  1051. * Enhancement: Subscribe Form - Added an option to set content color
  1052. * Enhancement: Testimonials - Added padding field for the box and top spacing field for the image
  1053. * Enhancement: Info List - Added title hover color option
  1054. * Fix: Logos Slider - Blur image issue when sliding
  1055. * Fix: Content Tiles - HTML is breaking when there are only 2 posts available
  1056. * Fix: Modal Box - Placeholder text was visible in search engine
  1057. * Fix: Advanced Accordion - Post type field was getting reverted to "post"
  1058. * Fix: Subscribe Form - Button was appearing transparent instead of default color from theme when not supplying background color
  1059. * Fix: Subscribe Form - Added missing color reset option for input text color
  1060. * Fix: Subscribe Form - Content field was not visible in some "types"
  1061. * Fix: Info Box - Added missing role attribute to button anchor tag
  1062. * Fix: Content Grid - Sometimes Pods fields added in custom content were not getting rendered in AJAX pagination results
  1063. * Fix: Hover Cards 1 and 2 - Box shadow issue
  1064. * Development: Contact Form - Added a filter pp_contact_form_strings_i18n to change validation and error messages
  1065. * Development: Advanced Accordion - Added a filter pp_accordion_items
  1066. * Development: Content Grid - Added a filter pp_cg_post_permalink (args - $permalink, $post_id, $settings)
  1067. * Development: Video - Added a filter pp_video_video_url (args - $video_url, $settings) and pp_video_video_html (args - $video_html, $settings)
  1068. * Development: Photo Gallery - Added a filter pp_gallery_photos_data (args - $photos, $settings)
  1069. * Development: Filterable Gallery - Added a filter pp_filterable_gallery_photos_data (args - $photos, $settings)
  1070. == 2.13.4 ==
  1071. Release date: January 21, 2020
  1072. * Hotfix: Content Grid - Custom layout object parsing issue
  1073. == 2.13.3 ==
  1074. Release date: January 21, 2021
  1075. * Hotfix: Content Grid - Custom layout broke after 2.13.2 update
  1076. == 2.13.2 ==
  1077. Release date: January 20, 2021
  1078. * Fix: Content Grid - Module was unable to fetch the remote image from the post content where featured image was not set
  1079. * Fix: Content Grid - Children of all parent terms were not showing in filter
  1080. * Fix: Content Grid - Duplicate posts were appearing on pagination when using Load More pagination with FacetWP filters
  1081. * Fix: Content Grid - Posts were not showing when paginating on the search results page
  1082. * Fix: Content Grid - id and class properties were missing from the setting object passed in AJAX
  1083. * Fix: Reviews - Module was getting translated version of reviews from Google Places despite the original
  1084. * Fix: Dual Button - Medium and Responsive alignment issues
  1085. * Fix: Photo Gallery - Layout issue when using the module inside Advanced Tabs
  1086. * Fix: Filterable Gallery - PHP warnings in frontend.css.php
  1087. * Fix: Video Gallery - Responsive columns were not working properly
  1088. * Fix: Table - Swipe feature was not respecting the breakpoint after recent update
  1089. * Fix: Modal Box - Click anywhere to exit feature was not working in some cases
  1090. * Fix: Header/Footer - Header was getting hidden in the builder when duplicating any element when overlay setting is enabled
  1091. * Development: Category Grid - Added filter pp_category_grid_layout_path
  1092. == 2.13.1 ==
  1093. Release date: December 15, 2020
  1094. * Hotfix: Same version was showing on the plugin update page
  1095. == 2.13.0 ==
  1096. Release date: December 15, 2020
  1097. * Enhancement: Added an option in PowerPack extensions setting to disable WordPress Lazy Load
  1098. * Enhancement: Table of Contents - Added compatibility with RankMath plugin
  1099. * Enhancement: Content Grid - Improved AJAX response speed for dynamic filters
  1100. * Enhancement: Card Slider - Added options to control content margin, padding, and card max-width
  1101. * Enhancement: Content Tiles - Other posts image size will be controlled by Medium or Small tile image size options based on the selected Column Width
  1102. * Enhancement: Smart Banner - Description field is now WYSIWYG editor
  1103. * Fix: Card Slider - Responsive image width issue
  1104. * Fix: Hover Cards - Heading typography was not working for the tag other than h3
  1105. * Fix: Table - Scroll mode was getting reverted to original when changing orientation to landscape on responsive devices
  1106. * Fix: Table - Incorrect split of CSV data when the comma is found inside double quotes string
  1107. * Fix: Category Grid - Delayed hover transition issue
  1108. * Fix: Content Grid - Fallback image was not getting cropped
  1109. * Fix: Content Grid - Equal height was not getting applied when using the Content Grid in Advanced Tabs module
  1110. * Fix: Content Grid - Grid layout issue due to lazy load
  1111. * Fix: Content Grid - Default filter was not working
  1112. * Fix: Content Grid - Unfefined date_format variable PHP warning in carousel mode
  1113. * Fix: Contact Form - Field connection was not working in email subject field
  1114. * Fix: Advanced Accordion - Icon alignment issue
  1115. * Fix: Video Gallery - Minor CSS issue
  1116. * Fix: Pricing Table - Layout issue when using in the expandable row
  1117. * Fix: Image Carousel - Lightbox close button CSS conflict with the CSS of Image module
  1118. * Fix: Info Box - Hairline visible gap between icon and border when background color is filled
  1119. * Fix: Photo Gallery - Minor JS issue
  1120. == 2.12.4 ==
  1121. Release date: November 12, 2020
  1122. * Fix: Smart Headings - Separator width percent unit was not working properly
  1123. * Fix: Card Slider - Button link was not working properly
  1124. * Fix: Card Slider - Height issue in iPhone when direction is set to horizontal
  1125. * Fix: Formidable Forms - Button styles were getting applied to progress bar too due to the same HTML elements
  1126. * Fix: Testimonial - Renamed Minimum Slides field to Number of Slides
  1127. * Fix: Social Icons - Colors set in Row settings were not getting applied to module elements properly
  1128. * Fix: Content Grid - Load More pagination was not working after resetting FacetWP filters
  1129. * Fix: Content Grid - Added missing alt attribute to loading spinner image
  1130. * Fix: Content Grid - AJAX based pagination was not workig on search page with Relevanssi plugin
  1131. * Fix: Logos Grid - Extra margin on the last logo item
  1132. * Fix: Image - Border radius was not getting applied to responsive layout
  1133. * Fix: Contact Form 7 - Label typography settings were not getting applied
  1134. * Fix: Info List - z-index issue
  1135. * Fix: Core (Header/Footer) - Duplicate row was showing in header template
  1136. * Fix: Core (Maintenance Mode) - PHP warning with Genesis theme when viewing single product post
  1137. == 2.12.3 ==
  1138. Release date: October 21, 2020
  1139. * Fix: Filterable Gallery - Medium and responsive settings were not working properly
  1140. * Fix: Advanced Menu - Hamburger alignment was not working for medium breakpoint
  1141. * Fix: Animated Headline - Some typography options were not working for animating text
  1142. * Fix: Content Grid - Layout issue when using the module in expandable row
  1143. * Fix: Login Form - Invalid data issue
  1144. * Fix: Breadcrumbs - Added missing alpha channel for background color fields
  1145. == 2.12.2 ==
  1146. Release date: October 19, 2020
  1147. * Fix: Reviews - Custom reviews were stopped getting displayed
  1148. * Fix: Instagram Feed - CORS issue on some servers
  1149. == 2.12.1 ==
  1150. Release date: October 15, 2020
  1151. * Fix: Table of Contents - JS error after 2.12.0 update
  1152. == 2.12.0 ==
  1153. Release date: October 14, 2020
  1154. * Enhancement: Content Grid - Added an option to display child terms as filters for taxonomy archive
  1155. * Enhancement: Content Grid - Added options to add hover text color for title, content, and meta
  1156. * Enhancement: Table of Contents - Added an option to choose whether to generate anchor ID from heading text or auto
  1157. * Enhancement: Google Map - Added an option for custom marker image size
  1158. * Enhancement: Smart Heading - Added new percent unit for separator width
  1159. * Enhancement: Advanced Menu - Added border hover color option
  1160. * Enhancement: Off-Canvas Content - Added logic to trigger off-canvas panel via URL
  1161. * Enhancement: Login Form - Added an option to change Register link text
  1162. * Enhancement: Content Ticker - Added logic to display event date instead of post date for The Events Calendar
  1163. * Enhancement: Card Slider - Added logic to display event date instead of post date for The Events Calendar
  1164. * Enhancement: Core - Added individual license activation settings for subsites in multisite network
  1165. * Enhancement: Core - Added indicator with tooltip to show dependent modules under modules manager admin settings
  1166. * Fix: Announcement Bar - Close icon was not appearing sometimes
  1167. * Fix: Off-Canvas Content - Toggle button accessibility issues
  1168. * Fix: Off-Canvas Content - Link with hash value in href leads the panel to close
  1169. * Fix: Card Slider - Double quotes issue in URL
  1170. * Fix: Author Box - Broken image alt tag due to HTML used in author name
  1171. * Fix: Content Grid - Beaver Themer ACF fields shortcodes were not working in custom content
  1172. * Fix: Sliding Menu - Submenu overlap issue with transparent background
  1173. * Fix: Modal Box - Issue with multiple iframes used in saved template
  1174. * Fix: Caldera Forms Styler - CSS was not getting applied to pagination button
  1175. * Fix: Logos Grid - Empty spacing field is leading to PHP error
  1176. * Fix: Content Grid - Product price and cart button were not showing on shop archive when using main query
  1177. * Fix: Video Gallery - Missing video thumbnail URL in structured data
  1178. * Fix: Advanced Menu - Added missing field connections for 2 color fields
  1179. * Fix: Advanced Menu - Browser outline issue
  1180. * Fix: Advanced Accordion - Browser window was not getting scrolled to accordion item triggered via URL hash
  1181. * Fix: Album - Custom registered image sizes were not showing
  1182. * Fix: Login Form - Issue with reCAPTCHA v3
  1183. * Fix: Category Grid - RTL issue
  1184. * Fix: Advanced Menu - RTL issue
  1185. * Fix: Fancy Heading - Minor PHP warning
  1186. * Fix: Advanced Accordion - Minor PHP warning
  1187. * Fix: FAQ - Minor PHP warning
  1188. * Fix: Reviews - PHP error
  1189. * Fix: Core - Enabled Modules were not getting saved properly when used or not used modules filter is active
  1190. * Development: Subscribe Form - Added filter pp_subscribe_form_strings_i18n to modify validation and error messages
  1191. * Development: Login Form - Added filter pp_login_form_password_reset_email_subject
  1192. * Development: Login Form - Added filter pp_login_form_password_reset_email_content
  1193. * Development: Login Form - Added filter pp_login_form_js_messages_i18n
  1194. * Development: Login Form - Added filter pp_login_form_redirect_url
  1195. * Development: Content Grid - Added filter pp_post_grid_ajax_response
  1196. * Development: Photo Gallery - Added filter pp_gallery_output_image_srcset (default: false)
  1197. * Development: Core - Added filter pp_modules_override_theme_dir
  1198. == 2.11.0 ==
  1199. Release date: August 26, 2020
  1200. * New: Added Card Slider module
  1201. * Enhancement: Reviews - Added an option to show or hide user profile image
  1202. * Fix: Reviews - When linking to Google + Yelp reviews, if a user does not have an avatar it displays as a broken image
  1203. * Fix: Reviews - The "Icon Size" setting was not getting applied to Google reviews as it does for Yelp reviews
  1204. == 2.10.3 ==
  1205. Release date: August 21, 2020
  1206. * Fix: Advanced Menu - Sub-menu was not getting shown in some cases on touch devices
  1207. * Fix: Advanced Menu - Added missing alpha slider for Container Background Color field
  1208. == 2.10.2 ==
  1209. Release date: August 19, 2020
  1210. * Fix: Content Grid - Scroll pagination was returning duplicate posts
  1211. * Fix: Content Grid - Read More button styling options were not showing for product add-to-cart button
  1212. * Fix: Advanced Menu - When desktop menu is used on touch devices, parent menu item was getting clicked and not allowing access to sub-menu
  1213. == 2.10.1 ==
  1214. Release date: August 13, 2020
  1215. * Fix: Content Grid - "All" filter was not working in WP 5.5
  1216. * Fix: Row animated background was not working when using multiple instances of the same saved row on a page
  1217. == 2.10.0 ==
  1218. Release date: August 12, 2020
  1219. * New: Content Ticker module
  1220. * Enhancement: Advanced Accordion - Added logic to trigger nested accordion via URL
  1221. * Enhancement: Video Gallery - Added unique CSS classes based on the tags to filter items
  1222. * Enhancement: Video Gallery - Added logic to trigger the filter by providing #hash in URL
  1223. * Enhancement: Contact Form - Added option to mark fields as required or optional
  1224. * Enhancement: Author Box - Added option to display info from other users
  1225. * Enhancement: Table - Added logic to display data from ACF Repeater field
  1226. * Fix: Content Grid - Duplicate carousel navigation buttons were rendering
  1227. * Fix: Content Grid - Tribe Events - Expired event posts were showing on AJAX filter irrespective of module settings
  1228. * Fix: Content Grid - Price CSS was getting overridden by theme
  1229. * Fix: Content Grid - Load More pagination was not working properly after the last update
  1230. * Fix: Content Grid - AJAX issue in WP 5.5
  1231. * Fix: Gravity Forms - Links in confirmation message were not clickable
  1232. * Fix: Image Carousel - Not working properly when used inside expandable row
  1233. * Fix: Info Box - Added missing field connection for button text
  1234. * Fix: Info Box - Button icon was not removable
  1235. * Fix: Star Rating - PHP error
  1236. * Fix: Video - JS error when lightbox does not contain iframe
  1237. * Fix: Video Gallery - iframe was showing current page instead of video sometimes
  1238. * Fix: Countdown - Expiry message was not getting displayed once evergreen timer ends
  1239. * Fix: Off-Canvas Content - Responsive padding and width were not getting reflected on frontend
  1240. * Core - Removed field "Google Places API Key" from plugin settings. Use "Google Map API key" for both places and map.
  1241. == 2.9.2 ==
  1242. Release date: July 17, 2020
  1243. * Fix: Gravity Forms - PHP error missing GFFormDisplay class in some cases
  1244. * Fix: Content Grid - HTML structure broken when no posts are available
  1245. * Fix: Category Grid - Issue in IE 11
  1246. == 2.9.1 ==
  1247. Release date: July 16, 2020
  1248. * Fix: Table of Contents - Anchors were not working when disabling hierarchical view
  1249. * Fix: Post Timeline - PHP warnings in CSS
  1250. == 2.9.0 ==
  1251. Release date: July 15, 2020
  1252. * New: Table of Contents module
  1253. * Enhancement: File Download - Added field connections
  1254. * Enhancement: File Download - Added an option for custom file name
  1255. * Enhancement: Content Grid - Added option to change number of slides to move at a time for carousel
  1256. * Enhancement: Content Grid - Added option to change the filters position top, left, or right
  1257. * Enhancement: Category Grid - Added option to show only assigned categories' children or parents on single post
  1258. * Enhancement: Advanced Tabs - Added option to position vertical tabs left or right
  1259. * Enhancement: Advanced Tabs - Added option to set tab description
  1260. * Enhancement: Advanced Tabs - Added accessibility support
  1261. * Enhancement: Restaurant Menu - Added option to set currency symbol position
  1262. * Enhancement: Photo Gallery - Added option to enable or disable link nofollow
  1263. * Enhancement: Filterable Gallery - Added option to enable or disable link nofollow
  1264. * Enhancement: Logos Grid & Carousel - Added option to enable or disable link nofollow
  1265. * Enhancement: Google Map - Added option to control maximum zoom
  1266. * Enhancement: Image Carousel - Added option to render image via background image or with img tag
  1267. * Enhancement: Image Carousel - Added options to change bullets vertical and horizontal spacing
  1268. * Enhancement: Image Panels - Added option to stack panels on responsive devices
  1269. * Enhancement: Login Form - Added option to position social login button above or below the form
  1270. * Enhancement: Off-Canvas - Added logic to close the off-canvas panel when clicking on on-page links
  1271. * Enhancement: Header/Footer - Added logic to support additional themes via add_theme_support function
  1272. * Enhancement: Row settings - Added new PowerPack row separators - Curve Layers, Mountains
  1273. * Fix: Modal Box - PHP warning due to undefined array offset in CSS
  1274. * Fix: Modal Box - Added missing alt tag for image button
  1275. * Fix: Off-Canvas Content - Using Animated Headlines on the same page causes Off-Canvas panel slightly flicker
  1276. * Fix: Content Grid - Issue with nav buttons getting cut-off in carousel
  1277. * Fix: Google Map - Issue with ACF Repeater field
  1278. * Fix: Image Carousel - Pagination was not working properly due to JS conflict with PP Instagram Feed module on the same page
  1279. * Fix: Instagram Feed - Special characters in alt text breaks the content
  1280. * Fix: Photo Gallery - Pagination was not working properly in some cases
  1281. * Development: Google Map - Added hook pp_google_map_data to filter the data
  1282. * Development: Google Map - Added hook pp_google_map_cluster_images_url to change marker cluster images URL
  1283. * Development: Off-Canvas Content - Introduced a CSS class to close the panel by clicking on any element having this class
  1284. * Development: Login Form - Added hook pp_login_form_social_login_registration to allow new user registration via social login
  1285. * Development: FAQ - Added hook pp_faq_schema_force_render to print schema data when module is rendered through shortcode or as a saved template
  1286. == ==
  1287. Release date: June 22, 2020
  1288. * Fix: Content Grid - Exclude Current Post set in module setting causes the last post being repeated with AJAX pagination
  1289. * Fix: Image Carousel - Last update broke slideshow functionality
  1290. * Fix: Login - WP lost password URL redirecting to custom action
  1291. == 2.8.2 ==
  1292. Release date: June 17, 2020
  1293. * Enhancement: Category Grid - Added Parent only selector for current taxonomy field
  1294. * Enhancement: Video - Added field connection for image overlay
  1295. * Enhancement: Content Grid - Added accessibility support for filters
  1296. * Enhancement: Countdown - Increased number of years
  1297. * Fix: Content Grid - Same image was getting applied on all posts in Carousel mode when lazy load is enabled
  1298. * Fix: Content Grid - Child terms were not getting displayed when the option is set to show Children only
  1299. * Fix: Content Grid - Last post was getting shown up again on scroll pagination when setting up default filter
  1300. * Fix: Content Grid - Static filters were not working when post tags are used for CPTs
  1301. * Fix: Announcement Bar - Link field was not showing for WPML translation
  1302. * Fix: Login Form - Added compatibility for 3rd party plugins
  1303. * Fix: Registration Form - Consent field was not getting marked as required
  1304. * Fix: Category Grid - All child terms were showing irrespective of current parent term
  1305. * Fix: Social Share - PHP notice on single post
  1306. * Fix: Reviews - JS error when using expandable row
  1307. * Fix: Image Carousel - JS error when using expandable row
  1308. * Fix: Image Carousel - Minor JS issue when slider gets stuck on first slide group in autoplay
  1309. * Fix: FAQ - Content settings were getting reverted after publishing the changes
  1310. * Fix: InfoBox - Visibility rules were not working for module when equal height is enabled in column settings
  1311. * Fix: Off-Canvas Content - "1" was appearing at the bottom when using sidebar as content
  1312. * Fix: Logo Grid - Updated medium breakpoint to get value from global settings
  1313. * Development: Content Grid - Added hook pp_post_disable_schema to disable schema
  1314. == ==
  1315. Release date: May 13, 2020
  1316. * Enhancement: Core - Added filters in Modules Manager
  1317. * Fix: Core - Modules Manager will sync with BB's modules list
  1318. * Fix: Content Grid - PHP error on AJAX filter
  1319. * Fix: Content Grid - Carousel's Lazy Load was not working
  1320. * Fix: Gravity Forms - Success message styling issue
  1321. * Fix: Video Gallery - Added support for Advanced Tabs and Advanced Accordion module
  1322. == 2.8.1 ==
  1323. Release date: May 6, 2020
  1324. * New: Core - Added Modules Manager in settings
  1325. * Enhancement: Core - Added a logic to restore white label settings form and plugin visibility via URL argument
  1326. * Enhancement: Content Grid - Post date will display event start date for The Events Calendar
  1327. * Enhancement: Countdown - Added Time Zone option
  1328. * Enhancement: Album - Added Transition Speed option
  1329. * Enhancement: Advanced Menu - Added Off Canvas width option
  1330. * Enhancement: Content Grid - Added option to set default filter for grid
  1331. * Enhancement: Smart Button - Added Icon Spacing option
  1332. * Enhancement: Row Extension - Added new style for Down Arrow
  1333. * Fix: Off-Canvas Content - Close button position issue
  1334. * Fix: Table - Background color was not working with some themes
  1335. * Fix: Table - Header color was not working when table is sortable
  1336. * Fix: Advanced Menu - Link background hover color was not working for current item in offcanvas menu
  1337. * Fix: Advanced Menu - Responsive Style tab gets hidden when responsive toggle option set to "None"
  1338. * Fix: Advanced Menu - Minor JS issue
  1339. * Fix: Animated Headline - Width computation issue for rotating animation
  1340. * Fix: Content Grid - Posts image and content were not getting stacked when using alternate layout
  1341. * Fix: Video Gallery - Filters responsive layout issue
  1342. * Fix: File Download - Icon Spacing was not working
  1343. * Fix: Testimonials - Fixed height issue
  1344. * Fix: Instagram Feed - Minor CSS issue
  1345. == ==
  1346. Release date: April 17, 2020
  1347. * Fix: Content Grid - Posts order change while AJAX paginating on WooCommerce archive page
  1348. * Fix: Photo Gallery - Layout break due to sub-pixel rounding in Safari browser
  1349. * Fix: Advanced Menu - Full screen menu throws JS error when there are multiple instances of module
  1350. * Fix: Testimonials - Incorrect height computation in builder when fixed height is enabled
  1351. * Fix: Announcement Bar - Overlapping module setting in builder due to higher z-index
  1352. * Development: Advanced Tabs - Added hook pp_advanced_tabs_scroll_animate to enable or disable scroll animation on tab switch
  1353. * Development: Smart Button - Added hook pp_smart_button_html_attrs to modify HTML attributes of button
  1354. == ==
  1355. Release date: April 3, 2020
  1356. Enhancement: Added new field connection property for PowerPack's Custom Taxonomy Thumbnail extension
  1357. Enhancement: Performance optimization
  1358. Enhancement: Smart Banner - Added option to disable old responsive settings to support BB 2.0 responsive typography options
  1359. Enhancement: Smart Button - Added aria-label accessibility attribute
  1360. Fix: Info List - Icons alignment issue when using link after recent update
  1361. Fix: Video - Added custom field support for URL field connection
  1362. Fix: Google Map - JS error when custom fields left emptied in CPT
  1363. Fix: Advanced Menu - Submenu width was not getting applied
  1364. Fix: Image Comparison - Color was not getting applied on the container circle
  1365. Fix: Core - Row infinite background JS error due to missing imagesLoaded dependency
  1366. Fix: Core - PowerPack's Custom Taxonomy Thumbnail option was not showing all images in media library
  1367. == ==
  1368. Release date: March 27, 2020
  1369. Hotfix: Login Form - Redirect to the same page caused the form to be shown again
  1370. Hotfix: Testimonials - Content disappears when there is only one testimonial
  1371. Hotfix: Testimonials - Equal height issue with slider
  1372. == 2.8.0 ==
  1373. Release date: March 25, 2020
  1374. New: Added Off-Canvas Content module
  1375. New: Added Sliding Menu module
  1376. Enhancement: Login Form - Social login integration
  1377. Enhancement: Login Form - reCAPTCHA integration
  1378. Enhancement: Category Grid - Added logic to show only children categories on taxonomy archive
  1379. Enhancement: Category Grid - Added option to hide or show category image
  1380. Enhancement: Category Grid - Added orderby ID option
  1381. Enhancement: Content Grid - Added RTL support for carousel
  1382. Enhancement: Content Grid - Added orderby option for ACF Relationship
  1383. Enhancement: Content Grid - Added option Content Alternate Layout to swap image and content in a row
  1384. Enhancement: Content Grid - Added support for Events Calendar - order, orderby, and show upcoming or past events
  1385. Enhancement: Social Share - Added option to hide text on responsive devices
  1386. Enhancement: Reviews - Added option to change header position
  1387. Enhancement: Info List - Added responsive options for icon position field
  1388. Enhancement: Testimonials - Added rtl support
  1389. Enhancement: Video - Added shortcode support for video link field
  1390. Enhancement: Maintenance Mode - Added IP Whitelist option
  1391. Enhancement: FAQ - Added WPML support
  1392. Enhancement: Google Map - Added WPML support
  1393. Enhancement: Hotspot - Added WPML support
  1394. Enhancement: HowTo - Added WPML support
  1395. Enhancement: Registration Form - Added WPML support
  1396. Enhancement: Reviews - Added WPML support
  1397. Enhancement: Sitemap - Added WPML support
  1398. Enhancement: Social Icons - Added WPML support
  1399. Enhancement: Social Share - Added WPML support
  1400. Enhancement: Video Gallery - Added WPML support
  1401. Enhancement: Login Form - Added WPML support
  1402. Fix: Photo Gallery - JS error due to empty row height value
  1403. Fix: Content Grid - Image size was not working for Style 9
  1404. Fix: Content Grid - Image link was not working in some cases for style 9
  1405. Fix: Content Grid - Pods Relationship field was not working with AJAX pagination
  1406. Fix: Instagram Feed - Left padding issue
  1407. Fix: Advanced Menu - Submenu desktop width was getting applied on responsive devices too
  1408. Fix: Advanced Menu - Responsive issues
  1409. Fix: Google Map - Issue with multiple markup render
  1410. Fix: Google Map - Issue with conditional logic
  1411. Fix: Category Grid - Taxonomy field resets after saving module settings
  1412. Fix: Content Tiles - Page break when number of posts found is less than the posts to be displayed for a layout
  1413. Fix: Coupon - Special characters in coupon field lead to JS error
  1414. Fix: Fancy Heading - Text alignment was not working for tablet and mobile devices
  1415. Fix: Fancy Heading - Curved script fonts cropping out
  1416. Fix: Info List - Minor CSS and JS issues
  1417. Fix: Testimonials - Touch swipe was not working in iOS
  1418. Fix: FAQ - PHP warning when there is no taxonomy for a post type
  1419. Fix: Logos Grid - PHP notice
  1420. Fix: Fluent Forms - PHP notice
  1421. Fix: Maintenance Mode - was not working when using WPML
  1422. Development: Search Form - Added hook pp_search_form_input_attrs to modify search input HTML attributes
  1423. Development: Contact Form - Added hook pp_contact_form_from_email to modify email in From header
  1424. Development: Contact Form - Added JS hooks pp_contact_form_after_submit and pp_contact_form_submit_success
  1425. == ==
  1426. Release date: February 11, 2020
  1427. * Enhancement: Google Map - Added marker clustering option
  1428. * Enhancement: Added WPML integration for Login and Registration Form modules
  1429. * Fix: Google Map - CPT settings were not getting saved in module
  1430. * Fix: Google Map - Restructured CPT fields
  1431. * Fix: Logo Grid & Carousel - Empty slide margin field causes JS error
  1432. * Fix: Content Grid - $settings object was not getting rebuilt via AJAX on some servers
  1433. * Fix: Testimonials - Changed default layout to slider
  1434. == 2.7.11 ==
  1435. Release date: February 5, 2020
  1436. * New: Added admin setting to setup default pages for Login/Register
  1437. * Enhancement: Maintenance Mode - Added option to include/exclude URLs
  1438. * Enhancement: Reviews - Added Google and Yelp integrations
  1439. * Enhancement: Login Form - Added inline validation messages
  1440. * Enhancement: Login Form - Will no longer redirect to default WP login page in case of wrong password entered
  1441. * Enhancement: Login Form - Added logic to reset password on the same page
  1442. * Enhancement: Image Carousel - Added option to control loop and autoplay stop on last slide
  1443. * Enhancement: Testimonials - Added responsive column option
  1444. * Enhancement: Advanced Tabs - Added alpha channel for content background color
  1445. * Enhancement: Device - Added option for auto-scroll images
  1446. * Fix: Registration Form - Input full width issue
  1447. * Fix: Registration Form - Removed default values of input height and padding
  1448. * Fix: Content Grid - Undefined isotope JS variable when using carousel and expandable row on the same page
  1449. * Fix: Content Grid - Carousel autoplay issue
  1450. * Fix: Image Carousel - Prevented loading large thumbnail in slideshow if there is only one image
  1451. * Fix: Social Share - Alignment field was not being shown sometimes
  1452. * Fix: Search Form - Overlay color was not working
  1453. * Fix: Search Form - Cursor position was showing at left when reopening form after a search
  1454. * Fix: Video Gallery - Active color was not working for navigation dots
  1455. * Fix: File Download - Custom width option was not working
  1456. * Fix: Photo Gallery - nofollow attribute was being applied for _self target
  1457. * Fix: Logo Grid & Carousel - Added missing nofollow attributes for _blank target
  1458. * Fix: Timeline - Title color given for individual timeline items was not working
  1459. * Fix: Reviews - Minor CSS issues
  1460. == ==
  1461. Release date: January 16, 2020
  1462. * Hotfix: Logo Grid & Carousel - JS error due to incorrect PHP code format
  1463. == ==
  1464. Release date: January 16, 2020
  1465. * Hotfix: Advanced Menu - Stopped being displayed on desktop and medium devices after recent update
  1466. == 2.7.10 ==
  1467. Release date: January 15, 2020
  1468. * New: Added Registration Form module
  1469. * Enhancement: Social Share - Added fallback image option for Pinterest if featured image is not available
  1470. * Enhancement: Contact Form - Added logic to get reCAPTCHA API keys form PowerPack settings or keep it module-wise
  1471. * Enhancement: Image Hotspot - Added close button on tooltip and logic to close on Esc key press
  1472. * Enhancement: Fluent Forms - Added typography options for Radio & Checkbox fields
  1473. * Enhancement: Star Rating - Added field connections to rating option
  1474. * Fix: Advanced Menu - On mobile device menu temporary appears and again disappears within a second
  1475. * Fix: Formidable Form - Success message color was not working
  1476. * Fix: Logo Grid & Carousel - Empty slider width field causing PHP error
  1477. * Fix: Social Share - Minor CSS issues
  1478. == ==
  1479. Release date: January 9, 2020
  1480. * Fix: Fluent Form - Removed default button colors from module settings
  1481. * Fix: Gravity Form - Removed default button colors from module settings
  1482. * Fix: Modal Box - Button styling was not working after 2.7.9 update
  1483. * Fix: Social Share - Row and Column styling was overriding module colors
  1484. * Fix: Social Share - Re-arranged module setting fields
  1485. * Fix: Social Share - Minor CSS issues
  1486. == 2.7.9 ==
  1487. Release date: January 8, 2020
  1488. * New: Added Social Share module
  1489. * Enhancement: Google Map - Added multiple markup support using custom post types and ACF
  1490. * Enhancement: How-To - Added option to enable/disable Schema markup
  1491. * Enhancement: Image Panels - Added option to selectively decolor/overlay inactive panel
  1492. * Fix: Countdown Timer - Incorrect timing when set minutes and seconds only
  1493. * Fix: Advanced Menu - Issue with scroll bar visibility toggling causing viewport to shake on Windows OS
  1494. * Fix: Devices - Added missing field connections for image and video option
  1495. * Fix: Timeline - Title color was not working sometimes
  1496. * Fix: Modal Box - Updated button icon CSS targeting
  1497. == ==
  1498. Release date: December 26, 2019
  1499. * New: Added Login page, Under Construction, and Coming Soon templates
  1500. * Enhancement: File Download - Allowed manually enter file URL
  1501. * Enhancement: File Download - Added WPML support
  1502. * Enhancement: Content Grid - Added RTL support for grid
  1503. * Fix: Content Grid - Added missing title attributes on post links
  1504. == 2.7.8 ==
  1505. Release date: December 11, 2019
  1506. * New: Fluent Forms Styler module
  1507. * New: Reviews module
  1508. * New: Author Box module
  1509. * New: Star Rating module
  1510. * New: File Download module
  1511. * Enhancement: Category Grid - Added option to choose between parent or child categories to be displayed
  1512. * Enhancement: Advanced Accordion - Added ACF Option Page as a new source
  1513. * Enhancement: Advanced Accordion - Added option to change icon position
  1514. * Enhancement: FAQ - Added ACF Option Page as a new source
  1515. * Enhancement: FAQ - Added option to change icon position
  1516. * Enhancement: Video - External resources will load only after clicking on play button when using custom overlay
  1517. * Enhancement: Breadcrumbs - Added CSS class to identify the plugin used to display breadcrumbs
  1518. * Fix: Advanced Menu - Submenu was not being closed when clicking anywhere outside the menu
  1519. * Development: Content Grid - Added hook pp_cg_filters_all to remove "All" filter
  1520. == ==
  1521. Release date: December 4, 2019
  1522. * Fix: Advanced Accordion - Line breaks were not appearing in post content
  1523. * Fix: Content Grid - Post content was not being rendered when filtering posts using dynamic filters with custom layout
  1524. * Fix: Pricing Table - Items alignment issue
  1525. * Fix: Content Tiles - Spacing issues
  1526. * Development: Advanced Menu - Added hook nav_menu_link_attributes to filter HTML attributes for menu links
  1527. == ==
  1528. Release date: November 26, 2019
  1529. * Hotfix: Dual Button - Module was throwing PHP error
  1530. == ==
  1531. Release date: November 25, 2019
  1532. * Fix: Dual Button - Icons were not showing
  1533. * Fix: Advanced Accordion - Multiple toggle issue when using module on single post page created via Themer
  1534. * Fix: Image Comparison - Added missing image alt tag
  1535. * Fix: Photo Gallery - Caption background color was not working
  1536. * Fix: Photo Gallery - Caption was showing in lightbox irrespective of module setting
  1537. * Fix: Content Grid - ACF Repeater field shortcode was not working in custom layout
  1538. * Fix: Core - PowerPack admin label was no longer appearing in module settings form title after recent BB update
  1539. * Development: Content Grid - Added hook pp_cg_scroll_to_grid_on_filter to disable page scroll to grid after filtering
  1540. == ==
  1541. Release date: November 13, 2019
  1542. * Fix: Core - Moved back PowerPack top-level admin menu into WP settings menu
  1543. == ==
  1544. Release date: November 11, 2019
  1545. * Enhancement: Instagram - Added logic to display feeds without using Instagram API
  1546. * Enhancement: Contact Form - Added field to change default error message
  1547. * Enhancement: Core - Added PowerPack as top level admin menu
  1548. * Enhancement: Core - Added PowerPack Templates access to Editor and Author user roles
  1549. * Fix: Content Tiles - Minor CSS issue
  1550. * Fix: Content Grid - When using module on single post, author name was being queried of parent post
  1551. * Fix: Content Grid - Background image was not being loaded due to spaces in image file name
  1552. * Fix: Hotspot - Tooltips were visible even if the module was hidden using display conditions
  1553. * Fix: Google Map - Multiple tooltips were showing on load
  1554. * Fix: Advanced Menu - Submenu custom width was not working sometimes
  1555. == ==
  1556. Release date: October 25, 2019
  1557. * Hotfix: Video - Module settings were not being saved due to structured data fields validation
  1558. == ==
  1559. Release date: October 24, 2019
  1560. * Enhancement: Coupon - Added link icon position option
  1561. * Fix: Coupon - Added missing alpha channel for background color fields
  1562. * Fix: Coupon - Minor CSS issues
  1563. == 2.7.7 ==
  1564. Relase date: October 23, 2019
  1565. * New: Added Coupon module
  1566. * New: Added new row templates - Coming Soon, Testimonials, and Contact Form
  1567. * Enhancement: Video - Added options to set structure data
  1568. * Enhancement: Content Grid - Used existing meta separator field for taxonomy terms separation
  1569. * Enhancement: Advanced Accordion - Added option to create accordion with ACF and Posts/Custom Post Types
  1570. * Enhancement: Content Tiles - Added image size option for medium tiles
  1571. * Fix: Team - Image sizing issue
  1572. * Fix: Image Carousel - Added missing rel attribute for link
  1573. * Fix: Filterable Gallery - Overlay was being extended the image occupied area
  1574. == ==
  1575. Release date: October 14, 2019
  1576. * Fix: FAQ - Minor issue with schema markup
  1577. * Fix: Info Box - Equal height was not working when equal height set in column settings
  1578. * Fix: Pricing Table - Items alignement issue in matrix layout
  1579. == ==
  1580. Release date: October 11, 2019
  1581. * Enhancement: FAQ - Added option to enable or disable schema markup
  1582. * Enhancement: FAQ - Added div, span, and p tags for question
  1583. * Enhancement: FAQ - Removed default value from text color fields
  1584. * Enhancement: FAQ - Added typography options for answer
  1585. * Fix: FAQ - Allow icon color reset
  1586. * Fix: FAQ - Allow text color reset
  1587. * Fix: FAQ - Added CSS preview to color fields
  1588. == ==
  1589. Release date: October 10, 2019
  1590. * Enhancement: Category Grid - Added an option to toggle empty categories
  1591. * Enhancement: Breadcrumbs - Added SEOPress integration
  1592. * Enhancement: Sitemap - Added hover color option for list item
  1593. * Enhancement: Sitemap - Added separator option
  1594. * Fix: Category Grid - Counter Text can be singular or plural based on posts count
  1595. == 2.7.6 ==
  1596. Release date: October 9, 2019
  1597. * New: Category Grid module
  1598. * New: Sitemap module
  1599. * New: Breadcrumbs module
  1600. * Enhancement: Dual Button - Added option to set title HTML attribute
  1601. * Enhancement: FAQ - Added option to align toggle icon left or right
  1602. * Enhancement: Video - Added border option
  1603. * Fix: Video - Autoplay was not working in iOS
  1604. * Fix: Image Scroll - Link href HTML attribute issue
  1605. == ==
  1606. Release date: September 30, 2019
  1607. * Fix: FAQ - Post titles were not showing when using posts as source
  1608. * Fix: Content Grid - Filters were not working sometimes
  1609. == 2.7.5 ==
  1610. Release date: September 25, 2019
  1611. * New: How-to mdoule
  1612. * Enhancement: FAQ - Added ACF and Post Type support
  1613. * Enhancement: FAQ - Added HTML tag selection option for questions
  1614. * Enhancement: Smart Heading - Added responsive support for padding fields
  1615. * Enhancement: Google Map - Added logic to show tooltip on click
  1616. * Enhancement: Content Grid - Added URL support to field connection for Custom Layout HTML field
  1617. * Enhancement: Info Box - Added icon option for button
  1618. * Enhancement: Hotspot - Added marker link option when tooltips set to disabled
  1619. * Enhancement: Gravity Forms Styler - Added styling options for success message
  1620. * Enhancement: Photo Gallery - Added lightbox animation and transition options
  1621. * Fix: Album - Lightbox background color was not working
  1622. * Fix: Album - Button text color was beign overridden when a text color set in row settings
  1623. * Fix: Image - Overlapping sticky header due to higher z-index
  1624. * Fix: Modal Box - Added missing reset options to color fields
  1625. * Fix: Dual Button - Added responsive alignment option
  1626. * Fix: Advanced Menu - Toggle icon responsive alignement options were not working sometimes
  1627. * Fix: Countdown - Expiration message style was not loading when using Evergreen countdown
  1628. * Fix: Core - JS error due to row background effects
  1629. == 2.7.4 ==
  1630. Release date: September 4, 2019
  1631. * New: FAQ module with schema markup
  1632. * Enhancement: Core - Admin UI refresh
  1633. * Enhancement: Album - Added lightbox styling options
  1634. * Enhancement: Album - Added image size option when first image is selected as cover image
  1635. * Enhancement: Advanced Menu - Added tabindex for tab navigation
  1636. * Enhancement: Advanced Menu - Added option to change submenu background color for responsive devices
  1637. * Enhancement: Content Grid - Added option to toggle carousel loop
  1638. * Enhancement: Testimonials - Added alpha channel for background color
  1639. * Enhancement: Row Background Effects - Added option to choose whether to enable hover effects or not
  1640. * Enhancement: Row Background Effects - Added option to put custom JSON for particle JS
  1641. * Enhancement: Row Background Effects - Added option to change particle size on hover
  1642. * Fix: Header / Footer - Sticky header was not working due to missing jQuery throttle dependency
  1643. * Fix: Post Timeline - Hidden items issue in horizontal layout
  1644. * Fix: Modal Box - Cut-off issue in iPhone
  1645. * Fix: Content Grid - Duplicate posts rendering due to BB's cached JS loaded twice on some server
  1646. * Fix: Filterable Gallery - Number of Columns was not working if spacing field left empty
  1647. * Fix: Photo Gallery - Long caption overflow issue
  1648. * Fix: Image Carousel - Responsive container width issue when using fade effect
  1649. * Fix: Row Background Effects - Issue with particle size on hover toggle
  1650. * Development: Advanced Menu - Added hook pp_advanced_menu_enable_item_description to render menu item description
  1651. == 2.7.3 ==
  1652. Release date: August 12, 2019
  1653. * New: Video Gallery module
  1654. * New: Devices module
  1655. * New: Various Background Effects for Row
  1656. * Enhancement: Image - Added image effects options
  1657. * Enhancement: Content Grid - Added image effects options
  1658. * Enhancement: Core - Added logic to define license key in wp-config.php file
  1659. * Fix: Video - Video was being auto played when custom overlay is enabled
  1660. * Fix: Photo Gallery - Added missing rel attribute on link
  1661. * Fix: Filterable Gallery - Added missing rel attribute on link
  1662. * Fix: Header / Footer was being rendered even when the template post has deleted
  1663. == ==
  1664. Release date: July 31, 2019
  1665. * Fix: Filterable Gallery - Number of Columns field was not getting saved
  1666. * Fix: Advanced Menu - Responsive Breakpoint setting was not working for toggle button sometimes
  1667. * Fix: Content Tiles - Breaking layout when Show Other Posts field is enabled and there are no more posts to be displayed
  1668. == ==
  1669. Release date: July 29, 2019
  1670. * Fix: Login Form - Redirect Logout URL was the same as Login URL
  1671. * Fix: Login Form - Redirecting to wp-login page sometimes without logged-in
  1672. * Fix: Photo Gallery - Removed srcset tag from images that was making images uneven in size
  1673. == ==
  1674. Release date: July 25, 2019
  1675. * Hotfix: Video - External video type was not working
  1676. == ==
  1677. Release date: July 24, 2019
  1678. * Fix: Advanced Menu - Submenu width below 220px was not working
  1679. * Fix: Album - PHP warning due to empty data
  1680. * Fix: Table - Minor JS issue when using this module in Advanced Tabs
  1681. * Fix: Hotspot - Multiple tooltip issue on click
  1682. * Fix: Header / Footer - Missing imagesloaded script error
  1683. == 2.7.2 ==
  1684. Release date: July 17, 2019
  1685. * New: Added Video module
  1686. * New: Added Album module
  1687. * New: Added Google Maps module
  1688. * Enhancement: Timeline - Added alpha option for Box background color
  1689. * Enhancement: Content Grid - Added logic to scroll the page to Content Grid module after paginating
  1690. * Enhancement: Content Grid - Added option to center align slides when there is only one item/post in carousel
  1691. * Enhancement: Contact Form - Added HTML tag selection option for Custom Title
  1692. * Enhancement: Advanced Menu - Added alpha channel for responsive Link Background and Link Background Hover color options
  1693. * Enhancement: Table - Added option choose first as header row in CSV import
  1694. * Enhancement: Animated Headline - Added div and p as HTML tags for headline
  1695. * Enhancement: Countdown - Added responsive option for block width
  1696. * Enhancement: Photo Gallery - Added option to center align last row
  1697. * Enhancement: Core - Added Header / Footer and Maintenance Mode toggle options in White Label settings
  1698. * Fix: Content Grid - Active pagination colors were not working when using FacetWP
  1699. * Fix: Content Grid - Layout broke when using dynamic filters and content type set to custom
  1700. * Fix: Advanced Tabs - Tab was showing as inactive on window resize
  1701. * Fix: Animated Headlines - Duplicate highlighted text issue when layout created with Beaver Themer
  1702. * Fix: Login Form - Added input width default in module to avoid theme dependency
  1703. * Fix: Photo Gallery - Load More button was showing even when the number of images is equal to the images per page
  1704. * Fix: Contact Form 7 - Removed default styling set in module for button
  1705. * Fix: InfoList - Full size Image icon was loading instead of selected one
  1706. * Fix: Contact Form - Added missing ID attributes of fields
  1707. * Fix: Advanced Menu - Incorrect horizontal spacing issue in preview
  1708. * Fix: Advanced Menu - Sub-menu desktop width was being applied to responsive element
  1709. * Fix: Smart Heading - Separator alignment issue on responsive devices
  1710. * Fix: Filterable Gallery - Filter padding field preview issue
  1711. * Fix: Image Hotspot - Tooltip was not working on touch devices when marker animation is active
  1712. * Fix: Pricing Table - Minor CSS issue
  1713. * Development: Content Grid - Added hook pp_cg_carousel_max_breakpoint to change maximum device breakpoint
  1714. * Development: Login Form - Added filter pp_login_form_logged_in_message to customize logged-in message
  1715. == 2.7.1 ==
  1716. Release date: June 11, 2019
  1717. * New: Added Login Form module
  1718. * New: Added option in PowerPack's admin settings to create custom Header / Footer for entire site
  1719. * Enhancement: Info Box - Added media buttons to content field
  1720. * Enhancement: Info Box - Added HTML tag selection for title prefix
  1721. * Enhancement: Content Grid - Added hook pp_cg_after_post_filters
  1722. * Enhancement: Pricing Table - Added option to adjust bottom spacing of dual pricing switch control
  1723. * Enhancement: Facebook Page - Added None as layout option to do not render any layout tabs in embedded page
  1724. * Enhancement: Maintenance Mode - Added compatibility for BB theme, GeneratePress, Genesis, Page Builder Framework, and Storefront theme
  1725. * Enhancement: Maintenance Mode - Added logic to clear BB's cache once enabling/disabling maintenance mode
  1726. * Enhancement: Core - Added admin notice if PowerPack detects Beaver Builder version less than 2.2
  1727. * Enhancement: Core - Added color field connections in all modules
  1728. * Fix: Info List - Title typography was not working for tags other than h3
  1729. * Fix: Smart Headings - Removed default colors to inherit them from active theme
  1730. * Fix: Modal Box - Added support for Image Carousel module
  1731. * Fix: Row templates were showing directly in UI panel without Row Templates group if white label setting field is empty
  1732. == ==
  1733. Release date: June 3, 2019
  1734. * Fix: Info Box - Module was showing against the visibility settings when using equal height columns
  1735. * Fix: Hover Cards - Responsive width was not working
  1736. * Fix: Search Form - Toggle icon was not working for full screen search
  1737. * Fix: Info List - Title color was not working for HTML tags other than h3
  1738. * Fix: Announcement Bar - Close icon was not appearing
  1739. * Fix: Content Tiles - Responsive size and spacing issue
  1740. * Fix: Gallery - Pagination was not working with ACF field connection
  1741. * Fix: Core - Updated templates data URLs
  1742. * Development: Content Grid - Added $settings variable as another parameter to pp_cg_before_post_content and pp_cg_after_post_content hooks
  1743. == ==
  1744. Release date: May 17, 2019
  1745. * Enhancement: Search Form - Added separate option for Toggle Size and Input Height for full screen layout
  1746. * Enhancement: Gravity Forms - Added button Custom Width option
  1747. * Enhancement: Maintenance Mode - Added compatibility for Astra theme
  1748. * Enhancement: Maintenance Mode - Added hook pp_maintenance_mode_before_render to trigger custom actions before rendering maintenance page
  1749. * Fix: Advanced Menu - Submenu link background and background hover color was not working in off-canvas menu
  1750. * Fix: Instagram Feed - Greyscale effect was not working properly
  1751. * Fix: Content Grid - PHP warning on pagination due to empty offset value
  1752. * Fix: Image Carousel - Module stopped working in Advanced Tabs module after last update of PowerPack
  1753. == 2.7.0 ==
  1754. Release date: May 14, 2019
  1755. * New: Image Hotspot module
  1756. * New: Image Scroll module
  1757. * New: Image Comparison module
  1758. * New: Maintenance Mode feature
  1759. * Enhancement: Table - Added CSV import feature
  1760. * Enhancement: Content Grid - Added CSS classes on post terms elements
  1761. * Enhancement: Image Carousel - Added support for BB's Tabs module
  1762. * Fix: Advanced Accordion - Content was rendering without line breaks when using field connection
  1763. * Fix: Hover Cards - Renamed clearfix class to prevent theme overrides
  1764. * Fix: Hover Cards 2 - Renamed clearfix class to prevent theme overrides
  1765. * Fix: Image - Removed default caption overlay background color
  1766. * Fix: Content Grid - Carousel breakpoints were different than set in global settings
  1767. * Fix: Smart Button - Forced background hover color to transparent if it is empty
  1768. * Fix: Content Tiles - Some typography settings were not applying on the title
  1769. * Fix: Logos Grid & Carousel - Grid layout was not appearing properly in Safari browser
  1770. * Fix: Core - Added condition to prevent Modernizer JS conflicts
  1771. * Fix: Core - Responsive unit field was not retaining value
  1772. == 2.6.10 ==
  1773. Release date: May 1, 2019
  1774. * New: Search Form module
  1775. * Enhancement: Logos Grid & Carousel - Added responsive options for Number of Items field
  1776. * Enhancement: Image Panels - Added lightbox option as link type
  1777. * Enhancement: Image Carousel - Added option to position slideshow thumbnail above or below
  1778. * Enhancement: Info Box - Added new layout option "Icon below Title"
  1779. * Enhancement: Image - Added container border hover color option
  1780. * Enhancement: Restaurant/Services Menu - Added tabindex option for menu items
  1781. * Enhancement: Content Grid - Added "Custom" as option to display custom content from post meta by field connection or shortcode
  1782. * Fix: Custom Grid - Post terms alignment related issue
  1783. * Fix: Content Grid - Carousel overflow box shadow cut-off issue
  1784. * Fix: Content Grid - Spacing was not working for Style-9 in carousel mode
  1785. * Fix: Table - PHP notice in CSS
  1786. * Fix: Advance Tabs - PHP notice in CSS
  1787. * Fix: Logos Grid & Carousel - PHP notice in CSS
  1788. * Fix: Hover Cards - Height field was not retaining values for medium and responsive breakpoint
  1789. * Fix: Advanced Menu - Off-canvas menu sluggish scroll issue in iOS
  1790. * Fix: Fancy Headings - Text clip was not working in Firefox browser
  1791. * Fix: Filterable Gallery - Added missing field connections
  1792. == ==
  1793. Release date: April 18, 2019
  1794. * Enhancement: Photo Gallery - Added scroll pagination option
  1795. * Fix: Smart Banner - Responsive font size issue
  1796. * Fix: Advanced Tabs - Added support for Image Carousel module
  1797. * Fix: Logos Grid & Carousel - Padding and alignment issue after recent update of PowerPack
  1798. == ==
  1799. Release date: April 8, 2019
  1800. * Enhancement: Social Icons - Added link nofollow option and rel="noopener" attribute for _blank target
  1801. * Enhancement: Image - Added link nofollow option and rel="noopener" attribute for _blank target
  1802. * Enhancement: Advanced Tabs - Added accessibility attributes
  1803. * Enhancement: Gravity Forms Styler - Added responsive options for button padding fields
  1804. * Enhancement: Advanced Tabs - Added option to change tab icon color
  1805. * Fix: Logos Grid & Carousel - Number of Columns option was not working as expected
  1806. * Fix: Content Grid - Scroll pagination was not working in respect of active filter
  1807. * Fix: Content Grid - Load More pagination was not working as expected when having multiple module instances on the same page
  1808. * Fix: Table - PHP warnings in CSS
  1809. * Fix: Advanced Tabs - Tabs title alignement was not working in typography setting
  1810. * Fix: Filterable Gallery - Filter by URL hash was not working
  1811. * Fix: InfoBox - Icon vertical alignment option was not working
  1812. * Fix: Row Extensions - Row Extensions were showing in row settings despite being unchecked in PowerPack admin settings
  1813. * Fix: Core - FontAwesome icons were not working after BB's latest update
  1814. == ==
  1815. Release date: March 22, 2019
  1816. * Fix: Content Grid - Featured Image was not loading after updating PowerPack to
  1817. == ==
  1818. Release date: March 22, 2019
  1819. * Fix: Content Tiles - Web accessibility issue due to empty link
  1820. * Fix: Content Grid - User added content was not showing on filtering the grid using AJAX filters in overrided module by theme
  1821. * Fix: Image Carousel - Images were not loading due to spaces in image file name
  1822. * Fix: Dual Button - Button hover transparent background issue
  1823. == ==
  1824. Release date: March 14, 2019
  1825. * Fix: Filterable Gallery - Overlay background color field was not showing
  1826. * Fix: Instagram Feed - Responsive center alignment issue
  1827. * Fix: Timeline - Icon color was not working
  1828. * Fix: Timeline - Text color was not working
  1829. * Fix: Logos Grid & Columns - Medium and responsive columns setting was not working
  1830. * Fix: Gravity Forms - Database query when fetching forms list
  1831. * Fix: Hover Cards 2 - Medium and responsive columns setting was not working properly
  1832. * Fix: Modal Box - Increased width field maximum slider input value
  1833. == ==
  1834. Release date: March 4, 2019
  1835. * Fix: Info Box - Icon border was not working in some cases after updating PowerPack to 2.6.9
  1836. * Fix: Logos & Carousel - Number of Columns setting was not working for desktop after updating PowerPack to 2.6.9
  1837. * Fix: Contact Form 7 - Button border and background hover color were not wroking after updating PowerPack to 2.6.9
  1838. * Fix: Smart Button - Padding was not working after updating PowerPack to 2.6.9
  1839. * Fix: Advanced Menu - Multiple full screen menu overlap issue
  1840. * Fix: Social Icons - Re-added Custom Title option that was somehow removed in previous update
  1841. * Fix: Image Panels - Last panel image shift down on hover in Safari browser
  1842. * Fix: Logos Grid & Carousel - PHP notice
  1843. * Fix: Advanced Tabs - Scroll to tab's content in vertical layout
  1844. == ==
  1845. Release date: February 22, 2019
  1846. * Enhancement: Contact Form - Added hooks pp_contact_form_before_send, pp_contact_form_after_send
  1847. * Enhancement: Contact Form - Added shortcode support for Subject and Email field
  1848. * Fix: Subscribe Form - Button border hover color was not working after updating PowerPack to 2.6.9
  1849. * Fix: Advanced Accordion - Incorrect content background color value after updating PowerPack to 2.6.9
  1850. * Fix: Info Box - Icon border hover color was not working after updating PowerPack to 2.6.9
  1851. * Fix: Advanced Tabs - Vertical layout offset issue when using URL parameter to switch tabs
  1852. * Fix: Advanced Tabs - Content auto closing issue on swipe in mobile devices
  1853. * Fix: Contact Form - Form submission fails when message field is set to be hidden
  1854. * Fix: WPForms - Button text color was not working
  1855. * Fix: Core - PowerPack's UI panel icons were not displaying correct color in dark mode
  1856. * Fix: Core - Expandable Row duplicate instance issue
  1857. == ==
  1858. Release date: February 18, 2019
  1859. * Fix: Advanced Menu - Submenu link padding issue after updating PowerPack to 2.6.9
  1860. * Fix: Hover Cards 2 - PHP notice after updating PowerPack to 2.6.9
  1861. * Fix: Smart Heading - Text gradient was not working after updating PowerPack to 2.6.9
  1862. * Fix: Image - Photo crop circle was not working after updating PowerPack to 2.6.9
  1863. * Fix: Pricing Table - Button font-size was not working properly after updating PowerPack to 2.6.9
  1864. * Fix: Info Box - Added missing alpha channel in various background color options
  1865. == 2.6.9 ==
  1866. Release date: February 15, 2019
  1867. * Enhancement: Updated fields in all modules according to BB 2.2
  1868. * Enhancement: Social Icons - Added option to set custom title in HTML attribute of Custom Icon
  1869. * Enhancement: Content Grid - Added post link to the featured image when link type is set to button
  1870. * Enhancement: InfoList - Added HTML tag option for title
  1871. * Fix: Core - Removed column's gradient, round corners, and box shadow options as these are added in BB 2.2
  1872. * Fix: Core - Updated post schema markup to get logo image from default Customizer option if BB Theme is not active
  1873. * Fix: Core - Updated Row Overlay Style to work with BB 2.2.1
  1874. * Fix: Modal Box - Responsive position issue
  1875. * Fix: Modal Box - Slow query issue
  1876. * Fix: Modal Box - YouTube video was not playing on next load when close button is set out of the modal content
  1877. * Fix: Instagram Feed - Extra spacing issue
  1878. * Fix: Filterable Gallery - Layout was not rendering in Advanced Tabs and Accordion
  1879. * Fix: Advanced Menu - Full screen overlay responsive height issue in mobile browsers
  1880. * Fix: Content Grid - Offset was not working in Load More and Scroll pagination
  1881. * Fix: Content Grid - PHP notice
  1882. * Fix: Post Timeline - Connector was not showing sometimes due to CSS overrides
  1883. * Fix: Table - Odd and Even rows background color issue after sorting
  1884. * Fix: Smart Button - Removed additional "fa" CSS class from button icon
  1885. * Fix: Custom Grid - Scroll pagination was not working with FacetWP
  1886. * Fix: Filterable Gallery - PHP notice
  1887. * Fix: Flip Box - Added missing alt tag to image icon
  1888. * Fix: Line Separator - Added missing alt tag to image icon
  1889. * Fix: Restaurant Menu - Added missing alt tag to menu image
  1890. == ==
  1891. Release date: January 9, 2019
  1892. * Enhancement: Updated PowerPack's row gradient and overlay effects to make them compatible with BB 2.2
  1893. * Enhancement: Moved additional PowerPack options in row settings in single tab
  1894. * Fix: Content Grid - Pagination double slashes issue on some server
  1895. * Fix: Content Grid - No message was showing when matching posts are not available in search results
  1896. * Fix: Image Carousel - Thumbnails were not working with slideshow fade and cube effect
  1897. * Fix: Custom Grid - Equal Heights issue when used as template in Advanced Tabs module
  1898. * Fix: Modal Box - Width computation issue on responsive devices
  1899. == ==
  1900. Release date: December 27, 2018
  1901. * Enhancement: Added WP-CLI command for license activation and deactivation
  1902. * Enhancement: Added WP-CLI command to reset white label setting
  1903. * Enhancement: Added WP-CLI command to reset enabled templates
  1904. * Enhancement: Added field connection to form dropdown in various form styler modules
  1905. * Enhancement: Content Grid - Fallback image grabbed from post conent will now be resized as per the image size set in module settings
  1906. * Fix: Photo Gallery - Schema markup
  1907. * Fix: Photo Gallery - Custom image size issue
  1908. * Fix: Photo Gallery - Caption text was getting added to the title attribute
  1909. * Fix: Filterable Gallery - Field connection was not working for multiple photos
  1910. * Fix: Image Carousel - "Cube" effect was not working properly in responsive devices
  1911. * Fix: Image Carousel - Not working when used in Advanced Accordion
  1912. * Fix: Content Grid - Duplicate posts issue in carousel mode when there is only 1 post to display
  1913. * Fix: Content Grid - Posts were not showing on responsive devices when using style-9
  1914. * Fix: Content Grid - Load More and Scroll paginations were not working properly on category and author archive pages
  1915. * Fix: Content Grid - Events Calendar date and time was not displaying when using style-9
  1916. * Fix: Content Grid - Pods fields content was getting disappeared when using AJAX filters
  1917. * Fix: Content Grid - Exclude current post was not working if the post is added in "Match these..." filter
  1918. * Fix: Content Grid - SSL issue with schema markup URLs
  1919. * Fix: Advanced Accordion - JS error with on-page links
  1920. * Fix: Advanced Tabs - Posts wrap layout issue when using Content Grid as saved module
  1921. * Fix: Modal Box - "p" tags gets removed in translated version by WPML
  1922. * Fix: Modal Box - Extra spacing issue in responsive devices due to relative position added to body tag by Astra theme
  1923. * Fix: Content Tiles - Layout breaks when displaying other posts
  1924. * Fix: Instagram Feed - Duplicate feeds issue when using the module in footer layout created with Beaver Themer
  1925. * Fix: Icon List - Icon font was not rendering in Internet Explorer
  1926. * Fix: Animated Headline - Font family was not working for animated text
  1927. * Fix: Team - FontAwesome 5 icons were not rendering
  1928. * Fix: Core - License deactivation issue while there is a plugin update
  1929. == ==
  1930. Release date: October 8, 2018
  1931. * Fix: Animated Headline - alignment issue
  1932. * Fix: Icon / Number List - Font issue in IE browser
  1933. * Fix: Instagram Feed - Font Awesome icons were not working
  1934. == ==
  1935. Release date: October 2, 2018
  1936. * Fix: Content Grid - Post link was not working when using AJAX filters
  1937. * Fix: Instagram Feed - Carousel layout was not working after 2.6.8 update
  1938. == ==
  1939. Release date: September 28, 2018
  1940. * Fix: Advanced Accordion - JS error
  1941. == 2.6.8 ==
  1942. Release date: September 27, 2018
  1943. * Enhancement: WPML - Added support for Custom Title and Custom Description fields in all form styler modules
  1944. * Enhancement: WPML - Added support for checkbox text field in Subscribe Form module
  1945. * Enhancement: Logo Grid & Carousel - Added option to control number of slides to move at a time
  1946. * Enhancement: Hover Cards 2 - Added option for title HTML tag
  1947. * Enhancement: Contact Form - Added button border styling options
  1948. * Enhancement: Contact Form - Added separate typography options for checkbox field
  1949. * Enhancement: Image Carousel - Added option to control number of slides to scroll at a time
  1950. * Enhancement: Image Carousel - Updated JS library to the latest version
  1951. * Enhancement: Image Carousel - Moved Effect option from Setting tab to General tab in module settings
  1952. * Enhancement: Subscribe Form - Added separate typography options for checkbox field
  1953. * Fix: Custom Grid - CSS was not compiling after updating to 2.6.7
  1954. * Fix: Image Carousel - Custom image size was not working
  1955. * Fix: Filterable Gallery - Custom image size was not working
  1956. * Fix: Advanced Menu - Extra spacing issue with menu item having sub-menu
  1957. * Fix: Advanced Menu - hide-heading CSS class was not working
  1958. * Fix: Advanced Menu - Sub menu toggle icon was not rotating back when clicking on another sub-menu toggle icon
  1959. * Fix: Info Box - Updated HTML markup to prevent duplicate issues with BB's inline editing
  1960. * Fix: Info Box - Removed empty containers when image or icon is not set
  1961. * Fix: Content Grid - Reverted posts per page option for carousel
  1962. * Fix: Content Grid - PHP error when using WooCommerce product post type on some servers
  1963. * Fix: Content Grid - Taxonomies were not being fetched sometimes in module settings
  1964. * Fix: Content Grid - Button link was sometimes referring to the page itself
  1965. * Fix: Content Grid - Load More pagination button was showing despite no more posts
  1966. * Fix: Advanced Tabs - Content Grid layout issue when using as a template inside a tab
  1967. * Fix: Advanced Accordion - Conflict with hash anchors
  1968. * Fix: Photo Gallery - Special characters were breaking HTML markup
  1969. * Fix: Modal Box - iframe was not loading after first trigger
  1970. * Fix: Smart Headings - alt tag was missing from image separator
  1971. * Fix: Flip Box - Double tap issue to flip the box in mobile devices
  1972. * Fix: Animated Headlines - Alignment issue with rotating animations
  1973. * Fix: Gravity Form - Raw HTML markup was rendering in WPML translation field
  1974. * Fix: Contact Form - Minor CSS issues
  1975. * Fix: Multiple categories were showing in BB's templates panel
  1976. * Fix: imagesloaded JS error due to changes in the latest release of Beaver Builder (v2.1.5.1)
  1977. == ==
  1978. Release date: August 10, 2018
  1979. * Fix: Advanced Menu - Menu toggle button was not working on window resize after updating to 2.6.7
  1980. * Fix: White Label setting was not working for templates group name
  1981. * Fix: Custom Grid was throwing PHP error when used in Dashboard Welcome plugin in wp-admin
  1982. * Fix: Email icon missing from Social Icons module
  1983. == ==
  1984. Release date: August 7, 2018
  1985. * Fix: Content Grid - Posts were not rendering as per column setting in module after updating to 2.6.7
  1986. == 2.6.7 ==
  1987. Release date: August 6, 2018
  1988. * Enhancement: Content Grid - Added a new layout as Style 9
  1989. * Enhancement: Content Grid - Added Load More button for pagination
  1990. * Enhancement: Content Grid - Added option for nofollow pagination links
  1991. * Enhancement: Content Grid - Added <p>, <span>, and <div> tags support for title
  1992. * Enhancement: Photo Gallery - Added Load More button for pagination
  1993. * Enhancement: Facebook Button - Added alignment option
  1994. * Enhancement: Filterable Gallery - Added an option to set default active filter
  1995. * Enhancement: Filterable Gallery - Added an option to hide "All" filter button
  1996. * Enhancement: Pricing Table - Added an option to activate one of the dual pricing with URL hash parameter
  1997. * Enhancement: New actions added to post modules schema function - pp_post_before_schema_meta, pp_post_after_schema_meta
  1998. * Enhancement: New filters added to post modules schema function - pp_post_schema_meta_general, pp_post_schema_meta_publisher_image_url, pp_post_schema_meta_publisher, pp_post_schema_meta_author
  1999. * Fix: Content Grid - Order by meta value was not working with AJAX pagination
  2000. * Fix: Content Grid - Filters were not working for Main Query
  2001. * Fix: Team Member - WordPress and Flickr icons were not displaying
  2002. * Fix: Custom Grid - Featured Image shortcode was not working for image URL
  2003. * Fix: Advanced Menu - Empty containers left behind on window resize
  2004. * Fix: Timeline - Animation difference of left and right content
  2005. * Fix: Photo Gallery - Caption and description were failed to load if entered special character
  2006. * Fix: Photo Gallery - Framed overlay effect was not working
  2007. * Fix: Subscribe Form - Multiple subscribe forms on the same page were not working properly with responsive display setting
  2008. * Fix: Subscribe Form - Submission message was not displaying due to incorrect JS target
  2009. * Fix: Content Tiles - "Show other posts" was breaking HTML layout
  2010. * Fix: Pricing Table - Items were not showing on responsive devices when matrix layout is used
  2011. * Fix: Down Arrow - Appearing vertically middle when background overlay is set to the row
  2012. * Fix: Animated Headlines - Horizontal extra spacing issue in some animations on responsive devices
  2013. * Fix: PHP Fatal error due to deprecated file in Beaver Themer 1.2-beta.1
  2014. == ==
  2015. Release date: July 17, 2018
  2016. * Enhancement: Modal Box - Added modal box ID reference in Settings tab of the module settings
  2017. * Enhancement: Gravity Forms - Added Radio & Checkbox input label font size option
  2018. * Fix: Content Grid - Total posts count was not working for AJAX filter based pagination
  2019. * Fix: Content Grid - Responsive columns were not working in carousel mode
  2020. * Fix: Advanced Menu - Toggle button alignment was not working after updating to 2.6.6
  2021. * Fix: Advanced Menu - Active color was not working for Submenu toggle indicator
  2022. * Fix: Smart Headings - Separator alignment was not working on responsive devices
  2023. * Fix: PHP notice due to templates library API logic
  2024. == 2.6.6 ==
  2025. Release date: July 4, 2018
  2026. * Enhancement: Core - Added filter pp_load_modules_in_admin to disable modules in WP admin
  2027. * Enhancement: Advanced Tabs - Added option to retain active tab as closed on responsive devices
  2028. * Enhancement: Content Grid - Added option to make the filter toggle available across all devices
  2029. * Enhancement: Content Grid - Renamed Transition Speed to Autoplay Timeout in Carousel
  2030. * Enhancement: Content Grid - Added Slides Speed option control speed of slides in Carousel
  2031. * Enhancement: Advanced Menu - Replaced SVG menu icon with CSS icon and added thickness option
  2032. * Enhancement: 3D Slider - Added option to control image size for lightbox
  2033. * Enhancement: 3D Slider - Added option to display caption in lightbox
  2034. * Enhancement: Image Carousel - Added option to control image size for lightbox
  2035. * Enhancement: Image Carousel - Added option to display caption in lightbox
  2036. * Enhancement: Photo Gallery - Added option to display caption in lightbox
  2037. * Enhancement: Filterable Gallery - Added option to display caption in lightbox
  2038. * Enhancement: Instagram Feed - Added option to link images to open in Instagram
  2039. * Enhancement: Content Tiles - Added option to set custom number of posts for rest of the layout
  2040. * Enhancement: Content Tiles - Added query source option to select between Main Query or Custom Query or ACF Relationship
  2041. * Enhancement: Content Tiles - Added offset setting
  2042. * Enhancement: Content Tiles - Added option to set custom fallback image
  2043. * Enhancement: Content Tiles - Moved meta options from Content tab to Settings tab
  2044. * Enhancement: Content Tiles - Added hooks pp_content_tiles_settings, pp_content_tiles_settings_before_form, pp_content_tiles_settings_after_form
  2045. * Enhancement: Tastimonials - Added sorting option
  2046. * Fix: Content Grid - Some shortcodes were not working in post content with Dynamic/AJAX filters
  2047. * Fix: Content Grid - Custom Layout was reverting to default layout when using Dynamic/AJAX filters
  2048. * Fix: Content Grid - Timing issue in Carousel mode
  2049. * Fix: Content Grid - Missing alt tag on featured image
  2050. * Fix: Content Grid - Equal Heights issue with Carousel
  2051. * Fix: Animated Headlines - Apostrophe in text was causing JS error
  2052. * Fix: Animated Headlines - Highlight animation was not working when rotating text field is left empty
  2053. * Fix: 3D Slider - z-index issue with Advanced Menu in Safari browser
  2054. * Fix: Advanced Menu - Responsive breakpoint issue
  2055. * Fix: Advanced Menu - Jumping behavior for full-screen menu in Windows
  2056. * Fix: Filterable Gallery - Caption was not showing in lightbox when caption setting is set to "On Hover"
  2057. * Fix: Filterable Gallery - Link Target field was showing even if the Click Action is set to "None"
  2058. * Fix: Hover Cards 2 - Missing alt tag
  2059. * Fix: Flip Box - Extra height issue due to margin of the image
  2060. * Fix: Content Tiles - Deprecated hooks pp_tiles_loop_settings, pp_tiles_loop_settings_before_form, pp_tiles_loop_settings_after_form
  2061. == 2.6.5 ==
  2062. Release date: June 12, 2018
  2063. * Enhancement: Social Icons - Added schema markup and alternate text for ADA compliance
  2064. * Fix: Social Icons - FontAwesome compatibility issue
  2065. * Fix: Advanced Menu - PHP warning due to undefined variable in frontend.css.php
  2066. * Fix: Content Grid - use media CSS breakpoints from global settings instead of custom breakpoints
  2067. * Fix: Advanced Accordion - duplicate WP_Query issue
  2068. * Fix: Advanced Tabs - duplicate WP_Query issue
  2069. == 2.6.4 ==
  2070. Release date: June 6, 2018
  2071. * Enhancement: Added Font Awesome 5 support in all modules
  2072. * Enhancement: Content Grid - added option to customize No Posts Found message
  2073. * Enhancement: Content Grid - moved pagination type field to pagination tab
  2074. * Enhancement: Info Box - added Icon alignment option for layout 3 and 4
  2075. * Enhancement: Contact Form - added hook pp_contact_form_from_name to filter from name
  2076. * Fix: Content Grid - custom featured image set in module was not working sometimes
  2077. * Fix: Photo Gallery - images were not hiding properly when using justified gallery with last row hide option
  2078. * Fix: Contact Form - character encoding issues in email from name and body
  2079. * Fix: Flip Box - button was not clickable in IE 11
  2080. * Fix: Announcement Bar - extra spacing between content and header when header layout set as fixed in BB theme
  2081. == ==
  2082. Release date: May 25, 2018
  2083. * Fix: Announcement Bar - JS error due to cookie introduced in 2.6.3
  2084. == 2.6.3 ==
  2085. Release date: May 24, 2018
  2086. * Enhancement: Content Grid - added "Custom" Layout option to build Custom Layouts
  2087. * Enhancement: Facebook modules - added Multisite App ID support for each sub-site in integration settings
  2088. * Enhancement: Announcement Bar - added Cookie settings
  2089. * Enhancement: Info Box - added nofollow option for link/button
  2090. * Enhancement: Image Carousel - added thumbnail size option
  2091. * Enhancement: Info List - added missing alt tag markup
  2092. * Enhancement: Info List - changed max length of icon size setting field from 2 to 3
  2093. * Enhancement: Subscribe Form - added checkbox text color option
  2094. * Fix: Content Grid - post type reset issue in custom query when using the module on CPT archive or singular templates built with Beaver Themer
  2095. * Fix: Info Box - issue with Icon at Right layout
  2096. * Fix: Countdown - JS conflict with SportsPress plugin
  2097. * Fix: Contact Form - checkbox field width issue when Inline layout is set
  2098. * Fix: Subscribe Form - checkbox field width issue
  2099. == 2.6.2 ==
  2100. Release date: May 15, 2018
  2101. * Enhancement: Subscribe Form - added Notification Subject option and minor module setting form enhancements
  2102. * Enhancement: Animated Headlines - added selection text and background color options for Typing animation
  2103. * Enhancement: White Label - added URL parameter "pp_reset_wl_plugin" to clear "Hide Plugin" settings (
  2104. * Fix: Subscribe Form - form submission issues with GDPR checkbox
  2105. * Fix: Photo Gallery - layout issue when using the module in expandable row
  2106. * Fix: Filterable Gallery - layout issue when using the module in expandable row
  2107. * Fix: Image Carousel - layout issue when using the module in expandable row
  2108. * Fix: Content Grid - layout issue when using the module in expandable row
  2109. == 2.6.1 ==
  2110. Release date: May 8, 2018
  2111. * Enhancement: Content Grid - Button styling options will work The Events Calendar RSVP button
  2112. * Fix: Dot / One Page Navigation - incorrect alignment for left position
  2113. * Fix: Content Grid - PHP error when building archive layout using Beaver Themer
  2114. * Fix: Content Grid - Dynamic / AJAX filters were not working on custom post type archive layout built with Beaver Themer
  2115. * Fix: Post Timeline - Content cut-off issue
  2116. * Fix: Countdown - Colon separator was not appearing vertically center to the digits
  2117. * Fix: Restaurant Menu - extra spacing issue in menu items when price is hidden or not set
  2118. * Fix: License re-activation issues
  2119. == 2.6.0 ==
  2120. Release date: May 3, 2018
  2121. * New: Countdown module
  2122. * New: Twitter Embedded Tweet module
  2123. * New: Twitter Embedded Grid module
  2124. * New: Twitter Embedded Timeline module
  2125. * New: Twitter Buttons module
  2126. * New: Header and Footer templates
  2127. * Enhancement: Image Module - Added responsive alignment option
  2128. * Enhancement: Info Box - Added responsive alignment option
  2129. * Enhancement: Pricing Table - Moved Items section to top under Items Box tab
  2130. * Enhancement: Pricing Table - Added CSS classes to pricing table items
  2131. * Enhancement: Content Grid - Added support for The Events Calendar
  2132. * Enhancement: Content Grid - Added option to show or hide the post title
  2133. * Enhancement: Content Grid - Added CSS class "pp-post-meta-term" to terms elements in post meta
  2134. * Enhancement: Advanced Menu - Added option for hamburger icon responsive alignment
  2135. * Enhancement: Updated fancybox library to the latest version
  2136. * Enhancement: Minor enhancements in Templates Library
  2137. * Fix: Advanced Menu - Builder layout failed to load due to empty breakpoint fields in global settings
  2138. * Fix: Photo Gallery - Conflict with easy-fancybox plugin
  2139. * Fix: Photo Gallery - Thumbnail were not appearing in lightbox by default when show thumbnail option set to true
  2140. * Fix: Filterable Gallery - Shortcode output in caption when lightbox is open
  2141. * Fix: Info Box - alignment issues
  2142. * Fix: Modal Box - Multiple modal box on the same page were causing some issues
  2143. * Fix: Content Grid - PHP errors when changing post type but filter setting returns taxonomy of previous post type
  2144. * Fix: Content Grid - has_post_thumbnail function was returning true when no feature image is set
  2145. * Fix: Subscribe Form - Checkbox field was not being rendered properly when using inline or compact layout
  2146. * Fix: Facebook App ID setting was interfering with license activation
  2147. == 2.5.2 ==
  2148. Release date: April 11, 2018
  2149. * Enhancement: Photo Gallery - Upgraded to Fancybox v3
  2150. * Enhancement: Smart Heading - Added Text Shadow option for Title
  2151. * Enhancement: Smart Heading - Added Gradient Color option for Title
  2152. * Enhancement: Image Carousel - Added alpha channel for Arrow background color field
  2153. * Enhancement: Facebook Page - Added option for width
  2154. * Enhancement: Facebook Comments - Added option for width
  2155. * Enhancement: Subscribe Form - Added option to display a checkbox for GDPR compliance
  2156. * Enhancement: Contact Form - Added option to display a checkbox for GDPR compliance
  2157. * Enhancement: Restaurant Menu - Added field connections for Price & Unit fields
  2158. * Enhancement: Info Box - Added hook pp_infobox_layout_path for custom layout
  2159. * Fix: Content Grid - Missing first post when used with Beaver Themer for Archive Layouts
  2160. * Fix: Info Box - Icon alignment issue
  2161. * Fix: Image Carousel - Large thumbnail image sizes
  2162. * Fix: Image Carousel - Extra padding when pagination is disabled
  2163. * Fix: Modal Box - Empty width field causing JS error
  2164. * Fix: Content Tiles - Broken HTML markup when the number of posts on the front end was less than the number of posts in tile layout
  2165. * Fix: Content Tiles - PHP notice due to new image size options
  2166. * Fix: 3D Slider - Magnific Popup CSS conflict with other plugins using MFP
  2167. * Fix: Filterable Gallery - Magnific Popup CSS conflict with other plugins using MFP
  2168. * Fix: Smart Button - Responsive typography settings
  2169. * Fix: Facebook Modules - SDK error
  2170. * Fix: Facebook Embed - PHP notice due to undefined variable
  2171. * Fix: Restaurant Menu - Incorrect positioning of the module when Page Builder was active
  2172. * Fix: Filterable Gallery - Filter via URL not working with some caching plugins
  2173. * Fix: Smart Headings - Use responsive breakpoints from BB settings
  2174. * Fix: Smart Banner - Animation not working on mobile devices
  2175. * Fix: Advanced Tabs - Label styling issues
  2176. * Fix: PHP Error when using "Add New" option for Saved Modules in Builder admin
  2177. * Fix: Templates Library was not working sometimes due to server configuration
  2178. == 2.5.1 ==
  2179. Release date: March 23, 2018
  2180. * Enhancement: Hover Cards - Added options for Title & Description Hover colors
  2181. * Enhancement: Advanced Accordion - Added functionality to allow on-page links to open an Accordion element
  2182. * Enhancement: Advanced Tabs - Added functionality to allow on-page links to open a Tab.
  2183. * Enhancement: Content Grid - Added support for ACF Relationship fields.
  2184. * Enhancement: Filterable Gallery - Added support for activating the filters via URL.
  2185. == 2.5.0 ==
  2186. Release date: March 22, 2018
  2187. * New: Facebook Page Feed module
  2188. * New: Facebook Comments module
  2189. * New: Facebook Embed module
  2190. * New: Facebook Button module
  2191. * Enhancement: Instagram Feed - Added feed by hashtag as option
  2192. * Enhancement: Instagram Feed - Added field connections
  2193. * Enhancement: Instagram Feed - Added grid options (Masonry and Square)
  2194. * Enhancement: Pricing Table - Added dual pricing options
  2195. * Enhancement: Content Grid - Filter will now also works with URL parameter, for eg.
  2196. * Enhancement: Content Grid - Added box border position option (top, left, bottom, right)
  2197. * Enhancement: Content Grid - Added option to upload or hide custom fallback image if feature image is not present in the post
  2198. * Enhancement: Social Icons - Added field connections for URLs
  2199. * Enhancement: Content Tiles - Added image size options for large and small tiles
  2200. * Enhancement: 3D Slider - Added lightbox functionality
  2201. * Enhancement: Advanced Menu - Added alpha property to sub-menu background color fields
  2202. * Enhancement: Advanced Menu - Off-canvas menu will be closable now on link click when using it on a one-page website
  2203. * Enhancement: Hover Cards 2 - Added field connection to background image
  2204. * Fix: Advanced Menu - Submenu alignment issue when a custom width is set
  2205. * Fix: Image Carousel - Removed incorrect counter from lightbox popup
  2206. * Fix: Content Grid - Fixed equal height issue when filtering the posts using dynamic (AJAX) filters
  2207. * Fix: Content Grid - Fixed infinite scroll was not working when using dynamic (AJAX) filters
  2208. * Fix: Smart Headings - "none" value was set in text transform field by default introduced in 2.4.0
  2209. * Fix: Social Icons - CSS conflicts with WPBF theme
  2210. == ==
  2211. Release date: March 5, 2018
  2212. * Fix: Hover Cards 2 link was not working after updating plugin to 2.4.0
  2213. == 2.4.0 ==
  2214. Release date: March 1, 2018
  2215. * New: Added Instagram Feed module
  2216. * Enhancement: Smart Headings - Added text transform option
  2217. * Enhancement: Smart Headings - Added alpha option for transparent headings
  2218. * Enhancement: Post Timeline - Added HTML tag option for titles
  2219. * Enhancement: Advanced Accordion - Added Custom ID Prefix field to open accordion item by URL
  2220. * Enhancement: Subscribe Form - Added a field to output footer text/links
  2221. * Enhancement: Hover Cards 2 - Added background hover color option
  2222. * Enhancement: Filterable Gallery - Added responsive filter toggle styling options
  2223. * Enhancement: Advanced Menu - Added submenu min-width option
  2224. * Enhancement: Added an option in White Label settings to remove link from license key description
  2225. * Enhancement: Added plugin admin label as suffix in module category name to avoid mixing in the same categories used by other developers
  2226. * Fix: Content Grid - query reset issue when using dynamic filters and posts were restricted to specific category/tags
  2227. * Fix: Content Grid - title font was not working due to CSS was being overridden by theme
  2228. * Fix: Testimonials - JS issue due to empty slide width field
  2229. * Fix: Custom Grid - Pagination color style was not working
  2230. * Fix: Smart Banners - Title was visible before animation
  2231. * Fix: Advanced Accordion - double tap was required to open the first accordion item in responsive devices
  2232. * Fix: Logos Grid & Carousel - alt tags were missing when logo title is not provided
  2233. * Fix: Logos Grid & Carousel - IE issue
  2234. * Fix: Team Member - Broken layout issue
  2235. * Fix: Hover Cards 2 - iOS Safari issue
  2236. * Fix: Info List - Icon styling was being overridden by theme or another CSS
  2237. * Fix: Subscribe Form - border issue in responsive mode
  2238. * Fix: Smart Button - responsive font size and line height issue
  2239. * Fix: Dual Button - responsive font size and line height issue
  2240. * Fix: Pricing Table - responsive font size and line height issue
  2241. * Fix: Advanced Tabs - responsive font size and line height issue
  2242. * Fix: Hover Cards 2 - responsive font size and line height issue
  2243. * Fix: Business Hours - responsive font size and line height issue
  2244. * Fix: Content Tiles - responsive font size and line height issue
  2245. * Fix: Table - responsive font size and line height issue
  2246. * Fix: Ninja Forms - responsive font size and line height issue
  2247. * Fix: Removed extra customizer presets
  2248. == ==
  2249. Release date: January 30, 2018
  2250. * Fix: Ninja Forms CSS issue that was breaking layout
  2251. == 2.3.1 ==
  2252. Release date: January 18, 2017
  2253. * Enhancement: Added an option to select large or full-size image for lightbox in Gallery Modules
  2254. * Enhancement: Added option to set number of Posts in Post Timeline module
  2255. * Fix: White Label settings not working for Post Timeline module
  2256. * Fix: Modal Box was rendering repeatedly with exit intent settings while editing the page in builder
  2257. * Fix: Row text color setting was overriding Modal Box button color
  2258. * Fix: Content Gird filters, column spacing, and carousel were not working in IE due to JS error
  2259. * Fix: Dynamic (AJAX) filters were not working for Tags in Content Grid module
  2260. * Fix: "Filter Type" field was visible incorrectly in Content Grid module.
  2261. * Fix: Masonry re-layout issue in Content Grid module
  2262. * Fix: Right spacing issue in Hover Cards 2
  2263. * Fix: CSS Class field was not showing in Subscribe Forms module settings
  2264. * Fix: Disabled WP Rocket's Lazy Load for images in Content Grid, Logo Grid & Carousel, Gallery, and Filterable Gallery modules
  2265. * Fix: Declared jQuery dependency in Table module JS
  2266. * Fix: Border radius was not working properly in Hover Cards 2 module
  2267. * Fix: PowerPack was not working when Beaver Builder plugin had a different name than the default bb-plugin.
  2268. * Fix: Styling issues in Ninja Forms due to outdated CSS classes
  2269. * Fix: Minor CSS issues in Testimonials module
  2270. * Fix: Field connection was not working for Modal Box button
  2271. * Fix: JS error due to empty custom breakpoint field in Advanced Menu module
  2272. == 2.3.0 ==
  2273. Release date: December 22, 2017
  2274. * New: Post Timeline module
  2275. * Enhancement: Added AJAX filter option in Content Grid module
  2276. * Enhancement: Added custom link target option in 3D Slider module
  2277. * Enhancement: Added field connections in Animated Headline module
  2278. * Enhancement: Added Submenu spacing option in Advanced Menu module
  2279. * Enhancement: Added submenu container background color option in Advanced Menu module
  2280. * Enhancement: Added field onnections for button in Modal Box module
  2281. * Enhancement: Added day range selection option in Business Hours module
  2282. * Enhancement: Added file upload input styling options in Gravity Forms and Caldera Forms module
  2283. * Enhancement: Added reCAPTCHA settings in Contact Form module
  2284. * Enhancement: Added option to collapse items by default on responsive devices in Advanced Accordion module
  2285. * Enhancement: Added unique CSS class for category elements in HTML markup of Content Tiles module
  2286. * Enhancement: Entire block will now be clickable instead of logo image in Logo Grid & Carousel module
  2287. * Enhancement: Removed mode selection from row templates admin screen
  2288. * Fix: Hover Cards were not showing on responsive devices when background type is set to color in Hover Cards 2 module
  2289. * Fix: Responsive issue in Advanced Menu module when type is set to default
  2290. * Fix: Parent menu toggle icon was being reversed on collapsing its submenu in Advanced Menu module
  2291. * Fix: Minor CSS issue in Formidable Forms module
  2292. * Fix: Added option to remove icon in Timeline module
  2293. * Fix: Schema markup in Business Hours module
  2294. * Fix: Parent link hover colors was not working when hovering its submenu in Advanced Menu module
  2295. * Fix: Title and content rendering issue due to CSS classes were being updated in Ninja Forms core plugin
  2296. * Fix: Z-index issue of off-canvas menu in Advanced Menu module
  2297. * Fix: Equal Height was not working sometimes for carousel layout in Content Grid module
  2298. * Fix: Live preview was not working for description typography fields in Smart Heading module
  2299. * Fix: JS error in Filterable Gallery module
  2300. * Fix: JS error due to empty value in Gallery module
  2301. * Fix: PHP warning in CSS of Image Carousel module
  2302. == ==
  2303. Release date: November 30, 2017
  2304. * Fix: Z-index issue in Formidable Forms module
  2305. * Fix: Field connection in Gallery module to work with multiple photos
  2306. == 2.2.0 ==
  2307. Release date: November 29, 2017
  2308. * New: Added Image Carousel module
  2309. * Enhancement: Added justified gallery option in Photo Gallery
  2310. * Enhancement: Added a field to toggle animation loop for Highlighted effects in Animated Headlines module
  2311. * Enhancement: Added links to taxonomy terms in Content Grid module
  2312. * Enhancement: Added Link No Follow option in Smart Button module
  2313. * Enhancement: Added Link No Follow option in Dual Button module
  2314. * Enhancement: Added margin-bottom option for sections in Gravity Forms module
  2315. * Enhancement: Added typography options for section labels in Gravity Forms module
  2316. * Enhancement: Added toggle for enable/disable heading link in Smart Headings module
  2317. * Enhancement: Added responsive filter dropdown option in Content Grid module
  2318. * Fix: Hover Cards 2 opacity issue
  2319. * Fix: Stacked heading style was not working in Smart Headings module
  2320. * Fix: Equal height was not working when using filters in Content Grid module
  2321. == 2.1.2 ==
  2322. Release date: November 17, 2017
  2323. * Enhancement: Added Image Maximum Width field in Hover Cards 2 module to adjust image size manually
  2324. * Fix: Font Size and Line Height were not working for responsive devices in Animated Headlines module
  2325. * Fix: PHP error in panel functions that was breaking BB 2.0 settings
  2326. * Fix: Fix Hover Cards 2 images were resized after updating to 1.6.0
  2327. == 2.1.0 ==
  2328. Release date: November 15, 2017
  2329. * New: Animated Headlines module
  2330. * Enhancement: Added alt tag for images in Testimonial module
  2331. * Enhancement: Added responsive toggle for filters in Filterable Gallery module
  2332. * Enhancement: Added Custom Icon option to icon dropdown field in Social Icons module
  2333. * Enhancement: Added Custom Photo Size option in Image module
  2334. * Enhancement: Added Hover Overlay Margin option in Image module
  2335. * Enhancement: Added Minimum and Maximum height/width options in Hover Cards 2 module
  2336. * Fix: Filterable Gallery filter issues due to special characters in labels
  2337. == 2.0.3 ==
  2338. Release date: November 9, 2017
  2339. * Fix: Content Grid equal height issue in Safari
  2340. * Fix: Caption was appearing twice in Filterable Gallery module
  2341. * Fix: Subscribe Form settings were not loading in Beaver Builder 2.0
  2342. * Fix: Fatal error with Beaver Builder 2.0 on some servers
  2343. == 2.0.2 ==
  2344. Release date: November 7, 2017
  2345. * New: WPML integration
  2346. == 2.0.1 ==
  2347. Release date: November 3, 2017
  2348. * Fix: Custom color fields in module settings
  2349. * Fix: Removed Quick Preview option since it's no longer required in Beaver Builder 2.0
  2350. * Fix: Removed Panel Search option since it's no longer required in Beaver Builder 2.0
  2351. == 2.0 ==
  2352. Release date: November 2, 2017
  2353. * Initial release
  2354. * PowerPack 2.0 for Beaver Builder 2.0 is available only through “My Account” download area on the website. Automatic updates for PowerPack 1.x users will be available in coming days.